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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Yeah that kardashian ho makes one the lamest tapes of all time - not just sex of any genre - and goes from nothing to $50mm net worth. Minka doesn't strike me as a major star moneywise, shes been waiting around for a ring from jeter.... well LOL what can I say. Bills have a better chance getting super bowl rings this year ! Her agents probably working behind the scenes over time to the that vid out for world wide release.
  2. Honestly always thought she and Mariah were the low outlyers on jeters trophy list: http://www.totalprosports.com/2012/04/25/the-13-hottest-girlfriends-of-derek-jeter/#1 But at least carey can sing
  3. Love it. That's one way to get bellicheck to stop stealing our signals. Wont make sense of it anyway. Lol
  4. Damn Bow think you nailed it. Turns out the Chinese character for "run" (http://www.chinesesymbolsmeaning.com/chinese-symbols/r/run.gif) looks like a pass play. Fitz must have thought chan was signalling in pass when he really meant sneak ! That's one of the dangers of early implementation of this new science base system.
  5. Thought I must have been crazy when I overhead chan and wanny conversing in mandarin before a presser. Thanks that explains it
  6. replaced by what? a new, unproven guy who doesnt know their system. scholarship is essential to recruiting any desirable player. you dont think retaining top players matters? concurrently grooming their replacements? one analyst related to a major baseball team losing their entire farm system. THATS DEATH idk how many games theyre going to win.
  7. @ TNB your goal of finding a solution to the unacceptable tragedy in Colorado, resolving seemingly wide differences among others in the process, is certainly unimpeachable. But given what you've seen here from the likes of Rob, DC, Meazza, Dev, Tasker, 3rdinning, Joe miner, tomato can, OCinBuffalo, b-man, swede316 and others (God willing its one poster with pseudonyms and not realy a dozen crazies), do you honestly believe they have any legitimate interest in finding a solution that may very well require giving up their guns? The only instrument to directly cause death to 12 innocent people, including a 6 year old girl the mother of whom lies in critical condition in a hospital bed with a bullet lodged in her neck that may very well paralyze her. So sad. I will once again post a brief video of the victims, since preventing more of the same is what everyone should use as the vastly superior objective, subordinating all others. I also repost in the hope that at least some others will review it since it garnered no attention the first time. So let's all pause for a moment and watch ........ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkizach0VvU .... thank you and welcome back. Now can we possibly see open, caring minds from the aforementioned crew, committed to finding a better way? Or more of the same vague unsupported philosophical statements about "individual freedom", absurd claims that weapon capacity has no bearing on attack severity, that regulation has no place in crime prevention, and the alleged cast in stone tablet permanence of constitutional rights. Well the constitution can and has been amended, a total of 27 times. Amazingly overlooked is the "Right to Bear Arms" istelf was an Amendment!!! And of course to a man, all of them are quick draw on name calling, typically followed by ganging up to collectively deliver further slander and meaningless, worn out sarcasm. So I apologize if at times I allow myself to seemingly stoop to their level. On one hand it's a matter of trying to bring some levity to the unbearable contrast of those 12 innocent victims, the dozens of other wounded and all of their families, versus the callous disregard shown here for their suffering and the safety of the remaining civilian population, somehow justified by this most disturbing gun ownership obsession.. On the other hand it's another, albeit cruder, attempt at drawing them into a more serious, open and constructive discussion. For when all civil means of discourse are rejected, even after humanizing the victims with real names, faces and life stories, what else can one do but attempt to reach them at their level?
  8. But I think there's more nuance and importance to it than that. Scholarships in college are analogous to both sign on bomus and restricted free agency in pros: its how you.attract and keep your key players. The reason for such a seemingly high number is because of the higher attrtition rate among players. There's no such thing as a >4 year college starter unlike the NFL where some guys can have careers playing at high levels for the same team around 15 years. (Ray lewis)
  9. Yeah since he most likely uses Brady as a "donor". Not like Brady has any use for em anyway since Giselle has him going to her Brazilian wax clinic.
  10. Yes i agree the only way we keep Smith over a levitre or Byrd is if he outplays them and demonstrates he's more valauable. Which of course is to the teams benefit. *caveat: idk how Smith's guaranteed portion and cap number effect other potential resignings.
  11. Yeah more like it alright. More like you that is, predisposing your "analysis" in an attempt to skew the data to suppOrt your desired conclusion. Guessing this construct came from an "independent" research group sponsored by the big moniedNRA. So let's examine the points, one by one: Gang activity: what if the gangs didn't have guns? Homicide substitution rates: sounds extremely vague and unquantifiable but hey maybe throw it as a curve ball anyway, see what happens; Violence averted by guns: from what I've seen a very insignificant number. And unreliable too because as Kellerman pointed out in previous analysis Posted here you don't know if the gun was the primary averting factor or better preparedness on the part of the target (a security conscioous gun owner for example may also have better alarms), eliminating the perpetrators element of surprise; State by state comparisons: probably the poorest of all measures. Guns being highly portable and state lines being undefended make it simple transport them from one state to another. Furthermore many illegal guns were originally legally purchased, then made illegal via theft from individuals and stores. Stolen caches of almost anyhing are often moved out of the areas from where they're taken.. And of course quite revealing that not a single factor you sight has the potential to move the analysis in the other direction. For example the fuzzy homicide substitution claim that some of the murders would occur without guns. What about the phenoma of induced homicide by having a gun in the home? Referencing Kellerman again partly for his use of actual figures: Research by Dr. Arthur Kellerman has shown that keeping a gun in the home carries a murder risk 2.7 times greater than not keeping one. That is, excluding many other factors such as previous history of violence, class, race, etc., a household with a gun is 2.7 times more likely to experience a murder than a household without one, even while there was no significant increase in the risk of non-gun homicides! Let's also revisit the "gang" element you keep stressing. How are you factoring in the very real possibility of gang-induced activity from gun possession? One would imagine murders from "drive by" shootings would be sharply curtailed if the available weapon was a knife.
