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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. yes regionalization is the answer. If the parochial blue collar bums shouting "keep em' in Buffalo" have their way, Bills will be gone. TIred old city of only 250,000 residents can't support a team in this day and age, no way, no how. Wilson's estate is not going to leave hundreds of millions on the table due to any loyalty to an area they dont even live. If the bums want to have their tailgates and fistfights, let them take organize their own tractor pull and monster truck exhibitions at the vacated Ralph. Leave the boards up and pipe in the game from the falls. Falls is the only real asset that area has to market any more. Tourist angle would be a unique differentiating niche for the team, and elevate their profile in the Commisioner's office keen on expanding internationally. NF has a neutral site location aspect too since both US and Canada share in the area, it's not speficically identifiable with a city more so a wonder of the world site, and city folks from places like Toronto and Rochester won't feel like they're supporting a team from another city they don't give a ^$#% about, and in the case of Toronto probably dont want to be associated with. The upgraded image would also be an asset in recruiting players and coaches.
  2. Been freaking obvious for a while now DT Niagara falls is the obvious spot to relocate and perhaps only way to keep bills in WNY
  3. Yeah really. Wtf can a team decide just because its up one score that they can call the game over and make a "friendly " snap.
  4. I wanted Flynn. He offered real hope at less than half the price. For some bizarre reason it became Gospel around here that since he only had a few starts and performed well in all of them, getting glowing accolades from his team mates, that its a given he was a one hit wonder.
  5. Disgusting. This is why people cant bring families. Pure garbage
  6. @TNB I disagree there. I've spent plenty of time emersed with people in his base and I'm confident they'll eat that stuff up. They'll interpret as calling out people on entitlement as lazy, something they themselves do all the time. And applaud what they perceive as Romney standing up to them and not being bullied. This is part of O'Reilly appeal, for example.
  7. Question at this point is threefold for anything : - how will it play to your base (will it inspire greater turnout)? - how will it play to the opponents base? - how will it effect undecideds? I'd reckon it helps with his base but have no idea how all 3 net out.
  8. Well it seems like he did raise the money so his comments helped. I have no doubt you would have phrase it differentlly. But it's his fund raiser , his party, his base and even took place at another pE fund managers house so it's his business community. I would think he knows how to speak their language better than you. Again the comment has Merit: it's been confirmed that 46% of households dont pay taxes (which I find shocking ). The context was being asked election strategy from potential donors who need to know. He gave them insight he doesn't think making a tax cut case to people who aren't paying income taxes will have much value. Makes sense to me. So he's going after the middle ground undecided tax paxpayers to try and make up the 5-10% voter pickup he needs. I see no controversy here. None nada zero
  9. I think you missed my point about it being a top level comment w/ plenty of nuance left out. But to the substance, it's a really a surprise to you he looks at this way? Really? The conservative economic philosophy is that government shouldnt "care"about people because it can't. People can care about people (themselves & others) and do so privately. Key then is not to morph government into a "caring" state, it only undermines the agenda by shifting resources away from individuals. You may disagree, but that's it in a nutshell. The electorate may freak over the video, I dont know. Im only speaking for myself. I find it refreshing to hear what candidates really think and want to hear them speak candidly. I could see Reagan saying something similar and getting away with it because a) people respected his candid comments and b) he was a genius at communicating the conservative economic philosophy.
  10. @TNB, the point hes making is about target marketing: rather than try and convince 47% with a decided bias against his philosophy, they need to commit their resources to the remaining 53%. Obviously these are top level figures with plenty of nuance left out, but when you're sizing up a market and how to attack it, thats where you start.
  11. I have no problem with this, just pointed voter market analysis. He might have softened the language had he known it was going public (maybe not how he's been acting up lately), but no matter the substance is fair.
  12. Well he is old and he gets schooled a lot by the opposing coach. So in that sense yeah I see where he's coming from.
  13. That's right. 2nd time in a row that party has produced an epicly weak ticket. Its not a coincidence.
  14. Close in tight zones. Stayed away from pick plays and dares pats to beat them deep. None of which would have worked witb out fhe consistent pressure
  15. That or they watched the replay and like anyone with a clue realize he never had possession so it wasn't a fumble.
  16. Watch him bust on gilmore for playing soft and giving up the completion on the play he was shaken up. Gilmore was all over the field today. He's physical, disciplined, versatile, and confident and one of the best athletes on the field. they tried picking on the rookie in his 2nd start and he shined. He can be really special
  17. It was a bad call. But my comment about being a catalyst for getting the regs back was due to it going against pats. Kraft textng goodell now ... lol
  18. Its 10 yards from where the ball was at time of call. Correct spot. But it wasn't a hold. That call which cost pats the game will probably get the regs their jobs back.
  19. Definitely not. No more injuries
  20. Guy looked like he was out cold before he even hit the ground
  21. Romeo is an idiot.
  22. Even Cruise doing his own vocals didn't screw it up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6MFXd3TPoQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  23. Good sober detailed Article. No personal agenda or anything. Its up or out starting now
  24. You have a lot of nerve bitching about "their news" when american media nearly across the board trumpeted the phony WMD story enabling bush's war of choice IN 2003. Hundreds of thousands of civilians died on a war fought on Mideast soil. Not saying there aren't problems within Islam and in their media.... there sure as hell are. But before going into your black and white "we're right, they're wrong" routine, you better look in your own backyard captain America.
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