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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. I bet they keep him. With youth and injury he'll get a pass. They'll feel they can help realize his potential a lot better than the old staff. Hard to argue with that
  2. Lol and note how oprah gave him the coldest stare of all on the "fat" comment
  3. Yeap. And I bet that's where his lawyers told him to tread most cautiously given unknown legal liability. This guy is going to keep a lot of lawyers busy for a long time
  4. Fitz: need new QB more than anything and he also costs a fortune to keep Shepperd: only here because Chan coached him at a bowl. Pettine will have high standards for LBs and he won't cut it Lindell: old, weak leg liability on kick offs. Can get a younger guy without the leg liability for less money McGee: old, injured, irrelevant, pure cost. Scott: jets had no one in this LB/SS hybrid role. Don't see that changing for him
  5. Thanks. He comes across as a dopey intense jock. Scheming how to circumvent doping rules was just another part of the competition, like positioning in the race
  6. Something tells me you've had plenty of imaginary girlfriends.
  7. Anyone watching this? Can't watch where I am
  8. It would be news if he weren't in trouble
  9. Lets not also forget he's a full time student. He has a lot going on. I couldn't imagine being in college and trying to manage all this. Before he speaks open endedly It's prudent to discuss with counsel, especially with all the barbs and "gotcha" questions being tossed out there. In this day and age I wouldn't do an open interview without knowing the implications of my words, guilt or innocent. And again THIS IS A FULL TIME STUDENT. Not a retired athlete like Armstrong sitting around on his $125mm pile.
  10. This was someone whom he thought he'd had a serious emotional connection. You think he could detach in just 2 days based on one suspicious call? His cancer references to her were already in the public domain anyway. I fins it a lot easier to accept it was too fresh at the time and he just went on precedent, than he informed the school about suspicious activity (that he was complicit in) and dug himself a deeper hole by lying about it 2 days later in the media.
  11. simple, he thought the call on dec-6 was a hoax and thats why he reported it. He didnt think what preceded it was, he may have started to have doubts, but he wasn't ready to totally dismiss it.
  12. Father of Ronaiah Tuiasosopo makes statement "There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe the overwhelming love & support me & my Aiga have received today. Feels like I've been drinking from a fire hydrant. lol. Your texts, calls, emails, prayers & messages are received with a sincerely humble heart. I know so much has been splattered all over the media about my son & my family. I also know that many who were born in a manger in Bethlehem & continue to walk on water will undoubtedly express their opinions. Those of you who know us the best still love us the most. It my hope & prayer that we allow the truth to take its course, wherever that may lead. My heart goes out to Manti & the Te'o Aiga. Please allow this young man to pursue his dream without judgement. He's an amazing role model for our youth and Samoan community. I love U all from the bottom of my heart." http://www.sbnation....aiah-Tuiasosopo
  13. Probably a more fitting cover in this case ...
  14. You think Pookah was in on it?
  15. Exactly. Why did it take the media so long to figure this out when there was no such student at Stanford, no obituary, no burial in the california city, no pictures with te'o, sappy sounding story, etc etc? Pretty easy stuff to verify if anyone bothered. Apparently only reason dead spin got on it was an anonymous tip.
  16. Great point Alpha, and not just in relation to this story. I try my best not to judge peoples actions during such emotional and complicated times. Its a highly personal thing, there's no "right" answer.
  17. OK since you asked, Lisa ling, before she got married. At which point his bogus relationship claims abruptly ended lol
  18. Agree. But people exaggerate relationships all the time. I knew a guy who met a reasonably well known female TV show co-host. I dont think he did much more than shake hands and chat for a bit at a nightclub. She put him on her email list, but all we ever saw were to advertise her upcoming shows. No sign of a relationship. Nonetheless he went around for a while claiming they were an item. We just laughed it off, guy was lovesick and only kidding himself.
  19. You laugh but this revelation might provide him with an excuse for that poor outing , negating any potential draft order impact. Provided of course he was only a victim here and this blows over by April.
  20. I wonder if he did actually meet someone initially. Reagan said there was someone for real before teo. And then the hoaxsters picked up on this after to string him along.
  21. Guess it makes sense the Samoan NFL commumity is a tight knit bunch. How's it get crazier ?
  22. Got it, thks. Not a twitter guy
  23. Why would teo retweet them? Or are you saying anyone can retweet from someone else's account to an account of their choosing?
  24. how would tweets from teo's actual account show up there?
  25. But they're time stamped sep and nov
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