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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Unbelievable isn't it the lengths the network went to conceal the wife was a divorcee. Thay wouldn't happen today.
  2. It Actually sounds like a good idea. Update the show to reduce some of the glossy humor and make a more realistic expose of family realities. They never did elaborate on why the 2 parents were single with kids in the original: widows, divorce, out of wedlock? Maybe they could update the show for modern promotion techniques too. Have Marcia finally put those fun bags on display in a playboy shoot. Googled her at 55 there's still some tread left on the tires, especially in the era of milf appreciation.
  3. Rex is a good head game player no doubt. And I honestly think it had something to do with gaileys worst coaching performance of last year, the home game against them but that kind of crap doesn't work against the better coaches like bellicheck and couglin. Let's hope learned from it, certainly the 2nd game in their building when we were more out manned due to injury was better.
  4. Hey Jim, you post a video over 10 years old, with a short measurement window, as the final definitive test? Clearly you're just proving my earlier point that gun worshippers have no interest in any kind of legit debate that could lead to removing their guns. Like why not post this more recent date I found on the land down under ? Over the past 18 years (1 July 1989 to 30 June 2007), the rate* of homicide incidents decreased from 1.9 in 1990-91 and 1992-93 to the second-lowest recorded rate, of 1.3, in 2006-07. *rate per 100,000 population. The percentage of homicides committed with a firearm continued a declining trend which began in 1969. In 2003, fewer than 16% of homicides involved firearms. The figure was similar in 2002 and 2001, down from a high of 44% in 1968. http://www.aic.gov.au/statistics/homicide.aspx And like I said we can look to countries who dramatically toghtened their gun laws for guidance, positive and negative. Sounds like australia could have phased it in better. So let's learn from them and do better. How about 2 phases: year 1 rifles, year 2 everything else ? Give owners a window of protection while the bad guys are being disarmed. Or how about giving non-lethal tazer vouchers for households turning in guns? Just some ideas and a suggested framework Jim,, not claiming all the answers, impossible for me to have them (why of course you keep demanding every last detail, just a transparent maneuver to try and undermine the process from the start).
  5. And appropriate red flags so everyone else can map out where the stupid asses with guns are
  6. I'm actually enjoying the mormon tabernacle choir infighting. Truth is theyre both right in their criticisms of each other. Morons
  7. Read he moved out of his house temporarily. Ordered movers to come haul her staff away while he's gone. Solid move on his part. Except he could have stayed long enough to supervise the "accidental" dumping of her drawers full of fem hygiene products on the front sidewalk. Make a nice photo op for gawker.
  8. Its not the players fault. When being candid they say they don't want to be on it. Which of course gets them hammered by the media and fans for being unpatriotic, selfish and greedy.
  9. Its true what the OP posts. And its a sad state of affairs that on one hand we need serious reductions in government jobs and spending which will be a near term drag as the economy adjusts, and the other the opposition will make the reduced near term growth an election issue. This applies to both parties, the only possible buffer is a voting populace that understands this and factor it into their political assessment. Btw we're not in a recession
  10. Right, I wasn't making a case for presidents influencing markets, only that markets influence elections. That's why it's hard to have a discussion with so many morons, spend most of your time correcting them. One can argue to what extent, like you did, and I'm not sure how you conclude most of the money is professional traders. Also it can be argued that home values are more important than stocks to voters, and although they've flatlined haven't really recovered all that much.
  11. OK sorry my bad for assuming anyone of you had brokerage accounts and 401k's. But fact is markets up almost 60% since Obama took over. And you bet your broke asses they'll find a way to use that as positive ammunition. There's also a general positive wealth effect, which since I market strength for a while here, will increasingly help Obama. To put it more abstractly (since you dont have financial asset statements to look at), if you're saying up markets won't help Obama, thats almost like saying down markets wont hurt him. Really? You think if the Dow were down 60% since he took office that wouldnt effect the election? Really? REALLY?!?!
  12. Don't laugh. Dow's up over 200 pts on this and solidly back above 13,000. Job growth was stronger than expected. I'm seeing an improving market going into the election, which will help Obama
  13. This cat would kick ass at the Olympics, besting the other sprinters by >3.5 seconds in the 100 The fastest cheetah on Earth has done it again, breaking her previous world record for the 100-meter dash and setting a new best time of 5.95 seconds. She Looks Fast! Setting her old mark .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4v42i3IhxY
  14. I can see from the body of your post you certainly are confused. Hard to make any sense of that illogical emotional mess. Even an English interpretor would struggle with that one lol. But if you're looking for advice on where to "go" for Iran-US inflammatory speech in english, so it lacks the interpretation issue, how about this cheery little "bomb Iran" sing-along tune from at the time presidential nominee John McCain.
  15. lol @ same source. And more irionic your chosen quote this time "They are the decision makers, to the extent that the presidential election hopefuls [of the USA] must go and kiss the feet of the Zionists to ensure their election victory," is essentially same thing a lot of critics outside of Iran and even in America are saying too. So we're supposed to attack Iran for (alledgedly) saying things people are no doubt saying in America? Holy crap shoot batgirl ...
  16. here you go man, Obama marchin in step w/ Romney and Paul's view on it ... ------------ With Romney safely diverted by trying to explain himself in London, President Barack Obama then dropped the bunker buster with a public signing ceremony for the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act while simultaneously leaking a story telling how National Security Adviser Tom Donilon had briefed Benjamin Netanyahu in detail on plans to attack Iran. In the signing photo op, Obama could be seen surrounded by Richard Stone, Sen. Barbara Boxer, Rep. Harold Berman, and Howard Friedman. Friedman is a former president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), while Stone is chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. The United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, which originated in Berman’s office, was reportedly drafted in part by AIPAC. The bill signed by Obama basically provides Israel with a blank check drawn on the U.S. taxpayer to maintain its “qualitative military edge” over all of its neighbors combined. It requires the White House to prepare an annual report on how that superiority is being maintained. In criticizing the bill, Rep. Ron Paul observed, “This bill states that it is the policy of the United States to ‘reaffirm the enduring commitment of the United States to the security of the State of Israel as a Jewish state.’ However, according to our Constitution, the policy of the United States government should be to protect the security of the United States, not to guarantee the religious, ethnic, or cultural composition of a foreign country.” Paul voted “no” and was joined by only one other congressman, John Dingell of Michigan. LINK
  17. Did I say they're mutually exclusive ? I said "one of" as in there's more than 1.
  18. Lol @ sighting Jerusalem post as your unbiased source for interpretation. Netanyhau's mouthpiece to the illegal west bank settler. What's next, protocols of Zion as the defining work on Jewish intent? 2x lol
  19. If youre taking it that direction, sorry but there'll only be one Tap
  20. Showing compassion for suffering animals is one of the most humanly compassionate acts I can think of.
  21. Because even great mechanics won't turn a sub par talent into a star. I could have perfect mechanics but lacking the size, velocity, strength, accuracy won't mean a thing. That's really why i don't pay much attention to all this fitz mechanics talk, skeptical it will matter
  22. If Hillary goes missing, don't be surprised if Bill is seen taking out his new camel for a ride around their yard in Chappaqua.
  23. Cro's an ass but he's just being honest. They don't have a legit #2. Hill on paper has potential to be special but given he's a rook and with limited college play time, it's highly uncertain how he performs in the nfl.
  24. Since Romneys on a religious crusade of late, maybe in a bold expression of Mormonism, he reaches across the aisle and taps Reid for VP. Kind of like the washington equivalent of Donny and Marie Osmond show, and their theme of opposites attract.
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