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Everything posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. I really don't know why they hired Schefter, reporting has become such a joke. Lets see, Jamarcus Russel is released, the Bills, Browns and Seahawks are interested. What a joke, its not reporting its process of elimination.
  2. Maybe he is actually waiting for the play to develop before checking it down. In the past he was way too quick to throw to the release valve. It takes more than a second or two to go through progressions. He looks ten times better in this area if you ask me. The starting OLs pass blocking has greatly improved through the preseason. I think Trent is realizing he doesn't have to let it go as quickly. Just my thoughts.
  3. How do you get Leinart to the Bills??? from that article? Some people should not be allowed to start threads.
  4. Yeah we have the same set of WRs as Rodgers does as well. Plus the fact that Rodgers holds the ball and scrambles a hell of alot longer.
  5. Sooooo the FSU Cowgirls are no good?? It is football related, sort of, maybe?
  6. It's hard to play against any defense when you run for your life every drop back.
  7. I saw your previous avatar and have no problem with it, I also do not run this forum so my opinion on the matter is meaningless. Cleavage is cleavage, I am sure there has been a lot worse on normal sites that people view everyday (porn not included). As long as its tasteful so be it. And if anyone was offended by the girl/garfield take the stick out of your ass it will be more comfortable to sit.
  8. Yes and I am the 14 year old.... I used to date her sister, we still see each other now and again.. That's not smokin hot?? Where do you people live?? Because my next vacation will be there. Upon further review you are correct....
  9. I have been watching Hangartner and he has been doing a heck of a job getting the snap and exploding off of the ball. He just looks a lot more comfortable out there. Hopefully he takes control of that line and becomes that leader we desperately need.
  10. Hey I am not knocking the dudes old lady but to say that just sounds ridiculous. I know I am no day at the beach and severely out kicked my coverage. I just find it comical.
  11. You know how I know you are gay..... Because with a body like that you are commenting on her teeth. Take a look in the mirror Fabio. I am going out on a limb and guessing you weren't chiseled by Michaelangelo.
  12. I don't know about all of that but I will take your word for it. There is a **** ton of money from the Keys to WPB. It really doesn't matter.
  13. I know you shouldn't use this word to describe something that created utter devastation but it was "awesome." It was a small, compact, fast moving storm that by the grace of god bobbled south at the last moment and destroyed Homestead. It was on a direct path to Fort Lauderdale where we lived. I remember the pics from the choppers and whole communities were gone, all you saw was the foundation.
  14. Still remember that day, sounded like a freight train was going through the house. We lived right off of Fig Tree and Peters had just put on a new roof 3 weeks earlier. Most of it ended up on University. What a mess afterward.
  15. Fantastic, I needed that. The only one I have seen was the one with the guy from Mad Men. When at the end he starts to sneeze and the guy asks "Are you ok," Zack says, "yeah I am allergic to Ferns."
  16. start engraving their rings now....
  17. I know, our only bright spot is the interior, Hagngarter doesn't get enough credit. But Cornell Green looked seriously lost out there. I would like to see them move Meredith to RT.
  18. Ding-Ding-Ding Thats what it was. What a friggin moron. Thanks guys.
  19. "Ohhh just great! A Drewish Quarterback"
  20. Thanks. I will take a look at it when I get home. Appreciate the help.
  21. I didn't do that I don't think. My IT guy asked me the same question as well. I have a few things to try once I get home. Thanks.
  22. Hmm, ok. Thanks for the info. And my IT guy said the same thing after I bought it. Actually the wife picked it out and I paid for it so there you go. I use it for Fantasy Football/Ipod and that's about it. She downloads the pics of the baby from her camera and Facebooks. So should I just buy a new battery? My wife and MIL love to leave the damn thing running all day even if no one is home or using it, drives me nuts. Could the battery be dying?
  23. Even you could come up with something witty and intelligent...
  24. Question: We have a lap top, I hardly ever use it due to the fact that I am staring at a computer for the better part of the day and don't want to do it when I get home. We have a Gateway, seems nice does everything we need etc etc. I went to plug in my ipod to download some tunes, when I powered on, the Gateway screen came on like it was trying to load (which is not normal) usual its windows that uploads. So the lap top keeps getting stuck on the screen, I have taken the battery out in hopes of re-setting it and still no go. Only thing that worked was I let the battery die and when I turned it back on it worked fine. I shut it back down and tried to restart it normally and it went right to the Gateway screen again, it seems like it is trying to load something but gets hung up for some reason. Computer whizzes, any ideas what this may be? Thanks. Smart Ass remarks are welcome as well.
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