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Everything posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. Troy Smith was terrible at OSU and terrible in Baltimore, yeah yeah he "had" the job if he did not get sick, the guy is VY without the athletic ability, side arm trash.
  2. Classless? How about the first 2 sentences of your post, and I don't even care if you were joking.
  3. oh yeah, they are excellent!! Can't eat too many tho. i have made that mistake before.
  4. I am guessing from your over all demeanor on this board that you have not been asked to stand up in many weddings. YES, if you are a groomsmen you get to the location earlier to help with last minute issues, such as get your tux and make sure it fits. Secondly the rehearsal and dinner is traditionally the day before. What is he supposed to do fly in for the dinner out for VOLUNTARY OTAs then fly back for the wedding. get real.
  5. I have a tree that produces mass quantities of them. Throw them in a bucket full of ice water for 30 minutes then peel and eat. Fantastic!! You can also puree and add them to your favorite cocktail. Or like chef said, ferment them.
  6. He's not happy...
  7. Weekend at Bernie's, some one has to know besides the 2 main characters that Lomax is dead.
  8. I was joking......seriously.....I was...
  9. Not throwing it in your face buddy, take a step back. And that is not what you are upset about. You are upset that people pay him obscene amounts for his opinion.
  10. says the pot smoker....
  11. Watch his film, he is very green when it comes to tackle. Is not over powering in space, leans way to much for pass rushers and foot work and vision is a problem.
  12. Phew! Our 5th round rookie tackle will be ok by mini camp, I will go ahead and purchase those season tickets now...(heavy sarcasm)
  13. I am Italian and have never used the spoon to twirl it against. That may be the proper way but just feels weird to me.
  14. Now that you bring that up I was at a dinner with my boss who's European and another guest and they used both the knife and fork and sort of piled the food on the back of the fork. I thought this was odd but clearly it is a common method. How the hell do you spaghetti that way??
  15. Yup. No argument here.
  16. You are wrong. Owning Pitbulls are illegal in Miami, Fl.
  17. Who is bashing? I am merely stating the obvious. What would you call Lynch??
  18. That and the simple fact that he already sounds like he has 1 foot out of the door. Later Marshawn.....
  19. No genius i have never done anything that warranted me being called a "thug". Get over the obsession with Lynch dude, your man crush and trying to defend his character is going to get exhausting.
  20. Marshawn isn't a thug, he is an IDIOT, does that make you feel better? I would rather be a thug then accused of not knowing right and wrong and constantly putting myself in a negative light, even though he preaches " I AM SORRY, I WON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN" change the record dude and just run the ball and score TD's.
  21. Not looking good for you HB51, per schefters remarks in another thread.
  22. Agreed, Rudy is friggin awesome, if you don't get chills when he runs out on that field then you may be a robot. And major League is a CLASSIC! But...nothing beats Caddy Shack, I actually worked at the golf course where they filmed all of the golfing scenes and had my wedding reception there.
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