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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Innocent or guilty I think he's doing the right thing at this point. This is like quadruple jeopardy. His statement is a little fishy sounding but again i agree with the conclusion : http://lancearmstrong.com/news-events/lance-armstongs-statement-of-august-23-2012
  2. i think theyre a far more intriguing riddle than that Japanese underwater "city".
  3. Yeah I thought that one was pretty well debunked by the professor they use to have on AA. Forgot his name, but he seemed most credible on that show. He left open the possibility of communication between ancient peoples that we're not properly accounting for, but didn't buy everything as "AA" related. He dove there and concluded it wasn't man made, and even the stone on the islands shore showed similar straight lines and patterns in spots where its uncontested it occurred naturally. BTW nature CAN create straight lines and geometric shapes. For example, remember cover of Led Zep's "Houses of Holy" with all the pentagonal stone columns? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant%27s_Causeway
  4. "There's a document circulating today that allegedly contains the list of words that the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) wants banned from text messages. A few tipsters forwarded it our way after noticing that the list included phrases like "Rae Carruth," "Neon Deon," and "He Hate Me,"—all things that would be strange to text in a casual conversation in Pakistan because they all have a lot to do with the NFL." http://deadspin.com/...-on-nfl-jerseys http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2011/11/pakistan-bans-1100-naughty-words-from-text-messages/
  5. Not necessarily. By cutting him we send a message he doesn't have much (if anything) left.
  6. OK on 3. And remember this one will be in the TV ad. "We got Bin Laden!"
  7. Irsays Tweet says they want serious/vet starter. We may have cut merriman too soon. If we could have convinced them his health was back maybe gotten a 6th or 7th for that loser
  8. If you were paying attention instead of viewing the world thru your Fitz goggles, youd realize I was using that throw as an example where the WR takes all the heat for a throw thats lacking, and showing an example of an elite QB like Brady making a throw of similar length, but with a stronger trajectory, hitting the WR more in stride, allowing him to catch it in his hands. If you want worse throws from Fitz, believe me there are plenty
  9. Nice, simple quote: " ... I like high expectations. I've never been many places where if you didn't have 'em, that good things happen ... "
  10. You're right on this point: akin put Romney in the awkward position of distancing himself for the sake of moderates/indepedants but at the risk of alienating the fundamentalist base. Which is happening now: “Following the pounding of Todd Akin by the GOP kings and lieutenants in the last 36 hours, I’ve come to the conclusion that the real issue is the soul of America,” wrote David Lane, an evangelical activist who’s influential in the Republican Party, in an e-mail to fellow activists Thursday morning. “The swift knee-jerk reaction to throw Akin, a strong conservative pro-life, pro-family born again Christian under the bus by some in the Republican Party is shining the light on their actual agenda,” Lane continued. http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/08/23/conservative-christians-rally-around-akin-in-face-of-gop-criticism/?iphoneemail ------- This is what really must be eating at Romney. I'm sure they wanted to have it both ways, and not really have to opine so explicitly on Akin-type positions.
  11. @SJBF, Really having a hard time following you here. On one hand you make it seem like all Vick or anyone had to do was show up and with all that talent theyd win. And when I point out all the issues with their D last year you post something unrelated about Vicks contract. Wtf? Earlier you state how Reid is one of the top offensive coaches every year, yet you have no faith in his backing of Vick? Double wtf?
  12. And the skinny on them last year was that their defense was too small and couldnt hold 2nd half leads. And everyone was calling for the new DC Castillo's head. Then the D improved somewhat and after a 1-4 start the team finished 8-8.
  13. Funny though all we keep hearing about is fitz rib injury as an excuse for his sucky 2nd half performance last season
  14. LOL gotta admit that's a good one: "Recently some of you have been paying attention to the commentary about the senator (sic) from Missouri, Mr. Akin, who … the interesting thing here is that this is an individual who sits on the House Committee on Science and Technology but somehow missed science class," Obama said http://news.yahoo.com/president-obama-todd-akin-somehow-missed-science-class-021337296--abc-news-politics.html
  15. Not an ounce of doubt vick over Fitz. This barely warrants a reply given how obvious the answer
  16. Pop quiz: did sj have to slow down, maintain his pace or speed up to get it? Clearly slow down. That adds a lot to the degree of difficulty catching it on the inside shoulder close to the body like that. (Although I agree sj could have caught it) now look at this long throw from Brady to moss. See how he hits him in stride and moss can catch it in his hands, away from the body ? Fitz needed a flatter arc and another yard or two on his throw.
  17. Speaking of which, whatever happened to Obama girl?
  18. One might say he's raping the Romney camp, whose natural defenses against becoming impregnated by his remarks have thus far not worked, and who given their druthers would retroactively abort him if they could.
