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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. People are acting like hes somehow worse than alternstives. Talk about crazy, Cruz said he won't make an important decision as POTUS until checking with the Bible and the Constitution. If these documents are somehow so intertwined, why is the pope doesn't check with the US Constitution before making a decision? And looney bird rubio wanted to increase military spending by $1 Trillion even though we already spend more than the next 10 countries combined. Give me the guy who rightfully busts on the hacks at faux news, any day over those alternatives.
  2. Given his lack of experience, he's got a lot of balls calling out Trumps credentials. Accomplished a heck of a lot more than Obama did before being elected. "I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president. And the reason is I have a lot of faith in the American people. And I think that they recognize that being president is a serious job," Obama said. "It is not hosting a talk show or a reality show, he added. Its not promotion. Its not marketing. Its hard." http://www.businessinsider.sg/barack-obama-republicans-donald-trump-press-conference-2016-2/?r=US&IR=T#.VsP_SnMRVnE
  3. For her its not a matter of learning the consequences of intervention. What she has learned (or at least thinks she knows) is that to stay in power you have to appease the dominant special interests at that time. Youre giving her too much credit to think she actually cares about the effect her actions have on anyone but herself
  4. Wasn't smerlas a little light to dominate as a 3-4 NT?
  5. And Panthers fared even worse. When will it dawn on peolle that Denver D is really good ?
  6. Good guy, good player. Wish him the best.
  7. Fine with me, but if you have that much faith in polls, then as far as the Republican primary its completely over.
  8. Meaningless right now especially given the source and margin of error
  9. Exactly why he has the best chance against hillary, and a neocon talking head like rubio has little chance because he won't be able to diffetentiate his foreign policy agenda while attacking her record
  10. Brings a smile to my face every time...
  11. Anti-Beyonce rally is the worst-attended protest ever The group Proud of the Blues invited anyone offended by her race-baiting Superbowl halftime performance to protest in front of NFL headquarters at 8 a.m. Roughly five protesters arrived in total, including Ariel Kohane whose sign was destroyed in the rain because he forgot to laminated it. http://nypost.com/2016/02/16/anti-beyonce-rally-is-the-worst-attended-protest-ever/
  12. If its accurate he was found with a pillow over his face, that's kinda odd. Not saying for sure foul play was a factor, but it would seem worth investigating. He was probably the most politically charged justice
  13. Detectives question lack of autopsy in Scalia death Veteran homicide investigators in New York and Washington, DC, on Monday questioned the way local and federal authorities in Texas handled the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Its not unreasonable to ask for an autopsy in this case, particularly knowing who he is, retired Brooklyn homicide Detective Patricia Tufo told The Post. Hes not at home. There are no witnesses to his death, and there was no reported explanation for why a pillow is over his head, Tufo said. http://nypost.com/2016/02/15/detectives-question-lack-of-autopsy-in-scalia-death/
  14. Hillary Clinton Claims Saudi Arabia is the Largest Donor to Sunni Terrorists Worldwide DONORS IN SAUDI ARABIA CONSTITUTE THE MOST SIGNIFICANT SOURCE OF FUNDING TO SUNNI TERRORIST GROUPS WORLDWIDE. SAUDI ARABIA REMAINS A CRITICAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT BASE FOR AL-QAEDA, THE TALIBAN, LET, OTHER TERRORIST GROUPS, INCLUDING HAMAS, WHICH PROBABLY RAISE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ANNUALLY FROM SAUDI SOURCES. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/wikileaks-hillary-clinton-claims-saudi-arabia-largest-donor-sunni-terrorists-worldwide/ Yet... The Saudi government, under increasing criticism over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in Yemen and a harsh crackdown on political dissidents at home, has just hired a powerhouse Washington, D.C., lobbying firm headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser...They are very nervous about an American policy change, and so they are betting on the horse they think will win Hillary Clinton, said Ali Al-Ahmad, a Saudi analyst with the Institute for Gulf Affairs, and a frequent critic of the regime, about the hiring of the Podesta Group. https://www.yahoo.com/politics/hillary-moneyman-highlights-new-saudi-connection-194828485.html
  15. No matter what happened before the guy on the ground is defenseless, and then McCoy steps in and punmels him. That's a terrible set of facts for a defendant. Any other time McCoy avoids the pile and shakes and bakes to the sidelines, except in a video taped beatdown... %@!
  16. To hear some of you describe it, you'd think it's somehow a good thing when your $40 million back faces an imminent arrest warrant on what may result in a felony conviction.
  17. Same thing we did when Israel slaughtered 9 Turkish aid activists in international waters: nothing. And in this instance they're not only supporting al nusra affiliated terrorists, they're targeting US backed forces! How the &@+# are we obligated to support them? "Turkey shelled positions held by a U.S.-backed Kurdish militia in northern Syria for a second day on Sunday." https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/opposition-activists-say-turkey-shelling-kurds-in-syria/2016/02/14/0e8407f6-d300-11e5-a65b-587e721fb231_story.html
  18. Let's hope Russia has the balls to do what we dont, and take out that Islamist terror supporter in Ankara.... Damascus confirms its army targeted by Turkey shelling Local journalist Barzan Iso told RT on Saturday the Turkish artillery fire was hitting Menagh as well as a hamlet nearby. According to him, the airbase was previously held by Ahrar ash-Sham Islamist rebel group that fought Syrian governments forces as Al-Nusra ally since the start of the Arab Spring. Menagh airbase was a Syrian Air Force installation located 6 kilometers south of Azaz, Aleppo Governorate. Earlier this month, the YPG and its non-Kurdish allies regained control over the airbase, aided by Russian airstrikes and indirect cooperation from government forces. Ahrar ash-Sham, which intensified its attacks on the Syrian army since January, was getting serious reinforcements from Turkey, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a briefing in Moscow on January 21. The US has called on its NATO ally Turkey to cease artillery fire against Kurdish positions in Syrias territory, referring to Saturdays shelling. The US State Department pointed out the two sides have to join forces to combat Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). https://www.rt.com/news/332414-turkey-continues-shell-kurdish/
  19. I think it's trumps strongest debate so far. He even shut the super-pac audience down, which plays to the anti-establisment TV audience. Rubio once again made the fool, this time by Cruz who answered in perfect Spanish after rubio said he couldn't speak it. Wow what a dumbass rubio is
  20. 38/40....if I had to do again I'd skip over the math problems that anyone today is using a calculator to do. They're not worth the time...given my correct percent to leave 10 questions unanswered.
  21. Unfortunately 2 people this past week told me they're leanjng toward Hillary because "at least she's not as bad as the others" This means that a) its assumed she will get the dem nod, b) repubes arent appealing to the center, and c) hillarys horrible background and dirty tricks are being overlooked.
  22. It's possible. Dems like to campaign on "fear factor". No matter our flaws at least we're not scary like the other guys (Unfortunately I am hearing some say they will vote for Hillary for this reason)...looming supreme court nominee will enhance the fear factor .
  23. Depending on how this shady thing unfolds, I could definitely see forte here. Rex likes the experienced superstar back, even if he's lost a step. He signed Tomlinson after chargers parted ways with him
  24. Video evidence is quite damning. Victim is on the ground, defenseless, with several guys on him. And then shady shows up and starts throwing haymakers at him.
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