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Everything posted by vinuch

  1. What about Hartwiq? He's young and smart says fat Lenny. Plus I like the gu from the patriots Stephen Neal. Both would probably come pretty cheap and both sound like an up graded to me. Tell me what you think.Espn
  2. That just showed me that Cuse is going to be tough also. Great game.
  3. That is the first coherent quote I see on this board, since all this draft and free agent talk has started. Build for the NOW well building for the FUTURE. Great post.
  4. Free agency did not start yet how the hell were the Rams a loud to sign him. I though teams are not aloud to talk with player until Free Agency starts. Does that mean the Bills can start signing people now if they want. If so what are you waiting for MArv. We need some action on this site, something new to talk about, instead of these labor talks, boring.
  5. So who out of that list do you think the bills are going to get.
  6. Who is out in FA that we can pick up for DT.
  7. What about resigning Peeless Price. Buffalos the only place he was any good. I liked him a lot.
  8. How long is a linemen career's last. He's been in the league for ten years sounds like his only going to be around for another maybe two years.
  9. I'd say that Sage Rosenfels looks to be the best one out the bunch. He has NFL experience, beat-up up on the bills, and is still a young quarterback. Could be that QB that turns out to be the next Brett Farve or Steve Young.
  10. We need to get a better number one or two QB than Kelly. The only thing that he does is plays just good enough to stint the growth of the young QB. He did it in Cleveland and he's done it here. We need some one good enough to step in and be a number one QB, but be someone who will not stunt anyones growth. Kelly is not a number one QB
  11. I to think that all the rest of these interviews are for coordinator jobs. I mean really why would you bring in a James Lofton for your head coaching job, OC maybe, Recievers coach probably, not head coach. The yjust brought him in for the head coaching job so it looks good on his resume.
  12. By narrow margin you mean? Who else is even close to his cridentials (sp?), right now. Not Cappers, Jauron, or Lofton.
  13. How do you do the quotes thing I try several times to use someones quotes and I can't get mine to look like yours.
  14. If we settle on Jauron, that would be just as bad as the hirings of GW and MM. He had one lucky season and that was it. 1-4 as interm head coach, come on, if he could turn that team around how is going to turn around our team. NO WAY NO HOW do I want Dick as HC.
  15. Mike Sherman ran an offense with Brett Farve the same Brett Farve most people consider JP Losman to be closely related to talent wise. Why not get the guy that had Brett Farve continue his Hall of Fame career. The guy that has a what is it 59-37 record with the Packers. Screw Dick Juerad (Sp?) he had one good season with the bears thats it. He went 1-4 as interm head coach thats lousy. If they don't get Sherman there won't be much to watch this upcoming season or maybe even decade. That could have a guy with a winning record and who knows how to flat out coach. Get em!
  16. That top part is not my opinon. I wanted to dispute BuffOrange's point .
  17. Every time I watch a Packer game, even when I don't have a rooting interest, I invaribly end up screaming at the TV "What are they doing? Why are they punting/going for it?" He's just not a good coach. Mike Sheman would be breasts. I wanted him after Green Bay fired him and we were cleaning house, but decide to stay with lamb duck MM. Now that he's gone I say we go for MS. He's the best coach out there right now, he has experience (good experience) and all he knows is how to win. This year wasn't his fault, I can't beleive Green Bay got ride of him. Has I remeber Marv Levy never went for it when it was close, he also ran when should have passed and passed when he should have run, but he did get us to four super bowls. So i'll take the screaming if it gets us to another super bowl.
  18. I want Mike Sherman. He's been to a super bowl. Part of the Bill Walsh gang. And he's been to the playofs almost every year with Green Bay.
  19. We need players like the Sabres have blue collar workhorses.
  20. Keep on the OL and make him tackle eledgable and throw to if they want. Since MM like trick plays.
  21. Which line do you think needs more help. Its pretty obvious to me that we need more help on the OL. We have had a good offensive year for ever. Our defense was #2 last year all we need for them is some one to fill in where poohbear was.
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