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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Well he had virtually no supporting cast back then. Big difference now.
  2. Tough choice (and to think we could have him too if for another misguided "system" pick of whitner). Ngatas a freak for sure, never seen a guy his size elevate like that. But as flashy as he is I still the give the nod to a healthy Kyle, because of how he never takes a play off. Ngata can disappear for long stretches. Williams stamina and hustle is extremely rare for someone his size, they get tired. But he's a bull.
  3. As I concluded in the doomed thread I started (which I thought was distinct enough but apparently not), hes #2 in the division. Its a given best goes to Brady. For young He has the scrambling ability and capacity to get the ball deep that Fitz doesn't and IMO never will. Basically he puts a required "fear" in the defense whereas fitz just cant. Its clear when they're on the field who has "it" and who doesn't . Also take Young over that dead beat Sanchez, mack truck Tebow, and Tannehill, at this point in his career anyway. Maybe the latter develops into something over time, but given our window with this defense I want the guy who most helps me get into post season now.
  4. OH MY GOD, The GREAT WHITE BUFFALO..... LOOK OUT!!!! LOOK OUT!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ0zXAgECHg But seriously, when healthy I honestly think he's the best interior DL in the game. I think 2 season ago he kept coming out on top in an objective website's analysis I kept seeing (forgot which one but it seemed legit). Great push upfield, brings it every play, equally effective against run or pass, strong as an ox, not particularly tall and w/ alligator arms hard to get a bead on. Guards and centers probably crap their pants more thinking about how to defend that throughout the whole game than more of a pass rush specialist like Suh. Foot doesn't seem to be bothering him at all.... sure hope it stays that way.
  5. Whole thing would blow over if he came out and clarified he was referring to anal
  6. I root for DESERVING guys. He was a hyped up hoax from the start IMO
  7. I was invited for a round at a very well known Men's Only club a few years ago (not Augusta). And I have to say was desperately hoping for some female influence after a while. It was way too macho feeling. The joke was on the members who thought they were being "manly" playing golf without shirts and marching around the clubhouse full-monty after coming out of the showers, when reality they came across as quite gay. Club pool was like this ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipmCDzNRIDE&feature=related
  8. In a toast to non-Merriman news going forward, cheers to no more tweets how great he's feeling and ready to turn lights back on in Buffalo.
  9. OK you convinced me. Its all about IQ and not physical talent. Physicist Stephen hawkings is available and lot smarter than Fitz even. Get er' done Buddy!
  10. I say yes. Its a given best goes to Brady. For young He has the scrambling ability and capacity to get the ball deep that Fitz doesn't and IMO never will. Also take Young over that dead beat Sanchez, mack truck Tebow, and Tannehill, at this point in his career. Maybe the latter develops into something over time, but given our window with this defense I want the guy who most helps me get into post season now.
  11. Waste from the start. There was a reason chargers released him and the other teams ahead of us passed. Waste of money, waste of not giving someone else a chance to develop. Nix and gailey have some positives, but a negative is "homerism" toward their former guys, teams and systems.
  12. Probably but I'd need to see more pictures first. Anyone can take a good mugshot.
  13. Lol @ orangutan immitating man
  14. According to consensus on this board: 1 Chris kelsays contract 2 the Toronto game 3 Aaron maybin 4 DEFINITELY NOT FITZ 5 beer restrictions at the Ralph 6 DEFINITELY NOT CHAN 7 the schedule which doesn't put our last 8 games at home in the winter 8 Stevie Johnsons rap video 9 DEFINITELY NOT NIX 10 donate whitners tweets
  15. She got 5. Probably some envy from the judge for not being invited with a guest list that large. http://sg.news.yahoo...-094814477.html
  16. "If Romney wants to get into measuring d$%#s with Obama, he's going to lose. Trust me, I've seen it."
  17. 1 Fitz 2 injuries 3 o line 4 receivers 5 tough division 6 linebackers 7 gailey sticks to his system even though its not working 8 bad officiating That's all I got (for now)
  18. Thats why I wanted martez Wilson ahead of shep last year. Yes he was a more raw talent but he had the goods physically. You can't coach "bigger and (a lot) faster "
  19. In real time sure looked like a late hit OB to me. Not going to review it because its not reviewable. That most likely gets called by the regs.
  20. Thats so true, even last night I was thinking just keep Young in there for the rest of the game. Why bother putting Thigpen in, we know the deal with him already. Young needs the game time a lot more than anyone needs to see what Thigpen can do any further
  21. The irony is that he made these remarks in a country with some of the strictest gun control laws and lowest crime rates in the world. So when Mustaine says "I don't know where I'm gonna live if America keeps going the way it's going ... " it sure isnt Singapore he's moving to.
  22. I think it stems from his commitment to systems not best players. Case in point: took them 2 miserable years to realize 3-4 D wasn't some miracle system that transcended personnel. On offense he goes with the QB best fits his quick short pass system instead of the clearly more talented one. Mr 10 up, 20 down better have a winning record in this his 3rd year as HC or he can take his systems back to down to the dirty south.
  23. The head official all things considered seemed pretty good. Certainly no worse than the regular goofballs
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