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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Really? There are teo tweets from sep and Nov https://mobile.twitter.com/LennayKay/tweets
  2. “She was tall,” he said. “Volleyball-type of physique. She was athletic, tall, beautiful. Long hair. Polynesian. She looked like a model … ” Wow who ever she was, she sounded hot!
  3. What a mind &$+# they tried pulling. Becoming more clear this was an elaborate sick hoax where he was the victim
  4. Met as in online met. There are people I've chatted with hours online I have a rapport with but never met in person. Also you dont k know how be defined "beautiful" .... The Inward/outward thing. Lastly he was shown pictures of someone. All of That could easily be consistent with a "met" description.
  5. He never met "her" because the skilled spammer did eveything to make sure that didn't happen. Married people pretending to be single keep the other side in the dark for years like this. In this case the spammer would use the "don't worry about me best thing to do is go out and play football. I'll be watching you my love here from the hospital" blah blah crap.
  6. Smart people get conned all the time.
  7. Add to that the pressure and spotlight teo was under with fuill time studies @ND, focal point of restoring Legendary program, heisman, playing / practice etc etc ... You can see how he'd have the need for some kind of outlet and convenience of modern communications. This is really nothing other than a high profile kid being thrust in the spotlight and taken advantage of by a skilled (and likely gay) spammer. Teo had plenty of haters beforehand and I'm sure they'll try to take advantage of it now and milk it for all its worth (eg San Jose bills fan), but in the not too distant future I expect this to blow over . Most people have better things to do than focus on something fairly benign like this
  8. hes not even 22 yet. he was exactly one day old when Bills played in their 1st super bowl. hes a kid.
  9. IMO most likely scenario hoaxster is gay and used this deception to have the only kind of relationship he could w/ straight males.
  10. Which would make him incredibly stupid given the high odds this would be uncovered. Someone with that calculating a mind is not likely to determine this was a risk worth taking
  11. Whether someone considers an online GF a real GF is up to them. Ive read marriages have fallen apart because of secret online relationships where the "cheating" spouse never met the online mistress. Obviously in those instances the offended spouse considered it "real".
  12. Who knows? he could be the victim of an online hoax. This other guy may be gay and had the hots for Teo' and figured this was way to get closest to him. Plus a lot of this "Teo said this or that about being with her" is from newspaper articles that someone else wrote. Teo is still a kid, and quite possibly very shy around women. A lot these athletes lead sheltered lives. He may have thought this was real relationship with a real woman ... like a modern day "pen pal" kind of thing. Or he could have been exploiting it for national attention from start. Just wait till it all comes up before rushing to judgement ... it's not like anyone's lives are in danger in the interim
  13. Seattle Seahawks will listen on Matt Flynn, GM says "I'd be lying to you if I told you that we wouldn't be listening to people," Schneider told KIRO-AM on Wednesday. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000127256/article/seattle-seahawks-will-listen-on-matt-flynn-gm-says They hardly "suckered" us on anything : - we were the ones openly shopping lynch after the team had soured on his off field issues, and had a stacked roster at RB. Seattle simply offered the best deal - nix had made clear he had been watching TJ for years and when he saw an opportunity made a play for him - they had no influence on who we drafted ahead of them
  14. <------- says it all BTW is there a typo in there ? It says bills really need help at ILB where kelvin Sheppard "is a good player". Shouldn't it say " ... is not ... "
  15. But dont forget kc has #1 overall, Reid likes drafting qb's and there's no better time for a coach to start developing one than His first year when he's given a pass on record. Would flynn even want to go to a place where he's behind the #1 overall pick? Be Seattle part II. But your point on WCO and flynn being the guy to run it is a good one.
  16. You're trying to make some crap case that its crusading against freedom, rights, blah blah. Well if keeping guns out of the hands of a paranoid, anti-government, defiant, mentally challenged dope like you, its very much a crusade to protect innocent Americans from armed kooks.
  17. If I'm being accused of crusading against the slaughter of innocents in theatres, schools, malls, anywhere else in america .... Gladly guilty as charged. I only wish I can do more
  18. So youre just going try to add limitations so thereaaren't examples. Bottom line: you haven't been able to establish that trading for someone's #2 qb is doomed to fail. Further emphasizing this is the reality that few QBs - no matter how they're acquired - are deemed wild successes.
  19. Steve young, didn't do too bad after being traded from Tampa to 9ers. Guy named favre had a decent career after being traded from atl to packers.
  20. I think theres a pretty strong connection BTW steroid abuse and cancer in weighlifters. One of the damning pieces of evidence against giambi was a rare pituitary cancer that shows up with bodybuilder abusers. Hgh apparently has strong links with cancer too, and la was alleged to have used that too. Here's an article that discussed it with lance, its inconclusive but raises suspicions. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/commentary/lance-armstrong-doping-cancer-questions
  21. Question I have could the PEDs be the reason he got cancer ?
  22. The other thing in flynns defense he was new to Seattle and didn't know playbook or personnel any better than Wilson. Thats an advantage to the more mobile guy already.
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