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Everything posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. what about edge, probably the best blocker in the league when it comes to rbs.
  2. Not with that weak arm having to play in the north east
  3. "Daily - Double"!! Is said co-worker hot? How much do you wager Poojer?
  4. Ill take who gives a shi-- for 1000 Alex. Those two idiots dont shut up.
  5. I was hoping someone would get that.
  6. Ill give you a hundred dollars. Take it or leave it. Or Anthony Quinns tanktop.
  7. your images dont work
  8. Nail on the head JSP. Half the peolple on this board dont know there ass from there elbow about football, and some others are pretty bright. To blame the offense for this loss is retarded, yeah JP turned it over but the defense had to step up and didnt. We got killed with the pop passes and dumps to the back. They knew we would bring a pass rush and they had to get rid of it quickly. In turn our front four tires out and that open up the run game. It was a very good game plan by the Jets, a much as it pains me to say it. JP had a decent day, the only thing I would have liked to see was him moving the ball better after the onside. All in all they showed the potential to get big yards, we just got beat by a better team sunday. We need Spikes back on this defense, he is the missing piece to the puzzle.
  9. JC can honestly be one of the most inaccurate reporters next to Mort that I have ever seen. He is the Corso of pro football. I honestly turn the channel everytime I see that morons face on ESPN.
  10. The genius never ceases to amaze me over there. What a bunch of retards. Nothings more annoying when these clowns come down from NYC to Florida and act like a bunch od tough guys. You know who they are by the leather jacket and 1 bottle of cologne per person they where.
  11. That phrase loaded for Bear always annoyed me in high school. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
  12. Tell her to pound down another pizza and cry her eyes out after we bash the paper airplanes. GO BILLS!!
  13. Just reading JETSBABEs post I can tell she is a fat angry chick who hasnt gotten laid since the last time the Jets went to the playoffs.
  14. Hey Dib, I am driver, pitching wedge from the dolfags practice facility. Just on Nova and Univ. Where about do you stay?
  15. Dont forget about Cuba and Haiti as well.
  16. JSP thats the most beautiful avavtar I have ever seen.
  17. lets beat the jets first
  18. those people should have there heads examined.
  19. Bail money and a hooker oops I mean "working girl"
  20. your the only one bud
  21. Who the @#$% wanted Nugent?
  22. just thinking the same thing, jesus i can see it now spikes out for 4-6 weeks for dancing during the pregame announcements.
  23. ty mr lindell, from the bottom of my beer.
  24. ya norv only one a superbowl what does he know
  25. Hey if I still lived there you bet your cinical ass I would be sitting right next to you, only thing is I would have drank my beer. But thats just me. Take a step back dude and enjoy the year so far stop trying to bring everyone down.
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