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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. You'd expect him to admit it? He'd never work again. Go down in infamy with the likes of Chicago black socks. When put into that context one realizes the severity of what brown and rice are implying.
  2. And his statement "this team is built to win now". How is that the case when don't have a legit starting QB?
  3. No, not even back in the day. Looks like it was a fun show though.
  4. And just like that *poof* you're done. Off to ignoreland. No accountability, credibility demolished, nonsensical posts. Good riddance.
  5. You took a stand that this most damning scenario was "most likely". Hardly an unbiased position. You're done kid. Best for you to go into hiding like Renaiah.
  6. Another beauty of yours: "To me, this scenario is sounding the most likely.....and if it is the case Te'o has my deepest sympathies. To be a Mormon football player & gay must be a very difficult situation to be in. It's quite understandable that he'd concoct an innocuous lie about a girlfriend to his parents. It's easy to see how the lie could then progress to his teammates. The invention of car accident & illness ensures his parents "can't" meet her. Perhaps the death of his Grandmother then triggered him to kill her off for various possible reasons. The media get's a hold of it.....and now he is in the crapper. No choice but to follow the lie through to the end."
  7. ummm .... your posts. excerpt from one on 20th "With all of the strangeness involved in this(Tuiasosopo being known to T'eo.....close enough for T'eo to plug his youtube single on twitter, the picture of the girlfriend being a prom queen from T'eo's high school, the extraordinary amount of time/effort that the as yet unnamed "girlfriend" put in to the hoax, etc, etc, etc).....it is fully reasonable to think that T'eo might well have been involved."
  8. My first post in this thread (bold added): "Who knows? he could be the victim of an online hoax. This other guy may be gay and had the hots for Teo' and figured this was way to get closest to him. Plus a lot of this "Teo said this or that about being with her" is from newspaper articles that someone else wrote. Teo is still a kid, and quite possibly very shy around women. A lot these athletes lead sheltered lives. He may have thought this was real relationship with a real woman ... like a modern day "pen pal" kind of thing. Or he could have been exploiting it for national attention from start. Just wait till it all comes up before rushing to judgement ... it's not like anyone's lives are in danger in the interim" ----------- Clearly I was open to various scenarios including "in on it" guilty as charged. All I wanted was more info than the Deadspin article to make that assessment. Unlike others who concluded he was guilty based only on it.
  9. It was a bogus "proof" of innocence all along. If he were "in on it" he could have kept having calls with the woman on the other end for phone sex. And also part of the conversations would be dedicated to discussing next steps in the hoax since they'd need to coordinate. And since one couldnt produce a real person, what better way to scam others than passing a phone around with a woman on the other end saying its Lennay. You're just starting to soften your position now trying to save face in the face of posts by me, NS and others cratering the "he was in on it" case. That stuff about the bishop and his team mates chatting with lennay has been out there almost from the start. Either that or you're just too lazy to do the slightest bit research before accusing someone of being "in on it". In any case it reflects badly on you.
  10. @NS That's what I originally thought, hence the threads title. Winning a SB would mean so much to a coach financially there's no way he'd throw it. But rice siding with brown does cast some doubt on it. Never know, people harm themselvesout of spite for others. Although I'm still not buying it just less certain
  11. Could also be brown getting a heads up he's not getting enough votes because he's missing a ring, and he's venting on Callahan for it.
  12. Rice siding with brown does lend an air of credibility though. I would tend to agree that changing the plan 2 days before would push am unstable robbins over the edge. Although i don't think this was deliberate on Callahan's part (not now anyway)
  13. So you know something is fake and youre "in on it" but you report it to school authorities? Lol ok
  14. Rice buying into sabotage?
  15. I can of 3 guys with Olympic credentials who played in NFL: Bob Hayes Renaldo neamaya (sp, too lazy to look him up) Willie gault The first 2 were before my time. Gault I saw some with the 85 bears thing, but don't recall being blown away by his speed.
  16. Ya think you have to be stupid to get deceived by: - introduction is made by friend of family - woman's voice on cell phone - multiple pictures sent. With that I can't believe anyone doesn't initially go along. I've been introduced to women by a mutual friend giving me a phone number and we chat a few times before meeting. Then at some point he does become suspicious when they Skype and she always claims its working on her end and problem must be his PC. At this point he asks his cousin in CA if she's real. He erroneously says she is. Lot of people would hang in there at this point , especially if its someone they feel a connection to. Then she dies and he's given a real address to send flowers to. No return to sender comes back because renaiah is on the other end receiving. No red flags there. He thinks its over. Then he gets a call in December from the supposedly deceased lennay. Fishy story about drug dealers after her. At this point hes had enough and brings it to schools attention. I bet most people follow a similar pattern. "Stupid" would have been buying into after the resurrection call. So all those who keep saying he fell for it are actually wrong anyway. That was only for a finite length of time. He was the one who became suspicious to the point of reporting it. Just like JR. Miss Hawaii? She didn't realize shed been catfished until after the manti story broke. I don't see anything indicative of "stupid" on his part. Guy was a victim plain and simple to a hoax most people would have bought into for a similar length of time.
  17. Wasn't OJ on the sideline in that game and make the early call this could be really serious?
  18. If youre saying its time to hear from renaiah, I totally agree with you. Been saying that since the manti ESPN interview. I'm satisfied hes not "in on it." The manti character in this story is no longer of interest to me. I want to find out what possessed renaiah to pull this hoax multiple times.
  19. Fastest guy I've seen on a football field in a long time (maybe ever) is Oregon's black mamba.
  20. The people who think manti was "in on it" are fading fast with everything that's come out since the story broke. Sure there are some paranoid kooks out there or those with an agenda because they don't like him as a football player, don't like ND, or just simply are envious of high profile people and like to see them taken down. They will always be out there and there's nothing that can be done to satisfy them, because they're dug in. The media has for the most part moved off of teo and rightfully onto ranaiah. If you want to believe a) manti is lying and was in on it and owes you "proof" otherwise, b) ND is covering up for him, c) this JR guy who came forward saying renaiah pulled the same stunt on him is lying, d) former miss Hawaii is lying too like JR, e) the woman whose images were stolen and directly confronted renaiah about it before the manti story broke is lying, that f) renaiah going underground while his preacher father is they need to find faith in God at this time is inconsistent with someone's guilty, and g) manti's uncle is lying and exposing himself to slander suits with what he's said about renaiah is lying, among g) several other diclosures that have come out corroborating manti's story ... you may have issues comparable to renaiah.
  21. Brown Implies then Raiders Head Coach Callahan Purposely Sabotaged His Team in the Super Bowl Against Buccaneers http://m.nfl.com/news/0ap1000000129516/
  22. Speak into the mic
  23. Doesn't mean a hill of beans without looking at how it'd trended. Even then its incomplete: people could say they're only buying gums because given the liberal gun laws in america they feel they need one too. But if the laws were changed to be a lot more strict would they still want one? You can buy a gun on one hand but still support stricter laws on the other.
  24. Another weird factoid about bills and super bowls. In 2 of the 4 they played the NFC opponent in regular season: giants and cowboys. In both instances Bills won the regular season game, and both times on the road.
  25. What's this thing about him having small hands?
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