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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. If they have distribution rights shouldnt it be worth a heck of a lot more than 30,000 Pounds (about $50,000)?
  2. The Beatles' audition tape famously rejected by a record executive in 1962 has finally been uncovered after 50 years. The fledgling group were told "they had no future in showbusiness" as guitar groups were "on the way out" following the audition. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/the-beatles/9695499/Rejected-Beatles-audition-tape-discovered.html
  3. Even if he were there at 8 we would have passed on him. This is Fitz team.
  4. No going for 2 still takes place from the 2. As for xtra point, my earlier post what I meant was make it a 35 yarder (I.e. ball on 18), not kick from 35.
  5. Dreaded 47-yarder
  6. So if I think there was a blown TD call in my favor I should throw the red flag to nullify any kind of replay?
  7. Move it back to the 35. Not so automatic and you'd see more 2-point conversion attempts.
  8. I agree looks like poor judgement on locale not deliberate mocking of unknown soldier, which makes no sense. She works for a good cause , cut her some slack.
  9. Maybe gailey will make a speech about how he has gas and bloating and it will inspire them to win one for him.
  10. Those Kelley sisters have reality TV show written all over them. I only watch sports and some news on TV, but if I watched shows sadly Id probably tune in to the Kelley Sisters
  11. Only 1 QB taken in rd 1? Seems highly unrealistic. Has that ever happened before ? Bills chiefs jags raiders cardinals eagles jets all couldbe looking, and who knows if the right guy is there someone with an aging vet with question marks like chargers could snag one too But I agree you nailed Bills 2 vital needs : QB and MLB
  12. I like the jets strategy of just running it down their throats. Don't give freaney an opportunity to make a game changing sack/fumble or pressure into pick play on fitz. And really what better way to beat luck or any QB than putting him on the field after you've consistently scored points from long drives, forcing them into obvious passing situations against your rested defense. All this takes the home town crowd out of it too.
  13. Theyve been pretty hard up for something dramatic, because thus far theres been a lot more smoke than fire after a lot of hype. Im really not holding my breath on this one
  14. Los Angeles (CNN) -- A death row inmate told relatives and a criminal profiler he killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman while O.J. Simpson waited nearby, a new documentary claims. "I'm absolutely certain that my brother Glen killed Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman," said Clay Rogers, who narrated the film "My Brother The Serial Killer," which will debut on the Investigation Discovery channel Wednesday. "I know my brother did it because I've seen proof that he was there." http://edition.cnn.c....html?hpt=us_c2
  15. http://www.jewishaz.com/jewishnews/971128/aipac.shtmlBingo there's your answer All about lobby power in DC. That's why the goobers here who claim to be independent thinkers and opposed to special interests have been exposed as frauds on both counts. Just brain dead herd followers
  16. well in Singapore they do. they titled it
  17. where did I ever say he would help bolster our run support? you have maybin on the brain disease. get help
  18. lol what a joke. All you do is spit out regurgitated spoon fed special interest/media propaganda, while fancying yourself some kind of independent thinker. You ought to get back to your one word name calling routine, you sound somewhat less stupid that way
  19. Yeah better to provide Israel with the political, military and economic support to carry out decades of brutal occupation, assassinations (terror if done by anyone else), and illegal settlement expansion. That will really buy us a lot of goodwill throughout the region. LOL
  20. Related story:The wife of a high-ranking US general who had an affair said in an interview that military marriages suffered from the protracted US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Latest-News-Wires/2012/1119/Is-infidelity-an-emotional-war-wound
  21. Theres no way no in heck they let him go for a 2nd right now and not even a 1st. You have a potential franchise QB when the guy he's been playing behind they're openly not sure of. You'd have to offer them an RG3 kind of package for them to even think about it. Even then I doubt something gets done, they don't need all the picks, this is not a team in rebuild mode. Whether hes that good or not I don't know, but the potential seems to be there. I'll say one for thing certain about him, he has A LOT of tattoos http://www.sfgate.com/news/slideshow/49ers-players-get-inked-up-49428.php#photo-3486564
  22. Kaepernick may be starting even when smith is back. Harbaugh post game wouldnt commit to either one, saying they go with who ever has the hot hand. And right now they both do. Also the fact they went after Manning in the off season shows they're not totally sold on smith and are looking for an upgrade.
  23. Explain our foreign policy either of you bozos. The inconsistency of supporting Israel politically, economically and militarily against palestineans, while supporting the rebels in Syria. I'm not saying palistieans haven't made their fair share of mistakes and don't have plenty of bad apples, just waiting for you goobers to explain why its morally correct to support Israel unconditionally and oppose Syria unconditionally.
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