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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. What a d bag this Thomas Davis guy is too. Entrusted as the company's chairman. Really thought he'd get away with it? http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/phil-mickelson-insider-trading_us_573dd129e4b0aee7b8e922d1
  2. Down 5 points in latest Rasmussen Poll (a legit agency). Hillary's new campaign theme song
  3. Saddam.was great at killing terrorists...what do we do? Make up bogus WMD stories to take him out Assad is a secular leader whose country suffered relatively few acts of terror. What do we do? Support the Saudi backed "rebel" attempt to over throw him. Result? Iraq and Syria are now failed states, mass breeding grounds for the most violent terror groups. Over a million dead from both countries. And why is it we support Saudis, who are our state department claimed is " is the Largest Donor to Sunni Terrorists Worldwide"? sadly these are just some.examples of the West's (not just US), complicity. So you tell me again, who's not civilized?
  4. New polls put Trump ahead of Clinton Donald Trump has pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton in the battle between the two likely presidential nominees, two new polls revealed. The real estate tycoon led the former secretary of state, 42 percent to 37 percent, a Rasmussen poll showed on Thursday. The 5-point Rasmussen lead enjoyed by Trump is up from the 41-39 percent edge he held in the groups poll done earlier this month. http://nypost.com/2016/05/19/another-poll-puts-trump-ahead-of-clinton/
  5. Well if the subsequent report is true that it dropped 22k feet, then stabilized, turn left 90 degrees, then right 360 degrees...I would think that pattern takes stall out of the equation
  6. Russia's FSB claims missing EgyptAir plane 'crash most likely terrorism' and reveals country foiled Paris-style attack http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/russias-fsb-claims-missing-egyptair-8005739
  7. He's right, multiple rape allegations..... Trump Uses the Word Rape When Discussing Bill Clinton In an interview with Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity, Trump was answering questions about an unflattering story published this past weekend by The New York Times involving his relationships with women when he turned his attention to Bill Clinton. Hannity went on to question whether the newspaper would interview women including Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. All three have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. "In one case, it's about exposure. In another case, it's about groping and fondling and touching against a woman's will," Hannity said. "And rape," Trump responded. "And rape," Hannity repeated. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-05-19/trump-uses-the-word-rape-when-discussing-bill-clinton
  8. I wouldn't rush so fast to that conclusion. For one why didn't it go off earlier during the flight like the one brought down the Russian airline? Also it seems airbuses have an issue with fatal stalls from cruising altitude. Anyway R.I.P. to the victims.
  9. Why not get to the real root of the problem?: Idiots Fewer idiots = less guns
  10. Disgraceful and weird... Gun used to kill Trayvon Martin sells for $120K http://nypost.com/2016/05/18/gun-used-to-kill-trayvon-martin-sells-for-120k/
  11. Blah blah blah....couple days ago NY times article he abused women. Then that got debunked. Now he's in the mob. Blah blah next it will be his German dad Fred had "ties to Nazis" ...blah blah. ...wait I just gave NY times it's next headline
  12. Shes over 50 dude. pretty solid looking, but nonetheless at her age shes not conceiving.
  13. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/732575682367258624 Lol @ "the energizer". Gotta luv trump working that in there. That's the nickname given the 50 year old blonde divorcee by the security who let her in to Clintons house. Does anyone seriously doubt he's banging her?
  14. right wing kook climate change deniers do
  15. Wow..... As the movie shows, the Clintons are political Teflon dons compared with another Beltway power couple, former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen. The McDonnells were convicted of accepting more than $150,000 in gifts from a businessman while the governor was in office. Meanwhile, the Clintons raked in seven hundred times that amount $105 million under the pretext of speaking fees while Hillary was in public office. Yet while the McDonnells face time in the Big House, the Clintons are once again aiming for the White House. The Clintons earned the bulk of their money from speaking fees. It was simple: Bills fees skyrocketed when Hillary became secretary of state in 2009, suggesting that countries and companies hiring him counted on getting more than just Bill they also expected to land what his wife had to offer. For example, a Nigerian newspaper publisher tied to the ruling Peoples Democratic Party which is anything but democratic paid Bill a whopping $1.4 million to deliver two speeches in 2011 and 2012. The Clintons closed their eyes to the human-rights abuses by Nigerias brutal president, Goodluck Jonathan, as they collected their checks. Secretary Clinton even made an official visit to Nigeria in 2012, congratulating Jonathan on his nonexistent reform efforts. It was American legitimacy bestowed at a bargain price. And just the opposite of what Human Rights Watch had implored her to do. http://nypost.com/2016/05/17/first-look-at-explosive-hillary-documentary-clinton-cash/
  16. They're right .... Iran seeks money from U.S. over 1953 coup that empowered American-backed shahhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/05/17/iran-parliament-demands-reparations/84480582/
  17. Where would the oline be without richie? Guys pay their dues and there's 2 sides to every story anyway. Time to move on. Release the Kraken... .... on Brady
  18. Sacking Brady's ass 2x/year works for me.
  19. I do that pretty much everywhere
  20. No , shes Linda Blair exorcist scary looking
  21. anyone seen this? http://youtu.be/EVvZ59Se0WA
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