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Everything posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. Why is CV still on the roster, can anyone answer that?
  2. If you are sick and tired maybe you should take a nap. Or maybe a warm glass of milk might help. Try and relax.
  3. Agreed. Very smart move.
  4. Hey Homer wheres Marge?
  5. I'll hold his arms while TKO unloads one.
  6. Thats weird, I live in South Florida and that is the first i have heard of it. It cant be a Bills fan because Dolfag fans are all pu$$ies. Theyre all talk.
  7. That dirty S.O.B. oh wait a second he was complimenting us. That comes as a shock, he is probably going to get thrown out of the secret BillsBashers Club.
  8. Like we did not know that we are rebuilding. I think it is painfully obvious that we are starting from the ground up which is good as long as we get this thing going on the right track. I like the draft I like the FA moves, lets see if DJ and the rest of the clowns can get us back to early 90's dominance. If not theres always hockey...
  9. Not when it comes to Florida law it doesnt. Whatever they incurred while married she is entitled to 50% of it. What woman in her right mind is going to say not to all that money especially because she will have the kids. What are her parents supposed to raise there grand children or the father is supposed to.
  10. I doubt that they will go to waste. They will probably be turned into memrobilia or something. You know that game worn signed by Lee Evans for $400. Thats how they will get that cash back. Anyway I like the throwback jerseys I have a Willis one autographed for $220 not bad...the friggin framing wasnt cheap either.
  11. Sounds like a class act, someone you wouldnt mind lining up next to no matter what the situation may be. Definetly NFL material, they need alot more guys like this everywhere in sports.
  12. Can someone please find a stat where this guyt runs a sub 4.5. Everything I have read says that he is in the 4.6-4.7 range.
  13. But no nearly as intelligent and a presence on the field.
  14. Thats terrible in my book. I could think of more deserving players than AVP.
  15. good ole 190 proof, Im miss college and the unbelievable hunch punch parties we used to have. God bless Everclear. One second your talking to a friend the next you wake up next to a fat chick. Ive seen it a hundred times, from what my friends tell me happens, yyyaaa.
  16. zziiinnnggggg! That was good.
  17. I didnt hear no bell.
  18. I dont think this will happen and from what i read he runs in the 4.6 range at 250-260 lbs. Whuch would be a great fit in the 4-3 or 3-4 not in the speedy cover 2.
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