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Everything posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. Ok folks, how many posts is this now that say the Bills love someone? Watched alot of this kid and he's a game changer. Always schemed for and still killed teams. a top SEC talent if you think that means anything. Both parents were top athletes, mom was a track start and dad was a football player. This draft is going to be one of the best in history with the amount of talent out there.
  2. Seastrunk wont make it to round 4, he's the best RB after Hyde/Mason.
  3. Peter Pan gets it, not sure why everyone else doesn't...
  4. Agree on all fronts, I like the rest of the group like Stevie but his production simply isn't worth what he is being paid. And honestly you can't trade him because no one wants that contract that he shouldn't have been given in the first place. I feel for the guy losing his mother, that's terrible. But if we decide to keep him and he restructures I would like to see him mature into a real pro. As of now he is simply still a kid with his actions.
  5. Already got it!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh nooooo heeeeee didn't....... I got the nfl ticket cause of this nonsense. But I will be at the fins game in Miami!
  6. I like the schedule. Not sure what everyone is up and arms about. This just marks another step until the season begins. Next up DRAFT! Smile folks life could be a hell of a lot worse.
  7. Whole heartedly disagree, there is a difference and this should be viewed at face value. He signed up for these alerts, he got 3 more than he normally did in a weeks time so he sues? This amongst a million other issues is what's wrong in America. It is embarrassing to no end. I don't care what his situation is or was, if a few texts are going to break you financially then don't sign up in the first place.
  8. worst part is he fancys himself a HUGE BILLS FAN, can you imagine if this tool wasn't a fan?? SO stupid, he should be ashamed of himself, after reading the story I am ashamed for him.
  9. Exactly. Do we need a thread started for every visit or interview? Than followed by the sky is falling we are going punter at 9! Damn you Jauron, Damn you Levy! Damn you Donaputs!
  10. BINGO! If he was worth putting up with they would have.
  11. Really? One season, lets look at the past 3...Your argument is flawed.
  12. Eric Crouch, Tommy Frazier, Sam Bradford, Matt Leinart.....want me to keep going? He brought it on himself. What college QB hires an assistant? What college QB trademarks his name? What college QB is constantly in the headlines for hanging out with celebrities and drawing unwarranted attention to his university. Manzeil is all self inflicted. Is he a kid? Yop, but he is a dumb kid.
  13. Classy all the way around. Sorry I can't make it, but hopefully will be able to make a home game this year. I will catch up with some of you fine folks then.
  14. Tell me where to sign....but I have to think you will see the decals and maybe something on the field as well.
  15. I would love to see a RWJ patch on the uni sleeves this year and going forward, alla Halas. Ralph earned it.
  16. Good Bye Mr. Wilson. Thank you for our Bills. If you have any pull with the big guy upstairs see if he can help out Jimmy. RIP Sir.
  17. She tried to have her husband killed and is seen walking out with him holding hands in the video...WTF dude?
  18. jokes on you I use my sleeve.
  19. Wow what a tool. Get a clue before you spew nonsense. Check out the DAs record of convicting FSU players and get back to me. I happen to agree with his assessment, Manziel is electric but he won't be able to play that way in the NFL. He is compared to Vick and doesn't have the same arm or athleticism as Vick coming out. And Vick did it with literally no supporting cast. Three NFL scouts pointed out the same things Hoge did months ago. that's not to say he doesn't have the talent, that's obvious but playing QB in college and the NFL are two different animals. Ask tebow...
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