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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Lol think it's because the object your affection "Bibi" is stumping for support within his cabinet to attack Iran http://www.haaretz.c...n-iran-1.393214 and even meddling in US elections to drag the world's only super power into it? Couple questions for you in plain English on Mahmoud and Bibs: - which one of them is on his way out, shunned by the electorate and governing body, whereas the other is strengthening his hold internally? - which one's country has no nuclear weapons, whereas the other's is widely considered (even by US) to have a stockpile of at least 300 of them? Hint: it's the same guy.
  2. He's the only 1 of the 3 with starter presence on the field.
  3. Taliban's carrying out military campaigns comparable to closing Strait of Hormuz outside Afghanistan (other than some guerilla stuff along border with Pakistan)where?
  4. Dont tell me what my point was because you can't read. My post was completely in the context of prolonged campaigns.
  5. You're absolutely clueless. Cettainly one of the most ignorant posts on tbd. If you think we can just assassiNate some leaders and blow up some nuclear plants and walk away w/o repurcussion. Theyd desatbliIze the entire region with consequences impossible for us to forecast. Iran is a cohesive culture and a real military , wwith a far greater capacity to reform than a fragmented group of cave dwellers
  6. Guess its a matter who you talk to. 3 months ago I was talking to a guy whose brothers there and his feedback was its actually getting worse not better. And it doesn't matter when we leave. It's really incredible as an outsider like me how much we've spent there and how many we've killed an they just keep reforming. And lol @ idea some have expressed for redeploying to Iran. So we can't take out some loosely aligned cave dwellers with virtually no ability to strike out beyond their area, yet we can go into Iran who can close the strait of Hormuz. And who our well armed surrogate saddam couldn't take out after a prolonged war where a million iranians died.
  7. Megadeth frontman is losing his marbles http://www.nme.com/news/megadeth/65575
  8. Gee with all this talk about wars being determined by domestic and foreign politics, no wonder army suicide rates hit a high last month, with Panetta saying it's "an epidemic" and "something's wrong." No kidding DUMBASS, whats wrong is these people belong at home, not overseas at the ass end of political decisions when only their nuts are on the line. http://gregmitchellwriter.blogspot.sg/2012/08/army-suicide-rate-hits-all-time-high.html
  9. Lol @ the bogus percentage "analysis" when the number is 3 quarter of a trillion dollars, accounting for more than half the deficit of a country thats going bankrupt. . Who falls for that BS? Defense Contractor Tom? Lol
  10. When you're countrys going bankrupt and you're spending 3/4 quarters of a trillion on "defense" the burden of proof of is very much on the big spenders to provide a "threats" analysis. And Something a lot better than jailbird "Judy miller has the smokin gun on that Moslem dude having WMDs "
  11. Why should it be measured against GDP? Stockman measures it against threats .... You know the things that defense is there to defend us against. And more lol using Ryan's grandiose GDP forecast. Geesh where does this board get this endless supply of dumbasses
  12. That's why I said "I believe". But given a 1 year option the rational choice would be to wait - no matter ones current outlook - i think its safe to assume the decision timing is now. Op is welcome to correct me if that's wrong
  13. I don't believe the question is posed as a free option after a year. Of course everyone would choose that. Question is posed as now.
  14. If tavaris already on his 2nd team can't last against Flynn and Wilson he's not worth a look from us. I would however trade our 1 & 2 (whoever that is) for Flynn and Wilson straight up
  15. OJ first back (and still only in 14 games!) to break 2,000 yards. @ Shea stadium against Jets. YEAH BABY!
  16. Everything he says is 100% SPOT ON. Exactly what I've been saying on this board and have only got railed on by the kool-aid drinking Faux-news phony "conservatives" and government contractor leeches who populate this board. ------------------------------------------------------ Paul Ryan’s Fairy-Tale Budget Plan By DAVID A. STOCKMAN Published: August 13, 2012 "Thirty years of Republican apostasy — a once grand party’s embrace of the welfare state, the warfare state and the Wall Street-coddling bailout state — have crippled the engines of capitalism and buried us in debt. Mr. Ryan’s sonorous campaign rhetoric about shrinking Big Government and giving tax cuts to “job creators” (read: the top 2 percent) will do nothing to reverse the nation’s economic decline and arrest its fiscal collapse. Mr. Ryan professes to be a defense hawk, though the true conservatives of modern times — Calvin Coolidge, Herbert C. Hoover, Robert A. Taft, Dwight D. Eisenhower, even Gerald R. Ford — would have had no use for the neoconconservative imperialism that the G.O.P. cobbled from policy salons run by Irving Kristol’s ex-Trotskyites three decades ago. These doctrines now saddle our bankrupt nation with a roughly $775 billion “defense” budget in a world where we have no advanced industrial state enemies and have been fired (appropriately) as the global policeman. Indeed, adjusted for inflation, today’s national security budget is nearly double Eisenhower’s when he left office in 1961 (about $400 billion in today’s dollars) — a level Ike deemed sufficient to contain the very real Soviet nuclear threat in the era just after Sputnik. By contrast, the Romney-Ryan version of shrinking Big Government is to increase our already outlandish warfare-state budget and risk even more spending by saber-rattling at a benighted but irrelevant Iran." http://www.nytimes.c...-plan.html?_r=1
  17. RG3 didn't have anywhere near the same consensus lock as franchise NFL QB that Luck had. Even with the late burst of RG3 hype there was never any real doubt Colts were going w/ Luck.
  18. Mr. Romney has gained a net of one point, on average, in the eleven polls conducted wholly or partially after his announcement of Mr. Ryan, compared to the prior renditions of the same surveys in the same states. This is a below-average “bounce” for the selection of a vice presidential candidate; in past elections, the bounce has averaged in the neighborhood of 4 percentage points instead. http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/15/aug-15-to-bounce-or-not-to-bounce/
  19. Sure sounds like troupe is done. He's still not 100%, complaining about being in constant pain and even questioning why he had the disc fusion surgery in the first place. I feel for the guy and everything, but with the quality of our starters and depth of our backups, it's time move on.
  20. Let's flip it around: if you were Indy what would you have needed to receive to trade the pick? I think the only potential trade would have been something with panthers for cam newton; I.e. the only thing of comparable value to a young QB with high expection of elite franchise potential under the new cap is the same thing. No package of other players and positions works.
  21. Great thinking outside the box. If we can go non-football he may be The choice. Definite freak with an unmatched combo of size speed strength stamina agility and ability.
  22. Sucks. I was pulling for him. Thought he got a bad rap in a humorless media. Topper was the ridiculous tirade by that twit bruschi last year. But with his drop off in play last year, age and now this , I'd say hes done. Just cant see any team calculating his potential contribution on the field is worth the baggage and distraction.
  23. No doubt about it. Franchise qb under new rookie pay scale they can have mario Williams, dareus and (I'm guessing) Stevie, and the 2 vet salaries.
  24. Lol looks like people aren't allowed on the animal bridge http://i.imgur.com/svql3.jpg
  25. Gronks an interesting call. Not as big as a Bruce smith but still plenty big and may more than make up the size difference in offensive skills. But in Bruce's defense if memory serves me right he was an excellent college bbal player at VT. Kind of a Charles barkley "round mound of rebound" type that could score some points.
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