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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. Then the ban should include the presumably less lethal weapons he used too. No matter what they were they were obviously too much.
  2. OK then a) what is the maximum number of QBs a team can workout, b) whose on the list of guys bills could and should workout, and c) which one(s) on the list are more worthy than russell and hence thered be a potential opportunity cost to working him out ?
  3. I think Bradford motivated the rookie. When guaranteed portionb broke $50million freaked people out. And he hasn't really produced yet either after 3 years.
  4. Why did they only realize that 2 days before the game? And its not like whatever they changed to fooled gruden anyway
  5. That's not what he said ..... "It's hard to say that the guy sabotaged the Super Bowl. You know, can you really say that? That can be my opinion, but I can't say for a fact that that's what his plan was, to sabotage the Super Bowl. ... That's hard to say, because you can't prove it."
  6. I'm not saying by itself its a reason to reject him. With any player you have +'s and -'s, and this one definitely goes in the "-" column. If and when you draft a player depends on how you assess the net of them. And yes playing in an outdoor crappy weather stadium matters. Gloves can only go so far (lot of QBs don't even like them), there's really nothing you can do to compensate for hands that are as much as 1&1/2" shorter than other QBs.
  7. OK I'll play, guns and the internet are direct comparables. Internet has posed many 1st amendment challenges (example:http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/events/network-neutrality-and-first-amendment-according-verizon), meaning advances in gun technology and capability should pose similar 2nd amendment challenges.
  8. Honestly i don't care about a comparison to geno smith anyway. 9 in 27 games sounds like a lot to me
  9. Yeah because a means of communication vs a tool for killing are direct comparables to one another. LOL
  10. That's not true its challengable. Does the "right to bear arms" mean any kind of arms, like semi automatic assault weapons, that weren't in existence when 2nd amendment was passed? Is "right to bear arms" an unlimited right, and if not where does it end?
  11. Who knows? But is Alex smith, Flynn, glennon or Wilson in rd1, nassib in rd2, t Jackson the answer? Give em all a shot and find out. Like stevie said we need an open competition at the position. Unfortunately with chan once he gave the ball to fitz we never had that.
  12. Up until this point I would have said he reminded me a bit of Brett favre. But favre had huge hands. Unfortunately playing outdoors in buffalo small hands may be a liability.
  13. No one ever doubted Russell's arm, in fact may have been strongest ever in nfl. Its said he could throw it 100 yards. Fitz struggles to throw it 100 feet.
  14. Kreig had major fumbling problems, if I recall correctly.
  15. Yeah really did the subtle legal threat by Callahan really cause brown to back down so quickly and clumsily? I would think as long as someone prefaces it with "its my opinion" they can say pretty much anything.
  16. He should have used executive powers declared it a national emergency and confiscated all assault weapons.
  17. Hopefully in foxboro @ Gillette stadium
  18. I agree with that. What weight would he have to get to by camp to give him a workout ? I would think 275-280 would do it.
  19. Oh come on you're too hard on the guy. Bruce Smith was suspended for cocaine. Should we have cut ties with him too? No one is "lusting" over him. Just saying give him a workout. Because, although you may not like it, it can't hurt.
  20. Guy sure had talent .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbRUT9YPzoA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  21. Yeah look how bad Vinny testeverde looked in Tampa. He didn't get quite as down and out as Russell, but probably not as much potential either. And Vinny resurrected his career with some strong play for the jets.
  22. Should bills at least give him a work out? http://m.nfl.com/news/0ap1000000129925/
  23. Here is Callahan’s full response: “There are many people who are disappointed by the outcome of Super Bowl XXVII, but none more than me. While I fully understand a competitive professional football player’s disappointment when a game’s outcome doesn’t go his team’s way, I am shocked, saddened and outraged by Tim Brown’s allegations and Jerry Rice’s support of those allegations made through various media outlets over the last twenty four hours. To leave no doubt, I categorically and unequivocally deny the sum and substance of their allegations. Like every game I ever coached on the professional or collegiate level, I endeavor to the best of my professional ability to position my team to win. To suggest otherwise, especially at this time when it involved the Super Bowl, is ludicrous and defamatory. I have always honored the spirit of competition that drives us to sport as children and, for the luck few, sustains us in adulthood. Any suggestion that I would undermine the integrity of the sport that I love and dedicate my life to, or dishonor the commitment I made to our players, coaches and fans, is flat out wrong. I think it would be in the best interests of all including the game America loves that these allegations be retracted immediately. I want to extend my personal and my family’s deep appreciation to the coaches, players and fans who have come forward and thoughtfully spoken out against these ill-conceived allegations.” http://www.dallascowboys.com/news/article-RowanKavner/Callahan-Statement-Vehemently-Denies-Brown%E2%80%99s-Allegations-/121eab0d-ad3c-4d37-8834-e8f7eb6f64f6 Seems to be implying potential legal action with use of "defamatory" and calling for immediate statement retraction in "best interests of all." How so? Its brown and rice's opinion, I would think they can say whatever they want
  24. This is pretty fresh. I'd imagine he's working on releasing a statement soon
  25. That is pretty small. That was Knock on Alex smith coming out and thought responsible for his fumbling problems. I'm biased towards guys who have the physical and athletic requirements for the position, but if theyve proven they can get it done otherwise so be it.
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