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Everything posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. ding, ding , ding my brother flies to Korea often and gets jersey made for me. you would not believe how great they look. I have the following: Bruce Smith and Jim Kelly early 90's away whites with Super Bowl logo, Babe Ruth away Gray and just ordered a Derrick Brooks (FSU, not Tampa) home jersey. My buddy got a Bird Indiana State jersey and a Phil Simms away white from the 90's. Next to an authentic you cant tell them apart. Oh and he paid $35 american for them, $40 if you want your last name or a personalized one. Guess where I am getting my new Bills jersey from???? These are stitched and are fantastic. i will post some pics fo them tonight when get home. The Bruce and Jim jerseys are too big though, have to get them taken in.
  2. That joke is so old it could vote...
  3. +1, I feel 10x worse for the person in the passenger seat. Although they probably were together at some point IF he was intoxicated and knew what he was getting into.
  4. Have you ever been to Clemson? Probably the nicest fans ever but the city surrounding is garbage. I am not sure how this hill billy is getting these kids to sign but it will all come to light sooner or later. They constantly sign top tier talent and under achieve. FSU runs the table this year after a grueling schedule. I got a hunch our defense will be tops in the nation. It all rests on EJ.
  5. I second that. We just signed another QB and they had asked him if it made a difference in his decision and he said "no I welcome the challenge" Mark my words there is some scandalous **** going on at Clemson. There were photos all over the intrawebs of players holding stacks of 100's for the camera, absolute geniuses!!
  6. I love to ride but the combination of 17 year old texters and 90 year old blue hairs make it almost impossible. It is like riding a motorcycle, assume the driver does not see you cause odd are they don't. I hitch the bike to a park and ride there, no issues nothing to dodge or worry about and I keep my pace. There are a lot of D-bags on bikes that run lights and that baffles me. You put yourself at further risk by trying to beat a light on a bike, it's not worth it. I have had my runs ins even when I am in the right, some kids Honda Accord has my foot print in it after he thought he was cute and tried to swerve into the bike lane. Rules are rules no matter if you are in a bike or car. But I get what Big Cat is saying about the stopping, I go, you go thing. It does speed things up.
  7. That is what I am saying....good Lord...
  8. Tell us how you feel, don't hold back now...
  9. He is veering ever closer to Adam Sandler.....which is bad by the way. While I am here, anything by Sandler. Who does he have naked pics of to keep getting these movies signed off.
  10. Ralph is cheap...
  11. +1 I actually had my wedding reception where they filmed all of the golf scenes. Used to be called Rolling Hills now its Grande Oaks. Beautiful track. You can imagine the quotes being thrown out that night.
  12. That's fine. Every time I see these polls I think of the geniuses that ranked the Saints 22nd and 26th respectively. They then went on to win the Super Bowl. In the same sentence what have we done to deserve any "respect"?
  13. When it is go time those two blocks might as well be 200 miles.
  14. Best reply ever!! I needed a laugh.
  15. Great assessment....the guy got his bachelors in 3 years and already wrapped up his masters. He can make every throw on the field. He was injured and kept playing, the guy had a ruptured bursa sac in his THROWING ARM and kept playing. The comparison to Trent is beyond stupid. If anything Ponder is a gambler and loves to fit the ball in and take shots. [Edited by moderator]
  16. Look boss this may work on queer eye for the straight guy but not for hetero sexual males. 1. what man goes shopping? 2. what man brings a woman shopping?
  17. Great right away she is controlling you. Smooth move.
  18. I am sorry for your plight Bud and am happy you recovered. But this is a child with a rare un curable disease. Not to make light of your or any one elses situation. And 50 yard line seats to the SB compared to meeting a 2nd rate tv personality. Cmon guys....
  19. I believe he is entitled. Please, I have seen adults with such a sense of entitlement an over inflated sense of self importance in this world that it makes me sick. The kids wish that was given to him from the MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION, its not like his mommy said to make a wish and we will grant it. It is a whole organization that has done this for years. I would be honored if a sick kids wish was to meet a nobody like myself. That is where a lot of us differ in life. I am guessing she isn't flooded with requests other than a 100k a plate dinner to save every ones mercedes parking in the Hamptons.
  20. I donate to a few charities I hold near and dear. St Judes being a major one. Does that give me the right to blast her? Nope. It is not the fact that she is a chef, she could have been an athlete (with a terrible 40) a singer, or actress. It doesn't change the fact that she shot this kids wish down twice because she had to promote her book. I am guessing she isn't hurting for dough since she lives in the fkn Hampton's and cooks for her effeminate husband. I am blasting her for being a POS human being and now doing an unbelievable back pedal to save her ass. and DC Tom, in my opinion the kid is entitled. Hes not some spoiled rich kid looking to meet someone. He was given a wish to make under his unfortunate health circumstances. What was he supposed to ask for a slice of pizza? His request was realistic and pretty amazing if you ask me. Most kids would want to meet some half hearted athlete or celeb. This kid watched her everyday when he was recovering and maybe seeing her brought a good feeling to him that he wanted to replicate.
  21. Phew! you didn't mention the ACC, FSU is in the clear.
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