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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. iThey look like they're performing some creepy stonehenge inspired ritual before going medievil on that snake
  2. Bird Gangs ... http://i.imgur.com/e8Z8Q.jpg
  3. He's going to spend a lot of money to conclude the individual most responsible for portraying him as a jackass is himself. Hes so out of it dont be surprised if he files a defamation suit against himself too.
  4. He made one spectacular catch for seaturtles when on the run he bent his torso backwards to catch an underthrown ball. Can't really recall anyone else pulling that off. It really was big time stuff. Surprised he couldn't handle the easier stuff. Oh well the situation is really sad. He's being cut right into the financial abyss. All that talent and this is how it ends is ashame
  5. Yeah BS, he pulled the same crap on defense yapping about how great the 3-4 was. And 2 bad drafts and disastrous seasons later trying to convert to it, we're going back to 4-3.
  6. Bottom line is this: if it were an open competition for starting position, fitz would have done nothing to distinguish himself from young and thig. Case could made he's actually behind them given his head start with Chans offense and play with the 1st teamers.
  7. Im starting to think Chan and his beloved "system" is the problem. The only one that can understand it from Chan's perspective is a wunderlich-wonder, never mind he lacks the physical tools for the position. With that filter in place any QB who isn't as smart will fail. Never mind that not a single elite QB (Ben, Brady, Brees, Rogers, Mannings), scored nearly as high as Fitz. They don't get Chan's system.
  8. lol @ the assumption we're "in contention" with Fitz.
  9. Read much? Im bitching about our starting QB!!!!!!! If you don't get that this time, Id strongly suggest some remedial reading classes for you: "What this tells me is Chan is consololidating (sic) Fitz hold on the starting position. What a disaster."
  10. No alcohol and strip clubs? Oh well there's always weed and porn at home.
  11. I think about half are natural grass. (Too lazy to look it up right now). But let's assume your away games are 4 grass, 4 turf, if your home field is grasz you're only 4 on turf, versus 12, so yeah your home field makes a big difference.
  12. What a waste. 3rd team in as many years. Never really did anything before that. He really has no upside. But hey maybe he's a more serviceable backup than what we have. What this tells me is Chan is consololidating Fitz hold on the starting position. What a disaster.
  13. Would be appropriate to spread his ashes on the moon
  14. Absolutely ridiculous. VY almost single handedly won the BCS against the highly touted and favored USC team. Other than the super bowl that game probably has more pressure than any other in football.
  15. What they lacked last night was a speed rusher from the edge. Thats not Mario. Hopefully Anderson can provide that element.
  16. What do they have in Pittsburgh, astroturf?
  17. "We don't obviously know -- well, I don't know what the official word is. This is a great field, but it's FieldTurf, and it's just killing guys because they can't get their feet out of the ground, and it's just another reason we should get rid of FieldTurf." Could he be onto something? Could this explain the bills league leading injury stats ?
  18. I see a guy that can make all the throws, scramble, and is tall and has vision enough to see the whole field. I rate what he can do a lot more than what he did do at this point. How people are concluding "he's done" is beyond me for a guy who's still learning the playbook and taking the field with 2nd and 3rd stringers. If he's done because he threw a pick then Peyton manning is even more so given the mulitple picks and no TDs he has thus far in preseason.
  19. What's a mistake it was giving him a lock on starting QB. He looks lost and figured out by the defense....no surprise given his limitations. We need to see what young can do with the first team, and not having to enter the game when the teams already behind.
  20. But yet you're comfortable with what you saw out of fitz tonight?!!?
  21. Brooklyn man, 48, arrested for nude demonstration outside of st Patrick's after tebow fumble costs jets win
  22. As arrogant and greedy as revis is, I give him credit for providing a rational, candid voice to Rex's blowhard BS all along. because he thinks of himself as above and outside the team, he's a lot more objective. But cettainly Rex knows the score their offense has real problems. That's why he's trying to make such a big deal about tebow and the wildcat and how he'll fool us; he's hoping to get us to focus our preparation on that and away from their core offense which needs help. I really don't think anyone will buy into it now though. It's too obvious what's going on there. What's even sillier is thinking he can sucker us into over preparing for tebow when we stomped all over him at the end of last year when he played the whole game for Denver.
  23. Irsays still the owner. No? You're sayIng Mr Tweetaholic is completely passive ? And buddy all I said was "he might have" which is far from definitive. Both these items of course my opinion and presented as nothing more than. Unlike the factual error you made not knowing about colts well publicized switch to 3-4. LOL
  24. Yeah dude theyve been yapping about their switch to 3-4 the whole off season. Here's an article from march: http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/1097640-nfl-trade-rumors-why-colts-switch-to-3-4-defense-puts-dwight-freeney-on-block Actually some of the film on him has been decent. And if buddy's the wheeler dealer people give hiim credit for he might have been able to work something out. Dont forgot colts are the team we almost suckered into getting something for McCargo, until he failed their physical. Speaking of losers ...
  25. I dont think it's unusual for a politicians people to tell reporters what's off limits , informing them he/she is there to talk about they're own platform or whatever. Then it's up to both sides to determine if the interview is worth having
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