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Everything posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. I already ordered my Brady Quinn jersey online. Quinn #10 Buffalo Bills.
  2. I had the luxury of meeting her before she had kids and her rack was out of control. I couldnt look the poor girl in the eyes. Then she goes and marries Taylor and I lost all respect for her.
  3. I live in South Florida and now that Taylor has a rep. I have seen him and Zack in clubs with girls everywhere. Its gotta be tough for pros to go out and have ass thrown at you daily. I am not saying they were doing anything but I sure as hell didnt see there better halves. If any of you guys have seen Taylors wife I dont know why and if he would cheat on her she is unbelievably hot. Just my take.
  4. Pitt/Jville. I dont know which one blew more. The Miami game is up there also.
  5. Your point is well taken, but there is a difference from the touches LT and TB have had recieving wise. Having better receiving targets to go to is not foolish. NY just has a lack of revieving options. Thats why there is a decline in LTs recieving stats and a one year boost in TB. Secondly guys do get over fumbles but fans dont, especially costly ones. I will admit that TB has gotten alot better in holding on to the ball. I do not deny that Barber has been great the past 2 years, but could that be due to having shady recievers and a rookie QB, to me that means he has to shoulder the load, which he did. Hense more touches= more yards. As for running backs taking nicks and bumps it comes with the territory, LT is a gamer and is better than TB. I am not saying it is a wide margin but he is better. This is a matter of opinion and they are both great RB's.
  6. You are using stats from 2 years lets go back the past 5 and see how Barber compares. Those recieving stats are lopsided due to Gates and Mccardell. Barber in the red zone a few years back was a fumble waiting to happen, pull those stats lets see who coughs it up more. I dont care if you root for your guy but there is no way Barber is better than LT.
  7. See my one sentence post above.
  8. Right, assuming that this is true Price is an even bigger retard, DB can still sling it. He just a statue back there.
  9. wow this has to be one of the worst topics ever. I am not switching to womens golf.
  10. wow, what are you smoking. LT is the second best player in the league next to Payton. Hands down. As for Big Ben he is going to be a solid player for a long time. As long as he stays off that bike.
  11. As soon as the other top draft picks sign. They kind of fall in order.
  12. Wow the attention is off her for a few days and she decides "hey everyone else has a kid, why not me? This skanky twit should not be allowed to create a life, it would be detrimental to that child and everyone else around it. She has no idea what it takes to raise a child. This is just some hollywood fad that everyone thinks is so cool.
  13. well loddy freakin dah.
  14. I wouldnt be booking any airline tickets for that event, but if it does happen I will join you.
  15. That would have been nice.
  16. You have it wrong, you are not allowed to use another player to assist you getting in the air.
  17. Cheerleaders should be allowed to perform topless. That and pass interference should only be worth 15 yards. But I would rather have the first one.
  18. Long post? Have you ever read a pyrate girl before? Anyway nice post, I am looking forward to reading the whole book.
  19. A bottle of Jack Daniels and a hooker. Oops i mean a "date" .
  20. That cast of retards will be eating their words come the start of next season.
  21. London is getting older but still has some left in the tank, as far as the rest of the group Crowell showed alot lost year stepping up for TKO he has earned a starting spot in my opinion. TKO is an obvious force when healthy but that was a very serious injury, who knows if he will be a ble to play at 90%. Adding some depth at the LB spot is not a bad idea, as long as we do not overpay for it.
  22. As I do not share JSPs enthusiasm I do have to agree with his logic. Its hard pressed to see where this team can muster up the talent to win 7 games much less 10. I really hope they prove everyone wrong, but I have no problem with the direction this team is going and hopefully it turns into something great again. Look at the bright side "Brady Quinn".
  23. Evans Nance Reed Parrish Price Davis
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