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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. he's a "Buffalo Guy"? only reason I can think of
  2. I like Jones. Letting him walk while trying to resign Fitz unfortunately raises the ugly specter that we're still stuck on "it's always the other guy's fault, never Fitz" .... hope Im wrong
  3. "The National Football League Players Association on Thursday announced results of a health and safety survey revealing that 78 percent of players polled don't trust team medical staffs. A mere 43 percent of respondents rate team training staffs as "good," according to the union study." interesting .... not sure how it applies here, but thought id post
  4. No, something very disturbing about her face, that her actions support
  5. That wasn't the only reason I offered. I brought that up as a counter to the argument he has value as a mentor/caretaker. He doesn't. In a legit starter sense we have no QBs now. So I don't see your other point. We should do what Seattle did: clean house and bring in fresh blood from the draft and guys with potential from other teams to compete for the job
  6. Wow a stand up guy. Now I really am at a loss for words lol
  7. Not based on his numbers, which can be forecasted to keep declining, not at all. And keep in my mind theyre inflated because he had one of the best qb's throwing to him on a pass oriented team
  8. Nothing to do with some innate hatred for rf. Stop framing it that way. I'm only saying what I believe is best for the team. We can have a discussion on that and share opposing views, but lose the hater garbage
  9. I don't want him. Has no chance at being a credible starter. We don't have a starter and need as much legit competition for starting qb as possible. This caretaker/backup QB stuff is nonsense. He doesn't even know the new system and has nothing to offer a young QB.
  10. Guys 38, stats have been declining for years. Seriously who was going to bother with him
  11. +1 very smooth
  12. I didn't say they did, but without the benedit of knowing his prescribed program and my view that over training is prevalent, I'd opt for no-training. And that reflexively busting on the guy for not training is wrong, given all the bad advice out there.
  13. It doesn't matter what sports you or I played or play. And within the training community you will find a wealth of different opinions, running the gamut. I think most trainers are helpful on recovery when they're acting as physical therapist, and I think a disturbingly large percentage give harmful advice when it comes to general training and injury prevention. Way too many reps for weight training, far too much over stretching, aerobic "training" which IMO is best case useless, and far too little recovery time between workouts. The consequences of which are greatly magnified for athletes in a physically demanding sport like the NFL where they play on average 1 game a week for 16 weeks. And non-bills can extend that into as many as 4 playoff games.
  14. I agree the one on the right (Michelle I think) is #1 DC body-wise
  15. Hey she's a mom now cut her some slack, geez. For all her stardom and wealth she's seems awfully grounded to me. Give her some credit.
  16. May have been catchable. We've all seen plays where the receiver keeps his toes in and the ball is over the line. No way to know for certain but to be ruled not castchable got to be far more overthrown than that. And BTW that wasn't the refs ruling anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuHVXrWmTFM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. Feds were tipped off something was suspicious when the super bowl jerseys had bills logos
  18. I disagree with that. A lot of these trainers are part of the culture that grew up believing more training is better, giving no credence to the body's need to recover and the wear and tear excess training places on joints, muscles, etc. If you look thru the "evidence" there's little to back upall the benefits claims to excess training. And anecdotally you see guys suffering serious injuries all the time when no one is even touching them like revis and Holmes. I wonder what the workout regimen of those guys was.
  19. That's part of the problem and why the AP comparisons don't necessarily apply. In a team sport like football they can elect to play you and ease you back in. In AP's first 6 games back he only went over 100 once, and barely at 102 yards. Skiing you're on your own and graded against other skiiers. Hope Im wrong but just not seeing how she's back in time. Would certainly be one heck of a subplot to the Olympics if she could.
  20. They need them more plus they know who their QB is.
  21. Good choice. Worth the risk for them as they definitely need receivers.
  22. Have to believe odds of that close to zero
  23. I don't know much about competitive skiing but can't help but feel bad for her, especially with Olympics a year away. Career must be in serious jeopardy. Notable she's tiger woods girlfriend, he too went thru knee reconstruction
  24. During the bowl it dawned on me he looks like an Egyptian pharaoh http://witola.com/wp...KingTutFace.jpg
  25. Get a book called "body by science". Raises serious questions about the over training model we've been spoon fed. IMO football players in particular workout too much and do more harm than good not giving their body time to recover.
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