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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Kelly doesn't have squat. He's got a couple million in the bank and a pension, in a billion dollar market he's a nobody.
  2. Yeah right because you've interviewed all 1 billion+ Muslims and you know what they're thinking. The most visible evidence of collective thought is neglibible % are protesting. And the reason you don't see more "moderate Muslim voices " in American media is because the media antagonists like fox don't want you to so they can keep selling the Islamic stereotype to America. Like the downtown mosque Iman who was good enough for the federal government to use as our envoy to the region, yet when he became a public figure fox & friends threw every slander they could at him.
  3. That's true especially when you consider with over 1 billion Muslims the number of protestors world wide is close to 0 as a % of Muslims. A much smaller fraction than the number of "occupy" protestors in America.
  4. Not caring if I sound heartless, the best thing for everyone - bills players, fans, future owner, etc - is for Ralph to pass so this thing can come to a resolution. If they're staying then do it, make the commitment to the area and building a winner, stop the vagury, stop stalling, stop holding the fans over a barrel and torturing them. Or sell the team to an LA higher bidder and move. I'm prepared for either , its the current non-status "status" I'm thoroughly exhausted with. Btw Ralph's over 90 and looks feeble (most 90 year olds do) but he could also live another 10 years and make it to 100. I had a relative live that long. And with Ralph's money he has a better chance than most at getting the healthcare to extend hia years. The prospect of 10 more years of this BS makes it crystal clear he should abandon the "status unresolved until I'm gone" policy. Really Ralph FU, you're abusing the fans who made you a billionaire in the first place. We're owed better.
  5. Hard time getting Chan to come here ? That desperate boob would have crawled here from Georgia for the job. Geesh @ some of the crap tossed out here ..... After a 7-5 2007 regular season and losing for the sixth straight year to the Georgia Bulldogs football team, it was announced on November 26, 2007 that Gailey had been dismissed and his $1 million/year contract bought out.[15][16][17][18] Back to the NFL (2008) Gailey was hired on January 16, 2008 to become the offensive coordinator of the Kansas City Chiefs. Gailey inherited a Chiefs offense that ranked at the bottom of the league in almost every category the previous season.[19] He was demoted after three pre-season games in 2009 and relieved of play-calling duties by head coach Todd Haley.[20] Gailey was out of football in 2009.
  6. So its bidens fault because he rightfully points our america brought to justice a guy who killed 3000 Americans, without ever mentioning the word "Islam", but you're good with Gingrich unprovoked saying "Palestinians are an invented people" and Romney saying Palestinian culture (read Islam) is to blame for their plight, and not Israeli occupation we support?
  7. My hunch is that we're stuck with chan this year no matter. I'm thinking Ralph wants to keep the option open of moving the team after this season (dead or alive). Not renewing his contract at the end and leaving the spot open for the LA buyer's new owner with no legacy coaching costs, would be another sweetener.
  8. Wtf are you talking about? I open with saying its not justified and anyone who says it is is to be dismissed, and thats how you respond?
  9. Gruden would be great but I agree its doubtful he comes back and like a shanahan highly inlikely of he did its to buffalo. Let's focus on quality assistants from other programs looking for their first shot at HC. They get 1 year to make Changes and year 2 we need to see it show up in more W's or they're out. Tight time frames are good because it would force them to use a blend of the talent they inherit and their program. Chans had too long a leash to make his systems work.
  10. No Jim, no one is saying violence today is justified (no one worth listening to anyway). But at the same time there's a game being played of dismissing the provocations coming out of America because it's not a crime of equal caliber. Bad behavior doesn't follow some kind of hierarchy whereby only the worst is called out, and de facto all the lesser crimes are excused. The makers of this film and others in the popular media like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck are constantly fanning the flames and instigating tensions, far removed from the blow back, with bank accounts swelling by the millions. They're like the obnoxious kid on the playground who instigates a fight between others, and then gets off watching the bloodied combatants. Something tells me you'd be plenty mad at the instigator in that case.
  11. I agree if I'm keeping one its nix. He's done everything that boob chan asked and it's a disaster. We've actually digressed from jauron. I believe nix has the savvy needed to be a GM , massage the owner into spending money , and provide support to the head coach. Now it's time to find the better coach. Mid season change works fine if it becomes more clear this years a write off.
  12. That dork romney after all this time first said something negative about the film today. Just a "cya" wink and nod to appease media , wouldn't want to offend the base
  13. No leave him alone. Dont draw added attention to the circumstances. He knows what he's getting into and has elected to do it. No curve balls. He may see this as therapeutic.
  14. After Sundays game you have to ask?
  15. That makes sense either do it right or don't do it. Enough of the band aids. The NFL era of playing in old worn caves is over. In this environment bills are lucky to be getting this kind of support and interest from government. If Ralph can't make a commitment now and wants to keep options open (which I can understand ) then roll it a year. But dont play this BS game of demanding support on one hand while offering no commitments on the other.
  16. Take 2 of these and call me in the morning I wouldnt higher as I figure at that point he's yanked or bills go 100% run
  17. Fitz horrible play was his fault ... helmet was too small. Cant blame the rib, Oline, lack of running game, etc etc .... after each loss now someone else will take the fall
  18. Because with smart coach they played to their strengths of welker and gronk, away from weakness ocho and branch. When he had a legit deep threat in moss Brady set TD pass record with plenty down field throws. Really silly to use this and say Brady is one dimensional
  19. Good grief youre a tool. His theme was that timidity on our part makes us look "weak" <---- word he used in his concluding sentence. Stick to Scrabble after your daily dictionary readings, you don't know how to interpret language.
  20. Probably not, usually try not to. But you quoted me this time. But hey I'm 100% sure you didn't realizw my post was in response to koolaid even though mine was directly underneath his and referenced his "weak" argument
  21. Yeah fighting in Afghan for >10 yrs, continued drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere, making up WMD stuff and invading Iraq, daring raid to assassinate bin laden, spending more on defense than rest of world combined, ETC ETC ETC all make us look us very weak. Yeah if thats not enough than more war must be answer. Always is right? The intellectual vacuum on this board never ceased to amaze. Really embarressed for buffalo these days , and not just the team
  22. Lol @ palins comment "there ain't no free lunch out there ". Except for these asswipes pulling in 10's of $millions spewing their "analysis". The reason the mud slinging against BO is having no effect this time is because they exhausted all that crap 4 years ago. Republican shrills are already acting like losing the election is a foregone conclusion, even more defeatist than the polls suggest. Behind the name calls they offer nothing
  23. Funny though malkin. And her crew have been stumping for US to wage all out war with Iran based on a sentence not even refetencing america from an on the way out politician of a 3rd rate power. Talk about sensitive ... geesh.
  24. VY as a backup thrust in a starter role in 3 games from week 9 last year, won as many games as Fitz in 8starts from that time: one
  25. I thought he looked worst of the 3 in pre season as is. VY was clearly the best athlete and could make plays on his own. Reminded me of a Ben rothlesberger ... forget the play book when the play breaks down I can beat these guys. Definitely not a chan kind of guy though. Thig IMO did the best job of managing the offense andhis arm looked a little stronger than I remember. Also deserves props for looking best when he nads were on the line in game 4. Fitz i didn't see distinguishing himself in any way. Obviously have to make some adjustments in playing with/against 1st, 2nd team etc to judge them, but that's what I saw
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