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truth on hold

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Everything posted by truth on hold

  1. I'm not an EJ hater, comments strictly relate to what the Bills will do with him this season
  2. Saudis targeting schools and hospitLs in Yemen with the weapons hillary sold them after their multimillion donations to the clinton "foundation". Saudi coalition kills 10 children in their classroom in Yemen air strike http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/13/10-children-killed-in-their-classroom-by-saudi-coalition-airstri/
  3. Also think when this team decides theyre going in a different direction they pretty much write someone off. Think Mario Williams last season, whom they would most likely have traded if they could have. Imo a trade is possible for EJ, 6-7th round pick as I said (if skins found a trade partner for jason Campbell I think we can for EJ). If no trade partner is found then i agree with the doubters who say he stays for sunk cap reasons.
  4. What upstate idiots are voting for Hillary? Nearly everyone I know except a few die hard dems and women voting for her just because she's a woman, want nothing to do with her. Clinton opened up her lead with overwhelming support in the Democratic stronghold of New York City (70-15 percent) and a comfortable margin in Upstate New York (48 percent to 37 percent), the poll found. http://www.syracuse.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/08/ny_poll_hillary_clinton_surges_to_30-point_lead_over_donald_trump.html
  5. iirc Tuel had to apologize for his lack of preparation when he came into the Cleveland game ... could be wrong. But IMO Cardale's skill advantage more than makes up for Tuel's familiarity in an offense anyway
  6. And what would Rex do, make him captain for game against the jets since that was last team be was waived by? Lol
  7. Hurt The entire colts team
  8. a. Nimrod is their guyb. they have no confidence in EJ c. EJ wont be on the roster next season d. the guy they're grooming behind Nimrod is Cardale
  9. if they can, why not get a draft pick now for a bench warmer theyre almost certain wont be here next season?
  10. and use an extra roster spot keeping 3 QBs? clearly if Cardale is sent to PS another team plucks him Redskins got a pick for Jason Campbell. Could definitely see someone offering a late round for EJ
  11. No secret theyre committed to Nimrod. And after tonight it looks like Cardale can serve as backup and groomed as possible replacement. With EJ's contract up at the end of season and almost zero chance Bills exercise option, do they try to work a trade before the deadline? Say for a conditional 5-7th round pick?
  12. Helped: EJ Gragg Duke Hurt: Nimrod Hankerson
  13. Looks like that goon played his last game in a Bills uni (or any other) this evening anyway
  14. The Hill and her side kick Huma really know how to pick horn dog hubbies. Anthony Weiner caught in new flirty online chat First he was Carlos Danger. Now in yet another sexting scandal hes a randy mongoose. Sext fiend Anthony Weiner boasted of his animal prowess claiming he was deceptively strong . . . like a mongoose and gave his cellphone number to a college student during a flirty, private online chat on a recent trip to Los Angeles, The Post has learned. But the joke was on the horndog pol, whose wife, Huma Abedin, is a top aide and close confidante of Hillary Clinton. http://nypost.com/2016/08/13/anthony-weiner-caught-in-new-flirty-online-chat/
  15. Obama and Hillary more interventionist than Bush, but with fewer Americans "boots on the ground" they tried to make it not seem so. Bush = Iraq,Afghan Obama and Hillary = Syria, Libya, Ukraine, vastly expanded global drone campaign, sanctions against russia
  16. Its not the same, don't forget we picked up #31 ranked defense rob Ryan. And HC bro Rex hasn't had a winning record in 5 straight seasons. And that gives you great comfort for season #2?
  17. Go ahead then, make the case for a successful.season.
  18. I gave the reasoning here. But the cold hard truth was too much for the board to take. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/187584-closedworst-off-season-ever/?do=findComment&comment=3999310
  19. We're gonna get smoked this year. 4th in the division is a lock.
  20. Get that jerk out of here. Marginal player at best.
  21. Mass murderers unite!
  22. Gotta luv the last one with Barnaby and the goalies getting into it. Fortunately no one got hurt
  23. Boulton, yeah surprised he got the better of Probert, the latter my all time favorite fighter. Danny Gare pound for pound great fighter too. Dudley, halkidis, schoenfeld....just seems like back in the day sabres had more guys who could throw down
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