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Everything posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. Good post. Besides the Drew thing, he was a sitting duck back there, you saw all you needed to see against Pitt. in the last game of the season. As fo rthe rest of the post it was good. Spikes wont be the same for a while. I just hope the front office doesnt jump the gun and let him go based on this season. My belief is they know what type of player he is and what he means to that defense. It would be a shame to let him get healthy then release him based on his play or lack of so far.
  2. I was thinking the same thing the other day while reading someones post. That is such a loser mentality. I would have loved to have just grabbed that first one from the Giants but it didnt work out. Being the runner up blows. Those days are long gone and until this franchise really steps it up and starts to be aggressive with the free agency approach and bringing in impact players than we will be subpar for a while. On a side note it would be nice to see some intensity out of Jauron. I mean cmon work the officials a little bit get a fire going he is the most complacent guy I have ever seen. I know hes smart but so was Marv and he didnt hesitate to light a fire under someones ass. Cmon Dick show some emotion.
  3. Can we stop the comparisons please. JP has done nothing yet. Until he does compare him to no one of winning caliber.
  4. Now thats funny.
  5. RIGHT!!!!!!!Is your room draped with WM posters or what? The guy is not that great, he is good at best.
  6. Why would you say that, I am no way, shape or form a Pats fan, in fact I loathe them but Assante is probably one of the most underrated DB's in the game. I actually played with him in high school and he was an amazing athlete then. Played QB, and DB led the county in picks 3 strait years, that is pretty impressive for south florida football.
  7. Is this really necessary, do we really have to do this?
  8. what speed?
  9. Not me. Id rather see Buster Davis back there than an overhyped injured LB. Im not saying he isnt a decent player but I think he is overrated and still doesn trust his knee after the injury. He is playing tentatively this year becasue of the hit and that will hurt his draft stock. Davis on the other hand would be a great 2nd round aquisition after we grab Joe Thomas. Kid is always around the ball and sheds blockers wonderfully. You cant teach these things.
  10. I'll second that. Its was a tough friggin weekend.
  11. You have been in sun too long pal. I dont get the point you are trying to make. Are you a Bills fan or arent you. You say to relax and watch the games and then when there down you change the station. What happens when they comeback and tie it up, do you suddenly change back from some other trash you are watching to see the end. We have names for guys like you, their called DOLPHIN FANS!. Get a life boss.
  12. Good post. Couldnt agree more.
  13. I dont know what it is but the guy in your Avatar creeps me out.
  14. Houshmazode, chaampoinshippp!
  15. Uh how about manning, Harrison, Wayne. i think they might have something to do with it too.
  16. Wah Wah Wah, We feel so bad for you. Try living in South Florida and getting bashed with cane after cane. At least you can go see the Bills live cry baby. Stop whining. Grow up and take it like a man or root for someone else.
  17. He actually was working against Backus, their starter. Nice try though. Schobel had a decent game, pro bowl, not yet.
  18. So cut the entire team then, they ain getting it done. Lets compare QB performances today: Losman 21/34, 207 Yards, 2 TD, 1 INT, 1 FUM E.Manning 17/30, 180 Yards, 2 TD, 2 INT, 1 FUM One quarterback beats 3-1 Atlanta 27-14, the other quarterback loses 20-17 to 0-5 Detroit. So what's the difference? As it turns out, and this is apparently surprising to a lot of you, when the rest of the team plays like crap, an average quarterbacking performance is going to look like crap as well. When the rest of the team plays alright, an average quarterbacking performance looks pretty good. Eli won though.
  19. Wait. I thought Gandy was a stud. He is terrible. Joe Thomas anyone.
  20. I got drunk lastnight.
  21. Usually the DE in the cover 2 use the outside rush to give the LB or safety a free lane to blitz thru. Now on a down where the offense would be running they would crash inside taking the OT with him and letting the S or LB clean up the outside.
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