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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Got me on "hefe". Googled it and only came up with German shorthand for wheat beer. Thanks (I guess) for clearing that up.
  2. I'd say both done in by foreign policy and concessions made therein to support their ideology and pet programs: bush (Obama) lower (higher) taxes, social security (healthcare) reform, de (re) regulation of banking, legal changes for more conservative (liberal) social policy. Because I think foreign policy is our most flawed and pervasive problem, I supported an isolationist like Paul who'd give us our best chance at clearing the deck and starting over. His lack of political acumen I also thought was just what the doctor ordered, with someone speaking directly to the American people, unedited by special interest group political considerations.
  3. Ok you convinced me. No laws or enforcement at all. Because at fhe end of the day shooters gonna shoot, speeders gonna speed, sex offenders gonna offend, terrorists gonna blow up planes, robbers gonna rob, fraudsters gonna fraud and criminals gonna crime. I would however consider one exception: regulation of the Internet to reduce the amount of dumb sh#t dumb sh#ts like you keep posting.
  4. So you advocate "do nothing" in the form of public regulation? Accepting Dev/Brain/Null&Voids argument the better alternative to anti-gun laws and coordinated government enforcement is deregulation, shifting the burden of civilian defense entirely to private enterprise and civilians? The accelerated proliferation of new weapons and subsequent massive company and civilian investments needed in security, training and weaponry sending the economy into depression given the huge reallocation of resources away from more productive activity? With the likely eventual outcome of severe economic distress and a massively armed civilian population being civil war and an end to the nation?
  5. Right because guns can't be concealed? Security can't be taken by surprise by calculating villains with LEGAL weapons? because people with evil intent ALWAYS broadcast it in advance ? How about a name change to "Dev/Brain/Null&Void"?
  6. yeah that's it. Clamp down and regulate everything except that which is being used for the actual killing, the guns. You idiot !
  7. A Look into the lives of the Colorado Shooting Victims
  8. Good for you. In the OP's video, its seems like the center was relying on video to monitor the activity, which may have lead to the lapse in supervision. Probably easier to lose touch with what's taking place that way, versus actually being present in the room and interacting with the children.
  9. Yes those kids did for me than I ever could have done for them.
  10. Honestly Bow, that kind of brings up my biggest heartache about those years. I was doing charity work at the Roswell kids Cancer Center back then, and of course the Bills were a big hit. Stricken kids wearing Bills jerseys covering their bald heads from radiation treatment with Bills caps, given hope and the feeling that they could be winners at least for the moment too, if only the Bills could win. I'm not a cryer by nature (to the point of thinking maybe something's wrong with my tear ducts), but if something were to open the flood gates, that would be it.
  11. K' man thanks. After the double post think we got it this time!
  12. I questioned it last year for similar reasons, but once he's on contract with a year of some growth, it changes the calculus
  13. Although VY can scramble he's not a wldcat back. Smith with limited off season work showed continued progress throughout the year, with the particular nice surprise as a WR at the end. WR still a very unsettled group on this team, makes him that much more valuable. But at the end of day I agree with SJBF, the biggest reason he's safe is the guaranteed $. Given his potential and the cost of cutting and replacing him, doesn't justify the added roster depth move at the other positions the OP mentioned.
  14. You know Rob, you've been hounding me around the board for some time now. Using the same "step 1: apply convenient label, step 2: attack and name call with worn out and rehearsed slanders" routine (without regard to how misapplied the label is) and all of course as a substitute for actual thinking. And that's why I barely (if ever?) bother with you. I know I stated earlier I was done with this thread, but after seeing some more balanced voices chime in, I decided to come back. And now that I'm here I might as well deal with you too. In addition to "label and attack" you've added "blind illiteracy" to your arsenal with this latest post. So far off, I won't bother trying to point out why as, being metaphorically blind, you still won't see. You B word about partisanship constantly, yet you're incapable of challenging anything from the faux-news faux-right. Instance 1: earlier in this thread one of your buds referenced the tragedy in Norway last year as an example of a country that recently experienced gun-related mass murder where they have tighter gun control than we do. (Notable perhaps the perpetrator in that case was a zenophobic, paranoid, extreme right wing, nutball). To which I replied with a simple stat showing our gun murder rate is more than 7x theirs. You then asked me something like how much of the Norway violence is gang related. As my one-line stat was obviously never meant to be comprehensive, but intended to spur further discussion about the components that contribute to murder rates with the ultimate objective of isolating the effects of guns, I thought your point was a fair one. But just like the broken clock that's right 2x/day, given your posting legacy you obviously got lucky. Instance 2: subsequent to that. one of the righty kook balls posted some top level stats on murder rates and gun laws, in attempt to show there is no effect. Yet this time you remained silent on what other factors or further nuance may have been involved. So now that I've finally addressed you, I dont expect wasting any more time replying to your paranoid , myopic , stupid , redundant , partisan , extreme right wing nuttiness posts. I have a pretty good idea that when the door is answered at "Rob's House", it looks something like THIS.
  15. Sporting related that I witnessed first hand probably bills cowboys super bowl in Pasadena.
  16. Outstanding use of emerging technology to safeguard our society. As added protection the helmets could detect and provide early alerts to blacks, Latinos, illegal guns and liberals in the vicinity.... never mind none of them were part of this latest attack, we all know they're bad and if we could just get them off the streets all public safety issues stemming from violence disappear.