  12. That makes sense, her words did seem a little odd in the context of the original story. Would have only made sense if she knew what he was up to in advance. Making her complicit. I thought she must have been some nasty looking thing too. But in these pics she looks downright presentable and decent, especially in the face of what's going on. But her son OMG what a wing nut. http://www.wptv.com/gallery/news/news_photo_gallery/james-holmes-court-photos-aurora-colorado-dark-knight-rises-shooting-suspect-in-court Only downside left keeping him around. Ever seen anyone so out of it looking? Just inject him now seriously. Before he hurts anyone else. Still don't see why anyone would consider the ABC thing an important part of the story however. The focus needs to be on the victims, caring for the scores of injured and healing support for their families, witnesses and the community. And of course doing everything we can to prevent this going forward.
  13. @PS Yeah I hear ya. At least in USCs case it was only recruiting (which everyone is suspected of bending rules anyway). PSU is about the most shameless and disgraceful act short of murder, amplified by a cover up involving the most seniors admins and highest profile coach ! This is Chicago black socks stuff in terms of durability They'll be talking about this decades from now. As a college athlete would you elect to be part of this ? Man I gotta say I feel for a lot of the kids there. Supposed to be one of the best times of their lives, now this frames it. Anticipated proud calls from parents must be fairly somber and somewhat uncomfortable instead.
  14. Seems like a lot of college f ball analysts are focusing on the scholarship ban. I'll be first to concede idk key drivers of a successful college program, so I'll take their word on it. I think it reduces their scholarship total by something like 20 (85 to 65?). Which translates to loss of several starters, givin them no chance to compete at the D1 level. And it will require at least a decade to recover from.
  15. Yeah I know iPhone auto correct is a nuisance. But it seems most others do too and can make sense of things.yeah man I won't be posting anything for a few days after that tape comes out anyway. There should be no confusion why lol
  16. Hey just one guy here using Google search. Sadly and unexpectedly the different sources and sorts are telling a similar story. But hey instead of dumping on it, why don't you take your fingers out of your ass and nose, pitch in and do your own searches? See if you can find a richer, more current data sets which tell a different story ? Or a clear and compelling reason why the information may have changed since the time this stuff was collected? And hey meazza how about you ? Got anything to offer but one word insults and smiley faces? One reason I haven't gotten to you yet like your buds Dc tom and robs gun house, is because your posts are even more lacking, impossible as that may seem. Hey speaking of those ass clowns who claim to barely notice me yet continue to reply to my posts, heck even reply to posts from others talking about me! Lol geez they've got chapped so bad when I dressed them down recently, acting like total puss bags ever since. Makes me wonder if they're really closet liberals
  17. What if we add in the unincorporated us territory of Puero rico?
  18. Hey joe nice catch. The AP author of the article -- chelsea carter -- yeah CARTER, as in jimmy freaking liberal icon CARTER. Yeah should have known. F#cking lib scum.
  19. Slice it from different angles and the results are similar. Here's another for example: The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths -- murders, suicides and accidents -- among the world's 36 richest nations, a government study found. http://www.guncite.com/cnngunde.html So hold on ..... Wait for it ...... Here comes ...... Kaboom!!!! The people compiling the stats are no doubt Liberals!!!
  20. I travel a lot and must say I don't have a problem with whatever it is they have to do to make the flight safer. Although I am tempted to have a little fun like buy a dog from the food court and slip it in my shorts before going thru X-ray, watch their reaction to a guy with 2 peckers
  21. You should have known you have a serious problem with reading comprehension. Not 1st time this has happened.
  22. Sure will if its legal for me to do so. Geesh what in the hell made you think otherwise ?
  23. you act as if its first time something like this has happened, while livin in a country ranked 7th on the list of homicide by firearms. Lumped in with a group of the most violent, lawless, drug lord run countries in the world like Columbia, Guatemala, Thailand and south Africa. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_gun_vio_hom_hom_wit_fir-crime-gun-violence-homicides-firearms Heck even Mexico finished a full 10 spots behind us. For a country that holds itself up as some kind of bastion of civilized behavior, this is a disgraceful showing.
  24. No and reading the article it sounds like it wouldnt be out in that case anyway. Which I don't get because of age of consent in n Mexico where it was filmed is 17 (the debate is whether she was 18 or 16 days shy of it). I know consent varies from state to state but does that mean distribution to all 50 is restricted if it doesn't meet anyone of the requirements? Also what about overseas distribution? Some countries age of consent I think is as low as 13.
  25. Damn a lot of these gals are sluts. Really reinforces hollywoods pervasive casting couch reputation Not saying. I won't watch it if she's legal and it comes out. Just saying
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