Well actually if you'd paid attention you'd realize I said I'd vote for the libertarian candidate in November because I think our activist, special/foreign-interest led foreign policy was the #1 issue. And I prefer the libertarian position there best. But the only party I've ever been a member of is republican, and I've voted both republican and democrat for president. Like I said no one owns my vote but me. But your "label the opposition and attack label" strategy doesn't work with nuance, so you just stay the only course you know.
The libertarian states rights ideal really shows its weakness on something like gun control. Because the portability of guns across state lines requires a national solution. plus let's face it the fringe element within that party suffer fro, extreme anti-government paranoia. Like Alex Jones (wacko with no coherent argument so he tries to bully people ... I.e. the perfect spokesman for a lot of the wacko gun lovers on here)