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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. @levi, never said it was unique to him. Matter of fact in the "mitt-stakes" thread I've given BO near equal grief for Israel lapdog-itis. Concluding that since romney won't be able to out dog Obama on policy matter, he has to emphasize even more so some kind of religious/cultural connection. Which he is and sounds like a sappy fool.
  2. How is that really all that different than obama? Camp Romney has a key platform agenda item to be viewed as a better friend (more like lapdog ) to Israel than Obama, but unless he actually commits US to unconditonal war on their behalf, he won't be able to out lapdog him on policy. Thats why we're seeing all the added kosher culture love out of romney
  3. Ok Jim here you go: - ban gun of all kinds - for home defense purposes allow people to use tazers but require they don't look like guns so they can't be used to conceal them - look to countries that went thru sweeping gun law changes like uk and Australia for implementation guidelines - but unlike those island countries we have physical borders with Mexico and canada we need to account for. Use the billions we'd save every year in reduced crime prevention and other public costs of (court, prison, hospital, etc) to strengthen our border controls. Which would be hugely beneficial to addressing border related terror and illegal immigration threats too. This is a starting point for discussion of course, details of which to be worked out over some defined period in congress. If there's a will there's a way. This could get done.
  4. Sharipova is a goddess.
  5. I agree it shouldnt be about religion, so why dont you have a problem with your boy for making it about it? ROMNEY WAILING WALL
  6. Pats only. Best off season they've had in a long time. Fins threw in towel and acknowledged theyre in rebuilding mode. Jets went for long shot gimmicks in FA and the draft
  7. so bush lied about there being WMDs beforehand and then lied about there not being WMDs afterwards? Is that like one of those Buddhist koans that take a while to sink in?
  8. Certainly better than anything you've ever been able muster up .Lol not like that's saying anything
  9. I don't think anyone expected him to be a full time starting QB at pro level. He was always thought of as an all purpose novelty.
  10. I'd hope so since no one thought BS could ever be starting QB. That he throws it only a "little better" I wouldn't think is a good sign
  11. Why so worked up man, Palestinians are an "invented people" anyway. Sheldon adelson putting millions into gingrichs campaign coffers made it true. He and his billions were at Romneys table when he made those comments in Jerusalem too, so must also be true theres no factors other than ethnicity/religion for economic status. Absurd to think invented people could be prosperous in the first place
  12. Graham. We need that outside speed threat @ WR. Bunch of plodders otherwise.
  13. I know faux news does a good job filtering information that gets inside the 4 walls of your trailor, so you need to step outside the park and look at other and more recent sources, that is if you're truly interested in having a balanced and informed view on anything Like this excerpt from today's Reuters news: "I can't say it with certainty but if everything proceeds normally then there should be further negotiations," Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi told Austria's Der Standard. "A breakdown (in talks) is in nobody's interests. The gaps can only be closed through talking." Salehi said, however, that Iran's right to uranium enrichment had to be recognized from the outset. "It's a matter of principle," he said. -------- http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE86T07S20120730?irpc=932 Sounds pretty encouraging and reasonable to me. Sees the value in talks provided the west respects their right to nuclear energy use.
  14. My pick for iconic Metallic song is "For Whom the Bell Tolls", Hemingway's Spanish civil war novel. Demonstrates their signature heavy and tight sound, skill at turning a story/novel into a song, and creative touches with the distorted bass solo intro (R.I.P. Cliff Burton.) Overall captures the chill and absurdity of war, highlighted with the reference to the book where where 5 men on a hill hold off a bunch of faschist troops until they're bombed by planes. In the book the soldiers had questioned the meaning and purpose of defending that hill. Make his fight on the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say? For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know Stiffened wounds test there their pride Men of five, still alive through the raging glow Gone insane from the pain that they surely know For whom the bell tolls
  15. Someone asked me this and it was funny, so obviously Metallica the others weren't even close. They have one heck of a body of work, love the heavily distorted guitars, super tight rhythms and killer production. I think what's most under appreciated is their abolity to turn a story into a song (for whom the bell tolls, one, creeping death). Some of the distant 2nd would be led zeppelin as a staple of rock and metal, early van halen (sorry Hagar not welcome), Megadeth (Dave mustaine super talented) and GnR. Also went thru a rap period listened to a lot of early JZ and Biggie. Loved it while driving but dont have car anymore Be interested what others have to say.