  17. I agree it was poor judgement on the part of the center to comingle them. But I've seen similarly unwise groupings on the playgrounds of very high end condos, including bullying.I do of course appreciate your added color and shared concern over this. Makes me uncomfortable whenever and where ever I see it.
  18. Dave you ignorant bigoted slut. Whoring your racism into a see-thru attempt at scapegoating blacks with children for what you perceive as the downfall of western society. Beyond the sad fact of your own wasted existence, there's the reality that big kids hurt little kids, and shouldn’t be allowed joint playground time. Where adults see little kids as cute, and little kids are incapable of inflicting serious harm on peers, big kids see them as a nuisance that they're often jealous of given the added attention they receive from adults. When acting on impulse of course a 10 year old weighing 2x as much and having 50 pounds on a 5 year old represents a serious injury risk. This holds for blacks, whites, Latinos, Asians and, in your words, the “annoying unwanted litters of towel headed 7-11 cashiers who have the audacity to deny this real American a free refill on his Big Gulp.” If western civilization is in decline, it’s not because of minority families dropping kids at daycare on their way to work ... some "government sponsored" lifestyle! Rich people hire nannies who often spend more time with their children than the parents themselves do. Yet I don’t see you utter a single word out of your saggy, alcohol breathed permanently framed by 2 day old stubble mouth, about this or anything else when it comes to the wealthy, a majority of whom are white and therefore beyond your criticism. No Dave, as much as you’d like for it to be the case, western civilization is not threatened by minority children at daycare, no more than wealthy parents hiring minority nannies. But a growing number of 52 year old men like you living in their mom’s basement, cut off from society, playing violent video games, getting off to online pornography while using their other hand to make paranoid racist forum posts, with your dark crusader fantasies about saving "white" America from the ravages of "savage" minority populations, would certainly be a threat to be taken seriously.
  19. What's messed up is how emotionally attached many are or bitter and defeatist like me, and not even letting oneself imagine a victory. But I lived un Manhattan full time when gmen beat pats 4 yrs ago and part time this year, and its almost too easy on them. Yes the fans are excited but not shocked or ecstatic. Almost like they casually expected it even though both times their team wasn't expected to win that year!
  20. Don't worry, I won't be visiting this thread any longer. The garbage from you and others both saddens and sickens me. I truly feel the presentation of warped pro-gun arguments in the wake of this tragedy is further insult to the victims and their families. My only hope is the mods shut it down. You and your kind don't deserve a vehicle of expression at this time.
  21. Futher illogical and downright creepy speculation from the big gun loving, small-knob compensation crowd. It's been established Holmes was an intelligent and organized individual, albeit downright evil and demented (the latter items, something he shares with you to some degree, fortunately not the former.) Intent on causing the greatest amount of death to the innocents as possible, given the constraints he was subjected to. And what was his primary weapon of choice to achieve this? Well the gun of course, 4 LEGAL ones to be exact. . Think clearly for a moment (I know how agonizingly difficult that is for you), but just try for a moment to ponder the outright, unparalleled stupidity for you and orhers to suggest that providing villians with access to these proven highly lethal common weapons of choice, that somehow makes us all safer on the rationale that eliminating access to them would to lead to their acquisition of even more destructive ones. That simple algorithm would argue for giving villains access to ever increasing destructive weapons stopping only at the 2nd most worst known to man, because removing it would drive them to worst of them all, nukes. So what's 2nd worst (overall best per your "logic") weapon to give the bad guys? chemical, biological? You know, SOMETHING HE COULD HAVE KILLED THE WHOLE F#CKING TOWN WITH! God lord, the creeps like you and your buds who dominate this thread have really opened my eyes to a deeply disturbing combination of bizarre ignorance and morality vacuum thats out there. No wonder you're afraid and paranoid of the dark side, it stares at you in the mirror every morning. Where is this from, the impotent little man with the small pecker complex? Whatever the source, it's wrong, literally DEAD WRONG (RIP to yesterday's innocent victims.) After seeing this I don't know how any even marginally sane and responsible person could ever support any form of legal firearms. NONE, ZERO for you ... not even BB guns. You belong in solitary confinement in a padded cell in a mental institution for the criminally insane. Down the hall from the likes of James Holmes.
  22. Really? Someone would had the wherewithal to preempively shoot someone in a darkened noisy theatre before anyone knew what he was up to and before he even got a shot off? WOW talk about presumptuous. What we do know is if he hadnt had guns in the first place the toll would have been 0.
  23. View it is a sign of the onset of many religious prophecies and resolution of fundamental human questions about the origins and meaning universe. Like the coming (return) of the Jewish (Christian) Messiah, end of the world consistent with the Mayan calendar (OK so it'd have to be a few months off for Bills to win SB) and the Hindu-Baha belief that with the end of the Kalki Yuga age, as promised in the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord will again manifest Himself to humanity. We will then have our first alien counter and interaction with intelligent life on other planets. They will fully enlighten us on the origins and purpose of the universe, and ultimate meaning of like. So no I don't see it happening, we've sucked so long and even when been in the champhionship were tragically struck down by the NFL equivalent of lightning bolts from the hands of the almighty Greek God Zeus.
  24. well he can present some rather compelling visual evidence well before talks of lawsuits
  25. Yeah I'd bang her now, that's what I'm saying. So I guess I have lower standards than some of you. That's ok, probably means I'm getting laid a lot more often too.
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