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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Katie Couric interviewing Te'o along with his parents. Will be aired Thursday. Still nothing from that chicken s#*+ renaiah.
  2. Been cool if he fumbled.
  3. Its not so clear to me that's the more marketable matchup. With ravens you have lewis last game and harbaugh brother vs brother. That game has a lot of intrigue too
  4. Defensive battle so far. Not what everyone expected.
  5. Boldins not going to out run anyone
  6. Did tasked say bellichick told him flacco has strongest arm in league? That's quite an endorsement
  7. I like smith but not calling timeout on 3rd or 4th on that last red zone possession was IMO inexcusable. Ryan is shaken up and looks out of it. Get him over to the sidelines to see what's going on, at least give him some time to his head back on straight. And also give your OC opportunity to come up with their best play for 3rd and 4th if needed. Saying they needed to preserve the TOs for defense is nonsense. They were able to stop 9ers on defense and got the ball back with 7 seconds. Super long shot. And that was the best case could have happened.
  8. Good grief am I having a bad post season. 4-5 outright, 3-5-1 spread. Edit: some redemption: 5-5 outright, 4-5-1 spread.
  9. Shocked ATL didn't call a timeout on 3rd or 4th down to settle things down and get a play in. I would have called it on 3rd because of how shaken up Ryan looked.
  10. His hand was under the ball the whole time. I'd stay with call on field. But wouldn't be surprised if wussy refs reverse it.
  11. Wow that 9ers got no points on those turnovers has to sting.
  12. Have to wonder what the bad back to back turn overs will do to Ryan's confidence.
  13. Akers missed 13 fg's in regular season? Wow. Not the comfort you're looking for in the playoffs.
  14. Remember all the people saying it would be a disastrous trade? And announced it confirmed after atl didnt win a super bowl in his rookie year. Where are they now?
  15. How is it only a PF on the atl guy when BOTH were pushing shoving?
  16. Unbelievable and quite pathetic these people are doing this to a 21 year old kid. I know sjbf will never admit he's wrong when it comes to football, but this isn't about football, its about this guys future. What a p#ss poor showing by him and orhers. Teo was the target of a very elaborate hoax. Introduced by a family friend, even his cousin told him lennay was real. He was provided with pictures , a female spoke to him on the phone. I can't imagine NOT falling for that for some period of time. 2 other people have come forward to say renaiah pulled this crap on them too, including miss Hawaii. Are they in on it too covering for teo ? With everything that's come out to believe teo was "in on it" approaches the degree of paranoia to conclude bush was "in on 9/11".
  17. Lol like a story that's not even a week old and people are saying they're sick of already will bring a "media circus" when camp starts in august. He said what he's going to and needs to, this renaiah guy will be fully out by then. Nothing more to the story. And as if there won't be anything else of interest like RG3's knee, tebow, jets continued antics and meltdown, mannings 2nd season back, new coaches, player changes , return of Payton to saints, and plenty of other stuff
  18. Not a bit. You're wayyyyyy over reacting to this. I can go on and on about how off field issues of far greater severity had no effect on ones standing amongst team mates like .... involvement in double stabbing death, cheating on wife and having kid with mistress, taking PEDs, pleading no contest to spousal abuse, drug abuse .... and all of these happened as a pro. Teo as a 21 year old college student. If anything it will increase his draft stock because it provides an explanation for the poor BCS showing.
  19. Interesting some of you don't care yet you a) opened the thread and b) posted in it. Anyway, for those that are interested (whether you admit it or not), I just watched the film documentary "catfish". Don't know how much it parallels Renaiah's motivation since he hasn't spoken publicly , but I'd highly recommend it. Suspenseful, informative,, a bit spooky, and kinda sad. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1584016/
  20. Manti Te’o hoaxer fooled Hawaiian beauty-pagent queen on his trail of deceit http://m.nypost.com/p/news/national/te_hoaxer_tangled_web_YEmP2ENZBpYnNnj5t3KhjP
  21. Ronaiah Tuiasosopo -- the man who allegedly spearheaded the hoax on Notre Dame football star Manti Te'o -- has finally come out of hiding ... surfacing at his family home in Palmdale, CA on Saturday evening ... TMZ has learned Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/01/19/manti-teo-scandal-ronaiah-tuiasosopo-surfaces-hoax-photo/#ixzz2IV4EYqWi http://tmzstore.com
  22. Lol what a bunch of dumb asses .... "At gun shows in Indiana, Ohio and North Carolina, a total of five people were injured Saturday in accidental shootings as people flocked to the events on what was marketed as Gun Appreciation Day." http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-gun-appreciation-day-five-injured-at-three-different-gun-shows-20130119,0,2727285.story
  23. Address Teó says he sent roses https://maps.google....ved=0CC0Q8gEwAA it was sold by "Eleitino Tuiasosopo" in August 2006 to a "Flynn B Saunders" and foreclosed on a year later http://losangeles.bl...012/21503_water
  24. I hear you, but I'd say there's very little chance of that happening. The party is hamstrung by religious zealots/NRA gun lovers/and Ozzie and Harriet stone age "family values". They elevate issues that either the general electorate doesn't place a priority on, or worse has the opposing view, like abortion and gay marriage.
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