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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Sure looked good to me setting records in Green Bay. And I don't care what Carroll thinks anyway. Leinert and Sanchez both suck at the pro level. Bottom line though we can't sit on fitz or a y other QB on the roster. Have to try something and IMO trying to work a deal for Flynn is an avenue worth seriously exploring. The other could be Alex smith but I like Flynn more.
  2. Work a deal to get Flynn from the Seahawks
  3. Sadly I have to concede yes. It would mean 2 more wins than last year, not a losing record, improvement in the national media's perecption, and a sense of momentum from winning 4 of the last 5. Its sad because this would give chan and fitz the leverage they need to waste another year in 2013.
  4. I agree writing is on the wall. If bills staying in buffalo were a futures contract id short it.
  5. Idk the answer to that. I'm just put off by chan having a lock on the job for nearly half a decade without regard to performance. He should have someone to answer to just like everyone else.
  6. What can I say. I laughed at the Noo Yawkers. From the look on the players they pretty much knew it.
  7. Cassel is bad but not worse than fitz Gabbert at least his upside is unknown and he throws a good ball Weeden definitely looks better than fitz after only half a season Sanchez as sad as he is is better than fitz. Better footwork and better arm. Was in AFC championship game as a rookie and 2nd year Skelton/kolb both better than fitz Vick better than fitz, no doubt
  8. He's such a stubborn ass saying they're going to keep doing things like they always do, which is losing. But then again he can afford to be since nix already unconditionally gave him the HC for 2013 too. Seriously in this day and age, other than elected officials, who gets a job where they can suck 4 years straight and not get removed ?
  9. They're fortunate no one reacted by beating it
  10. http://www.andpop.com/2012/11/26/ridiculously-scary-elevator-ghost-prank-in-brazil/
  11. Dont forget he's a rookie drawing the oppostions #1 WR every week.that's a huge challenge. Take Wayne, he's having a monster year and he's going to be in the HoF some day. Gilmore did not look over matched against him.
  12. I like Donald Jones.
  13. Didnt say he'd be good, said "at best". I certainly don't think hes a good HC but sometimes those with his deficiencies can succeed as subordinates
  14. Because he overplays his philosophy and lacks judgement during games. Hes not shown management skills to run the whole thing. He's a Kevin gilbride at best
  15. OK I saw it, definitely not calling out Fitz. Diplomatically calling out Gailey. Hes right: if Fitz asset is his brain, why isnt he allowed more flexibility calling plays and audibling?
  16. Don't want to be a downer but I think writing is on wall this teams not long for western NY. Ralphs lack of visibility I take to mean his health is failing. And he hasn't budges an inch on not selling the team until he passes. There's no long term commitment to buffalo, and the woefully inadequate stadium can't get upgraded without it .even more problematic is the local yocals obstructing a viable Niagara falls relocation, which IMO is the only way to get a competitive bid to keep them in WNY. What I see in the cards is a team that's losing out, won't make any management / coaching changes, and it quickly sold off to an LA bidder when Ralph passes, which could be any time now. With a reasonably good depth of talent , high draft slot and cap space to address needs at qb and LB, and no mega legacy coaching contracts, they will represent a compelling proposition for a new LA owner, attracting top tier GM/coaching talent. So all this "whose going to be buffalos next head coach" is really a waste of time unless the unexpected happens and an unforeseen strong commitment to wny happens soon.
  17. Cant listen to it now but if people are correct he's calling out coaching and maybe fitz too, this is a good thing and long overdue. Those 2 have lived in a cocoon where they can't do anything wrong because nix unconditionally supports Chan and chan does the same for Fitz. Player revolt will force the issue.
  18. Done in by tebowmania. This really has gone beyond silly.
  19. Yes in a heartbeat
  20. Ariens is interesting. I was impressed with well prepared colts were and their playcalling.
  21. 2 major themes of coaching and QB play were in stark contrast today. QB: lucks not elite yet but likely will be sometime. But even now he shows vision, poise, presence , ability to extend plays, that fitz will never have. With luck at qb you expect good things will happen, confident good decisions will be made. With fitz youre just hoping he doesn't mess up. Coaching: colts staff did a great job of taking away/minimizing our strengths, limiting mistakes and using their key players wisely. Chans team looked unprepared on offense and unable to adjust. Like fitz at qb the coaching doesn't inspire condfidence, just hoping they don't mess up.
  22. I think they're headed to LA within a year or two where it should be a lot easier to land a big name like gruden, cow her or dungy. Course they won't be bills any more
  23. Umm what was Fred doing running out the clock?
  24. Losing this game in this fashion with so much riding on it with his poor record should spell the end of chan. But nix has made it clear it wont.
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