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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Right. After the 1st presidential debate they had to come up with a strategy to thwart the romney tact of completely changing his stripes carte Blanche as an appeal to the middle. That was extraordinary the amount of nonstop BS pouring out of romneys mouth.
  2. Seemed spontaneous. Who knew Ryan was going to reference jack Kennedy ?
  3. No you're wrong, I never found her desirable in that regard. But she is more presentable in a natural, easy going way than Ryan. Ryan acts smug like he's the smartest guy in the room or something and rarely shows any real emotion or spontaneity. Contrast versus his hollow words and he really comes across as a shallow dork, yes even more so than Palin. Of even greater surprise given the reputations is that her arguments have greater substance than his.
  4. If Lance was doping, could that be the source of his cancer at such a young age?
  5. I actually thought Palin did a better job against Biden than Ryan. Ryan, for all the bluster and bravado, in general lacks substance, is shown to be inconsistent when he tries to talk specifics, is dorky looking, and just generally ineffective. Palin is more presentable and scores more points on specifics.
  6. Youre the guy (gal?) who spent all preseason saying how great Fitz was, launching on anyone who disagreed, and scapegoating every thing in sight for fitz failings ... "the line" "the WRs" "the rib" etc etc. Well the lines acknowledged as good, so are the WRs w/ SJ, Chandler, Graham etc ... and Fitz is worse than ever, with every objective analyst weighing in on how bad his arm is. Yet you're still here posting, questioning the credibility of others? Unreal
  7. "if he did such a great job in Massacusetts why isn't he even contesting Massachusetts" lol great line Joe
  8. Biden is winning, he's connecting with the audience. Ryan sounds like a robotic, rehearsed, sound bite.
  9. What about Chad henne? Was never a fan but thought he was showing good progress last year before the injury
  10. Flynn was hurt in preseason. And it ways too early to tell if Carroll made the right initial call.
  11. Costner makes good sports flicks. Field of dreams, tin cup, bull Durham. Can't wait for this new flick to come out !
  12. Much as it pains me I think cards will win. They have an excellent WR corp that if kolb given time will find. And we just havent shown much ability to generate a pass rush. I have zero confidence in this offense with fitz at qb and very little confidence in gailey to go a game without at least 2 to 3 head scratching decisions that prove critical to the outcome. Add to that the low confidence coming into this game and bills historical problems on the road, and it doesn't spell victory.
  13. Interesting. I'll admit I dont get to watch much NCAA but my recollection the knock on him was deadly accurate but seriously lacking NFL arm strength. If that's not the case then sure give him a look. gotta believe at some point skins would entertain a trade to build more talent around rg3. Teams generally find it too costly to keep 2 quality QBs on the roster, in direct free agent costs or trade value opportunity costs.
  14. 1. Webb, don't know much about but your description is intriguing 2. Vick, if he's available, get him! 3. Romo, don't like as much as Vick. makes a lot of bonehead plays, but his physical skills are undeniable. Worth a shot If hes available 4. Cousins. Its my understanding he lacks arm strength. If thats the case, please no more of them, we've had enough of that already 5. Mallet: if Pats are willing to let him go to a division rival who seems to be lacking mostly a QB to be a contender, Id pass. 6. Daniels: dont know anything about 7. Yates: see above 8. Campbell: never a huge fan, but he looked to have made big strides with Raiders last year before injury. Worth a shot. 9. Flynn. Big thumbs up, thats how I wanted them to address QB position in offseason. Could have been had for a lot less than theyre paying Fitz too. 10. Moore: better than Fitz but could be just another career backup journeyman. Like guys with weak arms, we've seen enough of that
  15. Im with ya man. Totally, ridiculously, off the charts!!! http://thechive.com/2011/12/19/t-mobile-girl-carly-foulkes-can-use-my-anytime-minutes-20-photos/
  16. wow this latest release sounds very damning .... The evidence that Armstrong used EPO in the 1999 race was overwhelming, the report said, adding, “No other conclusion is even plausible.” www.nytimes.com/2012/10/11/sports/cycling/lance-armstrongs-1999-tour-de-france-triumph-takes-a-dark-turn.html?pagewanted=all
  17. Merriman will be getting a call
  18. I think the best QB for the offense chan wants to run is Bradford. And Fitz isn't even the same zip code of his throwing ability. The best available to us in last years draft was weeden. He's got the arm and he's mature and coachable. But they couldnt have had Bradford at 1 overall and I liked the gilmore pick so I cant complain. I wanted them to address QB in the off season with Flynn, who could have been had for a lot less than they're paying Fitz.
  19. Like to see bills defense show some of the tenacity of that moose bull!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEDi-pMoA7M&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  21. Yeah I'd be surprises if they don't. You will get charged for the data usage of course.
  22. Really where is that quote? I wonder if he's referring to Fitz and players afraid to call him out because it cuts too close to gailey
  23. I think fitz gave up on himself with that horrific INT in the 3rd when game was still in reach. As bad as it was physically, mentally it was even worse. Fitz knows better than to make that throw. It was almost like a "screw this critics are right I can't play this game. I'll give them what they want I'm done with this. But hey I got my green, family's set. So just screw it. "
  24. Well said. Its unfortunate for vy the team that gave him a shot was being coached by a guy guaranteed to undermine him. Chans System, while not good for winning games, has been proven to elevate QBs without starter skills to the top spot. He's a desperate man now on a quixotic crusade to find that one mythical qb that validate his system; its become more important to him than anything else. I.e. he's a bum and shouldnt be a HC
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