  19. Right that's why everyone talking about akin, rape and abortion, including you. Heck even the Congos onto it: CNN - Akin rape comments echo in Congo http://edition.cnn.com/2012/08/22/world/akin-international-rape-reaction/index.html?iphoneemail
  20. Is Akin being paid by the DNC? Takes it to a place he shouldn't have with his comments, flips the bird at Ryan when Ryan calls asking him to drop out making ryan look weak, and the longer he's in the spotlight the more associations they're digging up between him and Ryan, like cosponsored anti abortion bills. All this perfectly timed to offset momentum from the Ryan pick, at a time when romney needs to start defining his platform in a more centrist way. DNC would have paid tens of millions for negative ads this effective.
  21. Not calling anyone out specifically, but I think in some instances there's racism involved. Some still arent ready for a black QB.
  22. No I don't believe he can consistently extend the field or provide the defense with a credible deep threat they have to account for. His longer throws are looper Dooper bloopers that WRs have to wait on. The best strong armed QBs like Eli and Brady hit their guys in stride. Greater velocity allows them to throw a flatter arc. What's why people who keep blaming SJ for the drop against steelers got it wrong IMO. That ball was under thrown and SJ had to slow down and wait for it, almost catch behind him. That's really hard to do. Catch it in stride is the best way to deliver it. I think that's how young hit graham but I'd need to see a replay to verify.
  23. Cant say Im really familiar with any of them. Can you please provide links to posts where Ive cited those sources? While we wait on that, here's research from George Washington University which covers Clinton's attempt to get Bin Laden, Bush's failure to do so, and Condi's reluctance to hear anything from Richard Clarke on Al Qaeda ... ALL BEFORE 9/11. A lot of the stuff is taken from Fox and NY Post, Australian war monger's Rupert Murdoch lacky "news" outlets in US, so you'll probably feel a lot more comfortable with the source: http://www.gwu.edu/~...BB147/index.htm Some excerpts for all you lazy asses who can't do your own research: Former President Bill Clinton on Fox News, September 22, 2006: CLINTON: And I think it's very interesting that all the conservative Republicans, who now say I didn't do enough, claimed that I was too obsessed with bin Laden. All of President Bush's neo-cons thought I was too obsessed with bin Laden. They had no meetings on bin Laden for nine months after I left office. All the right-wingers who now say I didn't do enough said I did too much same people. Testimony of Richard Clarke, former White House counterterrorism coordinator: TIMOTHY ROEMER, Commission Member: OK. With my 15 minutes, let's move into the Bush administration. On January 25th, we've seen a memo that you've written to Dr. Rice urgently asking for a principals' review of Al Qaida. You include helping the Northern Alliance, covert aid, significant new '02 budget authority to help fight Al Qaida and a response to the USS Cole. You attach to this document both the Delenda Plan of 1998 and a strategy paper from December 2000. Do you get a response to this urgent request for a principals meeting on these? And how does this affect your time frame for dealing with these important issues? CLARKE: I did get a response, and the response was that in the Bush administration I should, and my committee, counterterrorism security group, should report to the deputies committee, which is a sub-Cabinet level committee, and not to the principals and that, therefore, it was inappropriate for me to be asking for a principals' meeting. Instead, there would be a deputies meeting. ROEMER: So does this slow the process down to go to the deputies rather than to the principals or a small group as you had previously done? CLARKE: It slowed it down enormously, by months. First of all, the deputies committee didn't meet urgently in January or February. Then when the deputies committee did meet, it took the issue of Al Qaida as part of a cluster of policy issues, including nuclear proliferation in South Asia, democratization in Pakistan, how to treat the various problems, including narcotics and other problems in Afghanistan, and launched on a series of deputies meetings extending over several months to address Al Qaida in the context of all of those inter-related issues. That process probably ended, I think in July of 2001. So we were ready for a principals meeting in July. But the principals calendar was full and then they went on vacation, many of them in August, so we couldn't meet in August, and therefore the principals met in September. … ROEMER: You then wrote a memo on September 4th to Dr. Rice expressing some of these frustrations several months later, if you say the time frame is May or June when you decided to resign. A memo comes out that we have seen on September the 4th. You are blunt in blasting DOD for not willingly using the force and the power. You blast the CIA for blocking Predator. You urge policy-makers to imagine a day after hundreds of Americans lay dead at home or abroad after a terrorist attack and ask themselves what else they could have done. You write this on September the 4th, seven days before September 11th.
  24. To my eye sure wasnt the Dlines fault. Im hardly saying we've done anything yet (I typically get bashed for providing cautionary messages, fwiw), but are you saying youd be indifferent to swapping out MWilliams, Dareus and Anderson, for Kyles starting supporting cast at the time of Stroud and Spencer Johnson?
  25. How do you know he was wrong and the earlier missions wouldn't have failed ? Heck the actual one had serious problems when one of the choppers landed on top of a wall and had to be left behind. If this is the best the righty tighties can do with their "explosive claims" theyre in a lot of trouble At least bill tried. Unlike Cheney and the other d bags in the w admin who gave instructions to deep 6 any intelligence that didn't show Iraq as the primary threat. Like condi spiking the memo detailing all Qaeda's plans for a major attack on American soil; which sadly was 9/11. Yeah she's great lets put her in Augusta.
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