  16. And you're convinced Iran is hell bent on building the bomb even though they say they're not and nuclear inspectors crawling all over the place find no compelling evidence they are either? Must be taking the word of the same folks cooked up the Iraq WMD story: faux news, junkyard Judy miller, joe LIEberman, Glenn "money bags" beck etc Dude you're so freakimg gullible you'd buy the Brooklyn bridge from the same sheister .... Twice!
  17. More Hollywood sluttiness, this time its Kristen Stewart serving it up. Never seen her movies but from ads I was aware she was some kind of vampire girl with that vampire guy. Didn't know they were off screen item until it came out shes been shaggimg away with some other guy on the side. Reading the press I was surprised to learn she's currently hollywoods highest paid actress too. Yes I know indescretion is not exclusive to entertainers. But perhaps absurd hypocrisy and stupidity are? Here she is top actress in Hollywood yet she's outside in an LA park getting felt up and dry humping the 41 year old married with kids director of the film she's working on?. http://yeeeah.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/kristen-stewart-cheating-pics-4-530x640.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i159/tekkaus/Celebrity/16KristenStewartCheatingRobertPattisonRubertSanders.jpg And when caught with her pants down claims she's sorry for the momentary indescretion , like it's first time it happened with that guy or anyone else lol.
  18. Havent been able to get into until now seeing the Japanese female badmitton doubles team taking the court. Very solid Been chapped London beat new York to land the games in a blatant anti-bush, anti-america Olympic committee agenda. Has no business being awarded to an irrelevant relic like London. Might as well have taken all the way back to its roots in that bankrupt dump Athens
  19. Solution's simple Jim and there are other countries to use as models of how to make the transition. But really what's the point offering it to the dirty Harry's in here? Anything that involves giving up guns won't be acceptable.
  20. Lol if only they didn't have strict gun control laws sounds like the perfect place for you.
  21. Crazy and suicidal yet home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC? Geesh if theyre so incompetent they can't kill themselves in 6000 years of trying why are we bothering with them at all?
  22. The infamous "wipe them off the map" comment? For starters Farsi is a notoriously difficult language to translate. About the only thing clear is that it was in the context of Israel's decades of documented human rights violations. Many interpreted it to mean Israel is wiping it ownself off the metaphorical map of civilized nations. Either way it's propaganda, either outright lie or exaggeration. Looking for a one liner to rally the cries of war around. What if you were living in Iran and saw snippet of this from the republican presidential nominee at the time? How might you feel?
  23. Bowing to AIPAC as the one true special interest lobby power might as well be in the constitution at this point; or a kind of 11th commandment: "thou shall do as we say and put no american interests before ours." For someone who gets the joke like Obama about how complicit Israel is with the others in all the sh#t going on over there too, the challenge was trying move toward a more objective policy for the region and more rational for US, without being struck down by AIPAC political lightning bolts. Heck even bush tried early on for those paying attention. Both ultimately succumbing. Only question I have would Obama in a 2nd term feeling less threatened make some real progress. That's about the only the way this could sway my vote for him. Have my doubts but its huge over riding issues (not just mideast, in just about every region there are legacy and political reasons our foreign policy is grossly out of whack), I'll give it some attention. Settlement expansion has crossed the point where a two state solution is possible anyway. There'll be one state and no Jewish state since Jews will be a minority.
  24. Or it could have been worse in the darkened chaos. Friendly fire kills plenty in battle. Pat tillman?. But even using your example where the fatality rate was cut by 2/3rds to 4, makes it acceptable now?
  25. Thanks man probably go with over night sky, google is a powerhouse is gps Poojer for giving me heads up, found something for you. "false flesh" let's you digitially undress people in image files. Enjoy http://www.salon.com/2011/03/16/false_flesh/?mobile.html
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