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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. @billsfan, yeap. Fred was MVP. Sucks it took so long to find out, being stuck behind bust mode. Curse of the over drafted
  2. Yeah the real story here is that freaking Monday who fired him. And if I knew his ethnicity id use the relevant slur, since he'd interpret that way anyway.
  3. Oh yeah with their resources that's probably even better. Is there a free version? What can you do with it? Yes I could look it up but I find comments from users more relevant than messy ads.
  4. So every morning for last week when I get up well before sunset been curious about 2 bright stars in the sky, one of them probably the largest celestial body I've seen other than sun and moon. Turns out there's a category of apps that automatically maps the stars for you. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/29/technology/personaltech/29smart.html I downloaded the free version of "night sky". Find out its Jupiter and Venus. How cool is this? Be interested what neat apps others finding and using.
  5. This poll may not be capturing any trend and they caveat it as much. But using myself as an example, the attacks on Romney are having the opposite effect than the intended, Never really liked him and favored BO a little early on because I reckon he stands a be better (although small) chance of getting us out of the hawkish foreign policy trap. But the attacks are making me sympathetic to him, and thinking maybe he's not such a bad guy after all. I'm also frustrated by the lack of substantive debate and discussion, and placing greater blame on the BO camp for this.
  6. Idk would the backup qb get this many accolodades ?
  7. How about getting a group of bills fan together in your area to go and masquerade as jets fans. Half wearing tebow jerseys other half Sanchez then cause some kind of ruckus between both cheering for their guy, signs and all. Media would be all over this, top story espn. Lol what a great buzziill on them and the jets.
  8. As dull as English cuisine.
  9. "In the wake of the ongoing media frenzy surrounding the widespread outings, a large number of C-list and minor celebrities have also confirmed their homosexuality......former Buffalo Sabres forward Yuri Khmylev .... " http://www.theonion.com/articles/jack-nicholson-leonardo-dicaprio-tom-hanks-denzel,28904/
  10. Maybe they meant "whores" and the translator got it wrong? Like he was doing a spitzer while in London? Cuz that would be something
  11. No I disagree. I think will shine a spotlight on wealthly athletes in general and encourage some to follow
  12. Great move. That's serious coin even for him. Never liked his atttitude and bullying team mates, glad to see this other side of him
  13. He's livid dolphins didn't trade up to #3 spot so they could have draft him another 5 spot higher than the already protected 3rd round. Lol
  14. Scary that's the kind of get up the TBD Alamo would have everyone wearing rather than simply getting rid of the almighty gun. Covered head to toe except for a sphincter opening. Not for taking a crap, as you see that comes out of their mouth. Its so they can "grease the barrel"
  15. Hey no worries with Dingleberry, just some light hearted humor. Surprised anyone could take a muppet video so venomously. Some more light stuff for the lightweight. Wanna know why I chose "Dingleberry" to fill in his first initial? Came upon this definitionthe other day: din·gle·ber·ry/ˈdiNGəlˌberē/ Noun: 1.vulgar. A particle of fecal matter attached to the anal hair. 2.vulgar. A foolish or inept person. Suits him to T wouldnt you say? LOL just And I hear ya on the political side man, wish we had an alternative to the special interest lapdogs. Speaking of useless turds, geesh
  16. Sorry going a bit out of order here, being late to the party. But found this older one of Poojer having an enlightening college moment. POOJER
  17. Oh hey, and it's the ever witty Tom entertaining the guests with a re-enactment of one of his favorite movie .
  18. So I step out for an hour grab a bite, come back and see an impromptu TBD Alamo party has broken out in here. Can't say Im disappointed I wasn't invited, after this image someone snapped of MEAZZA, contently hanging in the corner with all his "little friends".
  19. Lol @ those thinking nix is being a stand up guy and admitting to mistakes. They're not even confirmed mistakes yet! All he did was acknowledge he's looking to see more from them in their 3rd seasons, offering encouragement to both. If he wants to be stand up and admit mistakes, Ed acknowledge the horrible decision they made to take a 4-3 setup and convert to 3-4, thinking the latter was suspeior no matter the transformation costs. Or wasting millions for the last 2 seasons on a damaged goods cast off like merriman just because he came from buddy's former team. I'm not saying I want him to, just providing some stand up examples. Far as I'm concerned it's all water under the bridge. Have to look at the whole picture and take the good with the bad. People have more legit reason looking forward to this season than any other in a long time. Works for me right now
  20. Probably the only guy in the world doesn't mind getting old if it means a year of 69
  21. Yeah because the ad naseum attacks I get from the TBD Alamo gang in here quenches my "narcistic" requirement for "excessive admiration." "sh#t for brains" isnt even a good analogy for you. At least actual sh#t having no capacity for cognition isn't WRONG 100% OF THE TIME. Lol dude can your level of idiocy really exist in this world ? How many times you gonna get lucky at the crosswalk thinking "don't walk" means it's safe to pass ?
  22. LOL dude talk to "Chuck", the priest that is: Romans 1 “(26) Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. (27) In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” However, it says in verse 27, "In the same way...", which is a comparative phrase, meaning that the women in verse 26 practiced unnatural relations in the same way that the men in verse 27 did, through homosexuality. This passage is also debated, both in terms of its relevance today and in terms of its actual prohibition.[14] Most Christian denominations maintain that this verse is a complete prohibition of all forms of homosexuality.[15][16][17][18][19] However, some contend the passage is not a blanket condemnation of homosexuality at all,[20][21][22] and some argue that Paul's writings must be considered fallible because of his support for slavery and the oppression of women.[23][24][25][26][27] A more recent interpretation of Romans 1:26-27 has also been explored as well. In Romans 1:26 it starts out saying, "For this reason, God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women (Romans 1:26-27b)." This passage is talking about heterosexually-oriented men and women, who "gave up," and "exchanged [their] natural [sexually-oriented] relations" just to self-satisfy, and vent their sexual pressure to the closest, and easiest people around; their own gender. So basically these heterosexually-oriented men just "gave up," and the heterosexually-oriented women finally decided to "exchange" what seemed natural and just basically said, "Let's have sex," without exercising faith in a loving God who would bring them one man and one woman that they could honorably marry. "God gave them up to dishonorable passions," because these people should have had faith in God that He would bring a wife or a husband to them so that they could "take a wife for himself in holiness and honor (1 Thessalonians 4:4, RSV)." So the righteous and honorable thing for these heterosexual men and women would be to do is to exercise faith that God would bring wives and husbands to them; but these men and women, claiming to be wise, became fools by venting their sexual frustrations on their fellow heterosexual men and women." http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_homosexuality#section_2 Holy Biblical spin zone Batman!
  23. Come on man are those 8th grade "put downs" the best you got? Cuz im seriously losing interest with the lack of challenge from you. Ive learned how tiring a series of 1st round knockouts can be, even for the victor.
  24. Imagine you of all people saying skip the stone carved covenant (hebrew for "consitution") word of god, and go to that 2000 page micro managing socialist manifesto, rife with inconsistency. Sorry I don't bother with the interprations of activist priests and rabbis.
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