wow this really speaks some sad volumes. your starting QB who you just dumped a ton of cash on and hedged your future with does not think he/they could handle it. are you fkn kidding me? I am not the sky is falling type but this is just horrible. It starts with Chan as well, I don't care how smart he thinks he is or how forthright he sounds in his press conferences, he is not getting the job done!!!! Its great that you identify the problems, !@#$ING FIX THEM!! that is where a real HC shows his worth, when your guys are down and your back is against the wall. That is what made the old Bills so good. These guys are a bunch of pu$$ies waiting for their turn in the barrel or for that dumb ass show with George Wilson....
Like any company leadership starts at the top, I know they wont axe Chan but I am alllll for it!