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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. How does this work under the new CBA? Arent teams required to spend a minimum?
  2. Someone commented on Slayer's facebook it's a metal version of sportscenter theme song .... Phillip H Coleman If you listen close it's a metal version of the sportscenter theme song, funniest **** I've ever seen. That is the real John Clayton to me now haha so much more bad ass!!! Yesterday at 2:17am via mobile but I don't really hear it ....
  3. confirmed http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/07/john-clayton-this-is-sportscenter-ad-ponytail_n_1865175.html Now what song is it?
  4. What's the band name on his shirt?
  5. Eva Longoria, buried Romney and looked hot doing it
  6. sure sounds like a cheap and desperate hoax to have Romney release them. Theyre demanding a ransom? C'mon man, like Romney could ever pay that and not get kicked out of the race
  7. It was the speech / strategy of someone who thinks they have the lead. Just protecting the ball, running out the clock, not turning it over and letting the other team back in.
  8. I thought that governor guy was terrible. He let Romney off the hook by complimenting him after longoria buried him. Bring the hotties back!
  9. Better than getting wasted on church wine lol
  10. Why don't u read your boy b mans posts where he says rights must be god given otherwise they can be taken away by the state, instead of fumbling thru dictionary trying to sound intelligent. So what is it? A government needs a god, even unspecified, or it will undermine peoples rights ? Taliban believe they're acting under strict accordance with gods words, how were the Afghan peoples rights respected under their rule?
  11. So "rights" come from God, but you don't know which one , so you don't know which rights. And if you don't buy into that useless dictum then your only choice is to believe people are created in government run factories?
  12. Which God? And of if you select a "God", like the Christian God, whose interpretation of what those God given rights are you using ? If God have man rights why are states needed to enforce them?
  13. Yes there multiple causes, biggest IMO was rating agencies which had nothing to do with bush.
  14. Incredible, Im surprised they took a stand on one team. With the media turning on him like that, Rex better not be so smug about his job security if they have another disappointing season.
  15. wife http://blog.mysanantonio.com/latinlife/files/legacy/erica.jpg Uniquely talented too, has the ability to appear Asian when hosting Asian dignitaries http://ww1.hdnux.com/photos/11/45/07/2511340/3/628x471.jpg As for the other on the other end who looked hottier, don't know who she was. Would appreciate if someone can find
  16. I thought his wife was fairly milfy, and no not his mom or little girl, dumb ass. But there was another looked of age at the other end looked solid. Maybe his sister ?
  17. I thought she started out strong, starting losing me with the hints at govt regulating company personnel matters, then totally lost me with the "my hubby always does what's right no matter the consequences" BS. Yeah right other than his healthcare agenda he's cut n run and played politics on every other major issue.
  18. Hey man dont let partisanship make you lose your appreciation for hotties. Talk about letting the other side win, geez I thought he was great, more "real" than Obamas high minded shallowness and presidential poses. I thought Michelle got off to a good start too but she lost me with Obamas mom made less moneythan male counterparts, don't want govt micro managing personel decisions.
  19. No one, he sucks, even with Brady throwing to him
  20. Bills cut him and have 2 wrs on PS. Even in the unlikely event bills resign him, what do you think first question they'd ask him: good to have you back, now what can you tell us about the Jets?
  21. This guy from San Antonio is an excellent speaker. And it doesnt hurt his booth has a couple hotties cheering him on.
  22. Yeah everything you said happens all the time in business. Its why people get picked off from the competition, its why companies try to get employees to sign NDA's and take mandatory garden leaves. You don't make it to the inner circle because of you're not expected to talk, you get by being someone whose central to their plans, and they're going to keep and build around. Like Brady with the pats. But rest assured if the highly unexpected happened and pats cut him he'll be singing like a bird to the highest bidder.
  23. If he doesnt do all that he can expect the quickest exit possible from his new employer. If he doesn't he'd get zero respect elsewhere too. Its wholly expected, common and rational. Its why teams pick the players they'll let in the inner circle and those on the periperhy.
  24. You kidding me? With Romney's religious/morality crusade you expect him to give lifestyle choice to states ?
  25. Makes no sense NS. Why would someone be loyal to an employer that fired them? You really expect an unemployed guy to turn down a job on principle? This happens all the time in the NFL and I've never heard that happening. Haggans a cheap option for jets ... sign him, pick his brain, see what you can get, if he works out as a player all the better as its a position of need for them. If not cut him too and end up not paying much.
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