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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Easy for you to toss around generic labels far removed from harms way. You might feel different if it were you or a family member in a hot spot like that and some !@#$s in america were stirring the spot. Its a horrible situation to put our representatives overseas in.
  2. You seriously can't read my opening line saying no one is justifying it and my earlier post condemning it. You're seriously an ass
  3. And nobody has said it was justified. But knowing there's minority segment of Muslim population who could react this way made it wholly irresponsible on the film makers part .... 4 innocent people are dead due in part to their wreckless and selfish behavior. It's more than just being an ass
  4. BS no one's excusig. Them, not on this board anyway. But the double standard is not acknowledging the complicity of the films makers Sam becile and that reverend They put this crap out putting Americans oversea at risk for a radical religious agenda of their own. This becile guy in particular sounds like an unrepentant POS http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/12/13824981-report-maker-of-anti-islamic-film-innocence-of-muslims-goes-into-hiding
  5. Yes it was terrible and extreme what they did. And I feel terrible for the families. But have you seen the provoctive film? In itself an unnecessarydisgrace . Rest asassured if most ofgot hold of a film insulting Judaism or Christianity like this youd be calling them out for it. We can't fully confront this crap until we acknowldedge the Americans provoking this madness and lose the double standards. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6lcJxmdqWM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  6. Unreal comparing a standard tax loss carry forward spread among partners and investors that would need to realize substantial new revenues to ever be of value, and at most 1/6th the size of an individual billionaire donor's direct $2 billion windfall from the Romney plan.
  7. Billionaire Donor Could Turn $100 Million Invested in the 2012 Presidential Race into a $2 Billion Tax Cut If Romney Is Elected http://images.politico.com/global/2012/09/hanlon_adelsonc4brief.html
  8. it was interesting how he pointed out how passifying the masses with religion is a way to sell the military industrial complex agenda. And how that's turned into a "good vs evil" perspective on anyone opposed to their foreign policy. You see it play out on this board: yóu're a Dem who concedes issues with both parties, Im an Independant (former Repub) who has openly called out both parties, including Romney and Obama. But the Repubs in here completely one-sided - "we're good, they're evil"
  9. Plan B is if Plan A doesn't work out: make sure you mess things up enough the obvious and only option will be to sell and move team @ Ralph's passing. Honestly I think it's best for everyone at this point. This area does not khow to support building a winning franchise anyway. Fans en mass defend the massive overpaying of a bum like Fitz because he's a "Buffalo" guy, and attack a world class athlete like M Williams for putting refs on notice for not calling penalties. Seriously, close it up, move it ... IMO NFL should be done here. Other cities like LA want a team and have a much better chance at supporting it. It was a fun an interesting ride, lots of good memories, unique story unlikely to ever be duplicated, but it's time to move on. If NFL were starting today there's no way one of the 32 franchises would be awared to Buffalo.
  10. Other related point when it comes to taxes and wars, not only do they want the cost burden skewed away from them, they know they won't be fighting the wars either, since the rank and file come from the lower financial ranks. Basically it's: we start it, we benefit from it, you pay for it, you fight it.
  11. You missed the point. I think VY thought it wasnt worth learning in the first place. he plays the game on the field, and knows athletes play athletes, systems dont play systems. Like Richard Seymour said "I never saw a system make a tackle." Pats are a good case in point: Bellichek has changed both his offense and defensive schemes over the years in accordance with the talent he had.
  12. Nothing. Its a "religion" for them now. call it "faith-based" budgeting
  13. I had the sense VY knew chans offense wasn't the be all and end all anyway and not the best way to win games in this league, something he's done a lot more than chan. Sadly the evidence is he's right.
  14. He had the audacity of saying south Florida had more things to do than Buffalo. Even though vacantion travel btw the 2 cities would wholly support Buffalonians feel the same.
  15. That too. I was glad to see him upset. Shows he cares, which is a concern for a guy playing that physical a postion and inking a huge contract. Haynesworth would have sulked and asked to be taken out, and refuse to speak to the media after
  16. The party's seeking to reverse abortion , don't ask don't tell, gay marriage and running to Israel slamming the Palestinians. The country is getting more socially liberal and wanting of a more balanced foreign policy and the RNC is getting more socially conservative and one sided in foreign affairs. And youre telling me the religious right is not influencing it? LOL check out the overlap between republican electoral states and the Bible belt.
  17. I saw VY make a play extending , deep completion to Graham that Fitz never could make. But it probably wasn't the correct read so he lost a point from chan.
  18. Kind of thing someone says when they want to avoid the subject ... attack the messenger not themessage kInd of thing. Seriously anything to say about the statements made by Mike Lofgren? a Fulbright scholar with two degrees in history when he went to work in Congress and became a senior staff member of the House and Senate Budget committees. His specialty was the cost of national security.
  19. Its funny I'm overseas at the moment and didnt realize 9/11 was upon us until I looked at my calendar this am. But even before I noted I was feeling a little more subdued than usual. Its like I have an internal clock that slows me down a bit on this day.
  20. With the added benefit of turning bills fans on their Newly acquired superstar when he does the right thing and puts the refs on notice.
  21. 6 & 10 sounds optimistic to me right now. T After Sunday we just don't like we belong. Chalk up another loss against jets, 2 to pats, split with fins we're 1 & 5 in division. 6&10 means .500 against rest of league. Just not seeing it.
  22. Many of you have it all wrong. What's he supposed to do let it keep going on and get shut down by KC too? This is as much about next week as last. You want your players to put the refs on notice. THIS IS GOOD FOR US
  23. "I left the party because it was becoming an apocalyptic cult. Because you cannot govern a country of 310 million people that is the greatest economic power on earth and the greatest military power on earth as if it's a banana republic." http://truth-out.org...e-party-is-over
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