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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. more like 87% LOL
  2. Romney looks drained, different ball game
  3. they artificially lower value of their currency by buying trillions of our debt ... LOL
  4. she has Hillary type pants on
  5. dude where? I missed it. You have a screenshot?
  6. who the f%$# cares what they called it
  7. hes wildly hypocritical and partisan?
  8. why didnt Romney go off on Bush for the 3,000 killed @ WTC?
  9. sent those illegal immigrants back to Cheektowaga
  10. Where can I get all these food stamps? Need to free up some cash for beer money
  11. wow power move by Obama ... pointing out point by point where Romney is worse than Bush!!!
  12. we have $500 billion and growing trade with China, they keep us solvent by buying trillions of our debt ... why in the hell are we getting "tough" on them?
  13. how long is this debate? Obama is winning (and I said Romney was burying him the first time). Romney needs more time on the clock to catch up.
  14. where are all these broke chicks?
  15. well look it wasnt a good tactical move for Obama to address Romney as a businessman when talking about balancing a budget. That opened the door for Romney to introduce his relative strength in private sector. And that line was rehearsed by Obama too. Sometimes the mistakes these "smart" planners make are unreal. that helped Romney find his feet again
  16. Romney should have stuck to the "why offer them a tax cut when they don't pay taxes anyway?" same thing with interest income: why offer them a tax cut on interest income when they don't have interest income? LOL
  17. how much investment income do middle class have? LOL Romney thinks "middle class" means "millions in dividends"
  18. Romney's getting buried so far. Only "wind" he supports is coming from his Depends LOL
  19. They need an octagon!!
  20. f^#$ the coal miners, I hate the steelers
  21. Obama buried him with that counterpoint .. WOW. Definitely a different Obama than the 1st debate
  22. He'd always paid someone else to sit on bar stools for him
  23. A band that would totally satisfy the global popularity, durability, and no stage too big for them id love to see is Metallica. I think in the old days a band that heavy might have worked and be viewed as consistent w/ NFL. But in the new era of no head shots, protect the QBs, no hitting defenseless WRs, etc etc .... set list of "For Whom the Bell Tolls", "Search and Destroy", "Creeping Death" and "No Remorse" might not fly in the Commissioner's office LOL
  24. the problem with the Black Keys or someone of similar popularity like a Maroon 5, is they lack the massive global following of the headliners they want. There's also the bigger risk the stage will be too great for them and they will bomb. NFL does not approach this as an opportunity for up n' comers, proven track records only need apply. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwK7ggA3-bU
  25. Beyonce is good, I'm down with that. For someone whose popular with the masses which is what they need, she's about as good as one can ask for. Doesn't have any of the self-centered attitude of a Madonna either.
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