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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Probably not a bad idea for Seattle to start resting their starters soon. Just today you had a raider defender matter of factly state they were trying to take Newton out for panthers taking palmer out
  2. Looked dirty too. Guy is engaged high and someone comes in low from the side and drills his knee.
  3. 9ers are giving up, this is disappointing. With the injuries and on the road, knowing they can still win the division with a win against Cards @ home next week, I can see theyre giving up
  4. 9ers self destructing with the stupid penalty. Not a good sign
  5. Seahawks have the feel of the 1990 Bills to me. Sneaking up on people and coming together at the right time. Big, dramatic plays going their way. The wild card I dont know is the suspension risk to the their secondary
  6. Hits the guy in the arms/chest when the WR is looking right at him. How is that a penalty?
  7. Horrible penalty call. That was a great football play. hit the guy in the arms/chest, no where near helmet to helmet
  8. Not fast but sure is hard to bring down
  9. It actually causes me physical pain knowing we could have had Kaepernick.
  10. "Ryan, I am your father"
  11. I dont think we can finish behind Jets either in draft order, but a win by us and a loss by .. Browns (Steelers) Titans (Jags) Cards (9ers) Chargers (Raiders) Drops us to 10th. Losses by Panthers (Saints) and Bucs(Falcons) would tie us with them in W/L, what I don't know are their SoS. Not knowing that it's possible we could drop as low as 12.
  12. Here's the real scary thing: a win against jets next week (which I think will happen) could very well bump us out of the top 10 drafting ! Are you kidding me? As bad as we are we may not even draft in top 10?!!??
  13. If the relative SoS stayed the same we moved from 7 to 6 with chargers beating jets. Best case we get to 4th if we lose next week (jets) and lions (bears) and eagles (giants) win.
  14. Can you believe this now the idiot NRA are working to have their members volunteer as the armed guards at school. Talk about fox guarding the henhouse. If I had kids in schools in US I'd pull them out if that happens. For the love of god when will this NRA madness end
  15. So the answer is always more guns not less? And armed guards are wholly trustworthy too right? Just ask the families of the 13 dead soldiers gunned down by a guard at fort hood
  16. Lol I love the last sentence: "The man, who could not be reached, is being represented by his union, the American Federation of Government Employees."
  17. Too young to have seen them. But coincidentally read a weird fact just yesterday: they were the only franchise in a major team sport to trade a Rookie of the Year (Adrian dantley).
  18. A Social Security Administration employee was formally reprimanded and accused of “conduct unbecoming a federal officer” — for farting up a storm in his workplace. The reprimand, issued to a claims authorizer on Dec. 10, includes a detailed log of 60 gassy episodes over 17 days in the agency’s Baltimore office, The Smoking Gun reported. “I asked if you could make it to the restroom before releasing the awful and unpleasant odor,” a manager wrote. “I informed you that the smell from your being flatulent disturbed your co-workers and disrupted the work environment.” http://m.nypost.com/p/news/national/office_gas_crisis_SaUsxQI2Y5HrAmWEaGHlhK
  19. No compromise on physical attributes: - Ideally 6'4" to 6'5", but at least 6'3" - good to great mobility - cannon for an arm but can also make touch passes
  20. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/452/167/c86.jpg
  21. The dozen gun killings outside Newtown, which include shootings by police, represented a typical, even peaceful day, for a country that has more firearm homicides every week than Canada has in a year. http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-21/daily-gun-slaughter-in-u-s-obscured-by-newtown-rampage.html
  22. Hopefully Peterson gets the rushing record and Smith or Watt get the sack record. Strahan didnt deserve with his buddy Favre taking a dive, and Dickerson is a complete ass openly rooting against AP
  23. Their defense is like ours: Decent on paper but crap out on key plays down the stretch
  24. And there it is. Congrats Megatron! Rice is an ego maniacal stats Padder. Glad it fell
  25. If it makes you feel better, he's an assistant coach now getting pushed around by his players ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGVYvKC24Oc
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