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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Revis, David Harris, in theory it should be Holmes here but he's too nutty and inconsistent, mangold lost step after injury last year so not him either. #3 would be someone on their d-line like Ellis. Yes relative to us Keller is up there cuz we suck so bad at covering TEs. But around the league he wouldn't rate as high vs other TEs
  2. Super bowl on the line, chance for career defining drive aka montana, watch this ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBlvjtfpPAg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  3. Exactly screw Manning. He shouldnt even be in the discussion. 2 appearances, 1 ring, on a team that did whatever he asked. Versus Brady 5 appearances, 3 rings, for an owner who kept losing key players on offense and especially defense because be was too cheap and thin skinned. The haven't won a ring since spygate has nothing to do with Brady, the offense has just gotten better and better. And everything to do with the continued decline on defense from best to one of the worst
  4. Here's a summary of the actual killing from the book. Fairly gripping stuff. Not sure I'm going to bother getting it and reading the rest of it now http://m.nypost.com/p/news/national/the_night_killed_osama_M1LXtPT7LwubWUK5aYY4PI
  5. No because that would have meant that POS Joe LIEberman was VP
  6. Andre reed, Bruce smith, Thurman Thomas, drew bledsoe, big john mccargo
  7. But the federal government expansion has already pretty much done away with differences between states. Occasionally I'll hear someone choose one state based on tax rates but that's about it. So keeping the electoral college effectively disenfranchises voters from under represented states. If federal government has become so dominant in everyone's lifes, each individual voter should have a proportional say in how they're governed.
  8. Could also be a sign theyre de-emphasizing getting the ball deep given fitz limitations. Even Graham who has speed was said to be used for the quick out , using his speed to get upfield after the catch.
  9. Would certainly create a lot of confusion putting them all on the field at the same time. Bills reveal new "herding cats" offense lol
  10. Romney camp is really fumbling something that should be a non-issue. Yes this is exposing a pervasive media bias in the first place, but romneys are yet again proving incompetent at playing the game. They're all but agreeing media it was s fiasco and mistake ... when it wasnt ! The party line should to point out the important issues clint raised and transition that into how mitts the guy whose going to address them. "Like in mitts speech when he said blah blah blah ... see he's what the country needs "
  11. Was this one of those resign for a day so he could retire as a bill things ?
  12. That's a good point too. In the years I haven't voted its primarily because I know as a NYS voter the state will go democrat anyway, so why bother. Don't think id ever miss an election if that werent the case. Eliminating EC could significantly increase voter turnout.
  13. It does seem kind of silly to keep the electoral college when the federal government has trampled over states rights.
  14. Given all the coach and player suspensions, and factoring in lost wages, saints fine for cheating was far greater
  15. This. IMO to them smith is a WR more than anything now.
  16. Few years ago I would have said yes he is. Great arm can make all throws, super quick decision maker, has all the subtleties down like looking off the DBs, been successful in different schemes and with different personnel, 3 rings etc etc. Only knock was not a great scrambler, but so what when you can do all that other stuff. But 2 SB losses later when the O didn't put up a lot points, and I see him losing his edge a bit, I'd put him in with a group of legends like staubach montana and elway. But during his era at least he's clearly #1 to me, well ahead of Manning
  17. Not everyone was happy with condi speaking on Tampa. Including a retired army colonel who have her an earful for complicity in the Iraq fiasco. She's right too, holding up rice as some kind of icon is BS when she's nothing but a POS http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/08/29/protester-shouts-at-condoleezza-rice-blood-of-iraqi-children-is-on-your-hands/
  18. Its one rambling excuse trying to hype a team that he thinks doesn't have it, forcing a conclusion it will be his best jets team ever That's what it sounds like to me. He's conceding the offense sucks. And tbe nonsensical "they understand its not about winning ... but finding ways to win.". Lol what ever dude
  19. Well there's the answer to the threat "what if thigpen plays well". With an assist from Jacksons fumble the snap, toss a pick in his first series as a bill, the answer is keep 4 QBs.
  20. "I really like this team," Ryan said, via The Star-Ledger . "I really like this team. I don't know if we're strong in this one area or that one area or special teams, whatever it is, but overall in my opinion this has the chance to be the best team I've had since I've been the coach here. "And I say that because I think we understand complementary football, sometimes your offense is going to be rolling sometimes your going to have to ask your defense to stand on their head," he went on. "Our coaching staff, everybody understands it's not about winning, it's not about stats, it's about trying to find a way to win, and I think our team understands that." ------- He's really making less and less sense trying to pump up the jets
  21. Its a smart move on white house part. They want the post RNC narrative to be on Eastwood, not Romney's speech. Couching it as lighthearted humor is a good move too
  22. I never said perfection was the standard. If it were obviously no one would meet it. What Im saying is Lindell hasn't been ice in his veins either. Better than average maybe, but not exceptional. FTR I don't see him getting cut now, but the thread is "if you had to pick 1 surprise", and I just don't think names like Edwards are all that surprising. But one thing almost for certain with Lindell at 35 (36 in January), the clock must certainly be ticking.
  23. He was brilliant. Several perfect kicks pinning opponents deep. No reason to let him go.
  24. If they could rewind the tape I bet theyd undo the Jackson trade and just keep thiggie. One career backup for another. What a waste of money and a pick
  25. The guys a kick off liability and its not he's always Mr clutch either. Has had his share of misses. If you have to tie up another roster spot to offset his weakness I'd sure as heck be looking elsewhere.
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