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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. the news reports said he hit several long passes. That alone makes him a lot more compelling than Fitz.
  2. but they did beat Fins on the road in their first game. With the blocked kicks etc Jets just sound like a distracted team. The real story here may be the play of Moore off the bench, and if Bills should consider a play for him
  3. Didn't see the game, but with all the reported mistakes have to wonder if jets were distracted by the storm threat for the area. The meadowlands where they played is right in the cross hairs. Giants OTOH are playing away and dominating.
  4. Its a waste of time and won't happen because the economics don't work. Its still within the context of Buffalo a city with horrible economic and demographic trends. Putting a stadium there does nothing, it wont bring people from afar and doesnt change the buffalo economy a bit. If dumping a stadium anywhere were some miracle cure you could build one in the middle of no where and have it work. But it doesn't thats why that doesn't happen. Regionalization/internationalization via a Niagara falls location is the only viable option. That package may not be enough to compete with an LA bidder but its the only one with a chance.
  5. 2 games are being played this afternoon right in projected eye of storm: Fins @ Jets in Meadowlands NJ, Falcons @ Eagles. How unhappy are Dolphins and Falcons?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCeGCSvueM8
  7. Winning bid To keep them in The area almost certainly has be in conjunction with a regiOnalization/internationalization program with a stadium in the falls, and perhaps new team name too. I just dont see anyway the economics work for a Buffalo based team. Its naive to think otherwise and downright selfish for those trying to stand in the way of a falls option. If successful in thwarting that they'll just most likely cost the whole area a team
  8. Was never a of orton, just seems like kind of a weak leader. That being said I could see him as more competant than Fitz because hes a more accurate passer. Orton can put up points too. He can win in shootouts.
  9. Nothing new in the loss: - HC who makes brain farts especially at crunch time - QB without an NFL caliber arm leads to a limited offense and costly picks - absolutely no presence from the linebackers - that Middle unit of the defense reminds me of a sandwich with just 2 slices of bread; nothing in the middle And the underlying reasons: - HC that at best should be an OC - highly parochial, borderline incestuous, personnel and coaching decisions With this combination and their history of disappointment, how fans keep setting their expectations high and dismissing any opponent - like many were doing with Titans - escapes me
  10. How about the glove? Since it didn't fit anyway
  11. Word came from your boy Dante. Ask him
  12. Very concerned that Chris Johnson has a bust out game and rushes for 2-hundie. With heat off him the Wiley vet hasselback will do enough to add insult to injury with a 3 TD/1 pick effort of hisown . Let's not forget this is a team that came from behind to beat steelers last week. And they've an extra 3 days to prep for us. There's no reason whatsoever a team like bills should be taking them lightly. Yet that's what everyone seems to be doing, which in and of itself is an ominous sign.
  13. Or the baseball-mad Taiwanese saying: man with one ball already have two strike against.
  14. Lol at equating Romney to Reagan. And double lol @ busting on Obamas mid east adventures while giving bush a pass, especially when Romney's stated policy is bush on steroids.
  15. Nike just dumped and said he mislead them. He stepped down from his charity saying the controversy surrounding his biking career could negatively impact it. Couple of notable things: Nike did a complete about face on their stance prior to the latest report and did something rare for them and terminated an athlete for cause. In armstrongs statement he makes no claim of innocence. Walls closing in and it seems like resignation and inevitably are setting in. I wouldnt be surprised at all if lance issues his own statement of guilt soon. The longer this lingers the more bad he looks. Could be working on the wording and running the legal and financial implications with his lawyers in preparation.
  16. Like I posted before people think this guy has too much pride to accept being benched got it wrong. Hes lost interest in playing and is more into his super rich Manhattan lifestyle, including flirting with the ladies - the only "field" he cares to play anymore. There are rumblings today yanks will try to buy him out of his remaining contract, I really hope it happens. Watching that guy playingiinto his 40's or ride the bench making almost $30mill /year is brutal either way.
  17. I think they pull the trigger on extending coaches and players at the magical 5 wins before mid season start because they're cheap (and no Im not a chronic "Ralph's cheap" poster). They figure if these guys are the real deal and they become free agents then they have to pay full market to keep them. So by paying 2/3rds market for marquee players/coaches they end up with 3rd off discount if everything goes right. I think its fear of paying the full market that makes them gloss over the other side of the coin which is overpaying if the guy flops. But still they've done their projections and know they can stomach it even in these worst case situations.
  18. Well said and youre 100% right. At some point everyone will wear out, mentally and physically. And beyond that people lose incentives to perform when they know the payoff isnt there. People saying "well their pros blah blah blah" have no clue. They're people before pros and everyone has a limit. I even recall ray lewis biatching at ravens offense a few years ago for costing them games, saying the D can only be asked to so so much.
  19. Before this season id say definitely. He excels in every facet and only lacks a blazing top speed ,but so did Thurman Thomas. But this season he seems to have developed a fumbling problem which if not fixed will offset a lot of the good things.
  20. There's no point trading away picks or starters for receiver talent until we solve the problem at QB. Bowe would just be wastded here and setup as another scapegoat for Fitz failings.
  21. thats a great track, but I agree w/ Stealth after a few songs the garbled vocals gets old and gets in the way of the musicianship. Im a fan of Children of Bodom's music, for example, but have never downloaded even one of their songs because I cant get past the vocals. That said, a half time show with someone like Buffalo's own "Cannibal Corpse" would be great.
  22. Mitt Romney's running mate spoke to a gathering of Brownsplayers after practice and went on a pleasant soliloquy about watching rookie quarterback Brandon Weeden's heroics at Oklahoma State. One small issue: Ryan was pointing to backup Colt McCoy, the former Texas passer and Browns starter http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000081651/article/paul-ryan-mistakes-colt-mccoy-for-brandon-weeden
  23. The other thing if Romney knew this quote so well and wanted to try for a semantic angle, then why didn't he correct Crowley? Instead he stood and looked like an old man whose Depends diaper needed changing. Guy obviously had no clue what Obama said or didn't say that day Because he's been relying on dopey advisors politicizing this tragedy from the very second it was reported. Now it backfired on them in what will be the most talked about moment from either debate. Serves them right , what a disgrace
  24. Obama first statement after Libya: "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for." Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/12/transcript-president-obama-remarks-following-deadly-attacks-at-us-consulate-in/#ixzz29WPB2gGj
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