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Everything posted by Nostradamus

  1. Let me preface this by saying that, admittedly, this information has roughly 4 layers of hearsay to it. Let me also preface this by saying that I am repeating what I heard verbatim, and, based on my knowledge of at least some of the people involved in this communication, I think this narrative has sufficient reliability to be posted on a message board, if not the New York Times. Anyway, I was in court yesterday, where I work, when the conversation turned to Eric Moulds and his pending legal matter. The conversation then segued into the current state of the Bills. A prominent and seemingly very straightforward DWI defense attorney that I know said he had had a conversation with one of the Brinkworths, who I believe are prominent developers in the community. One of the Brinkworths told him (the attorney) that he had spoke with Golisano about the possibility of purchasing the Bills. Golisano said that he HAS approached Wilson about putting a group together, but Wilson completely froze him out. Wilson supposedly said that he was already negotiating with a group called "Industry of California" about the prospective sale, (and presumable relocation) of the franchise. I understand that this post may be met with skepticism. However, it's my opinion that the circumstances of this information ARE reliable, in that every link of the communication is with people who really would have access to this information. In other words, there is no "my cousin has a friend who is a bartender that poured Jim Kelly a drink...)... that kind of thing. I post this knowing that I may open myself up to flaming, but with two objectives. One, I know that as a diehard, I would want one of you to post this info if it was at your disposal, and then it would be up to each individual poster to decide whether or not the post was credible. More importantly, I'm hoping that the Tim Graham's of this board would further investigate to see the validity of this info.
  2. To the contrary, I would say that todays cast of characters are doing everything they can to KEEP Ralph from making $$. However, the loyalty of Bills fans is admirable, though unrequited and misguided. Hence, Ralph gets his dollars. And we get chickensh*t football rammed down our throats.
  3. You're right though. It makes you wonder if those picks were some kind of deliberate sabotage to kill ticket sales and help justify the eventual relocation of the franchise. All those picks were completely against the grain and have worked out dismally. There is absolutely no logical explanation for why fans like us have a better idea how to run this franchise than our management.
  4. I can't believe he is not sitting on his couch eating cheesy poofs and watching endless reruns of Sportscenter. Where do the Bills find these guys??? Edwards clearly has no commitment to his craft.
  5. You're right. I have never felt this pessimistic about Bills football, despite the fact that there probably is at least more young talent on this team now than any time over the past 10 years. 10 years of bad football is just too much, and I think fans are just worn down from having their hopes dashed year after year. While I will continue to support the team, I'm not going to pretend that this chicken-sh*t we're eating is in fact chicken parmesan.
  6. They felt Maybin could be someone special at end, and took a calculated gamble that they would land the relentless pass rushing end that is so rare in the NFL these days. I have no problems with that. The pick that makes me sick to my stomach is Byrd. With many starting quality linemen still on the board, they reached for a slow safety whose ball hawking skills mean little if he can't keep up, literally, with the rest of the NFL. That was a luxury reach pick that will plague the Bills as soon as this Sunday.
  7. Forgetting about Whitner's pick six last week and Scott's int, when exactly have either of these 3 excelled?? While I agree that they may all be slightly better than Wilson, you are making them sound like the second coming of Ronnie Lott. To this point in his career, Whitner and Scott have been adequate safeties, and there is not nearly enough information to judge Byrd one way or the other.
  8. I don't know... it worked out pretty well in "The Hangover."
  9. I don't know... it worked out pretty well in "The Hangover."
  10. Bills, because they played so well preceding their meltdown, and the game was on such a large stage that the loss was that much more demoralizing.
  11. Those are Vehicle and Traffic Law violations which are handled by the town prosecutors... who are not affiliated with the Erie County District Attorney's office.
  12. I don't know what Constitution you're reading. The fact of the matter is you can only defend property with reasonable non-deadly force in New York State. However, you do have an absolute right to defend yourself and your family within your house, without having a duty to determine whether an intruder is after your property or the people inside your house. So, in your above example, the court may have ruled he was entitled to shoot the intruder, but only because of the possibility of danger to the occupants inside the house. Clearly, that rationale doesn't apply to a bunch of knuckleheads vandalising a lawn outside the house. So, Mclovin could have come out and used reasonable force against said knuckleheads; ie-doing to them what Brandon Meriweather did to him last night. However, rest assured that had he shot said knuckleheads, he'd be looking at manslaughter charges.
  13. Bringing it out was fine... running head first with no notion of ball protection with that time left was disastrous, and shows what kind of player he is. When you draft brainless monkeys, thats what happens
  14. He should die... end of story
  15. 2009 Bills: Doing something no one thought possible... Making people feel bad for Terrell Owens
  16. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I could practically hear the conversation: Maybin: Gee, since I'm so hurt and practically useless, maybe I should sign this contract in front of me for 27 million before they find out I'm useless and I don't get any $$$$ at all. Agent: Nooo Aaron, since you are hurt and useless, this may be your only contract, so we are just going to sit back and wait for them to pony up 28 or 29 million! After all, this may have to last you the rest of your life. Maybin Ohhh, now I get it. Could you pass the bong please?
  17. Great drive. This O-line unit did an excellent job providing Fitzy with protection. For all the talk about Fitzy having a noodle arm, he put some real zip in throwing those slant routes and hitting receivers in stride. Tasker made a good point about how the no-huddle could benefit the Bills in the red zone due to defensive fatigue at the goal line.
  18. Yeah, especially with the way Bruce Hall and Rhodes have shined returning punts in the preseason as well.
  19. Anyone who refers to Loserman as a class act has never seen him at the Snooty Fox on a gameday weekend doing his best "Bruno" impression.
  20. Or perhaps the organization is not as competent as you might believe.
  21. Roscoe Parrish was also an all state quarteback in the state of Florida when he played high school football. But I don't think this team would improve if we traded Trent Edwards and inserted Roscoe into the starting line up.
  22. Whitner reminds me of the old fable about the emperor who had no clothes. An entire community of Bills fans says this guy is good, that he could be elite, etc. And everyone conveniently overlooks the fact that his only highlight reel plays consist of him being draped over the back of some 260 lb 4.9 forty running caucasian tight end in the end zone.
  23. I can remember, without doing any research, at least two rookies who beat Peters clean for sacks last year. Groves from Jacksonville and Anderson from Miami beat him clean. So, in this instance for Graham to assert that the original poster is 'lying' is certainly irresponsible journalism on his part. Peters was being beaten regularly for sacks last year; it just so happened that occasionally, he was lined up against rookies when it happened. That being said, I do agree that Peters is extremely talented and, when he wasn't getting abused last year for sacks, he was playing pretty well. Further, one of the reasons he gave up so many sacks was that the Bills offensive scheme was designed to not give him any help, and he probably was matched up single-teamed against defensive ends more than any other left tackle.
  24. I think the problem is when there is a 10 year track record of negativity and failure, it is easy to sense doom, whether or not it is really there.
  25. In fact, I teach a class on logic for the LSAT. And the flaw that you now exhibited is the hypocrisy in saying you would avoid trying to read his mind by interpreting his statement... and then doing the exact same thing yourself. Maybe, he meant nothing as you insist by reemphasizing that he only has a one year contract... or maybe he is stressing that point to demonstrate how unlikely it is that he would be here for more than 1 yr. I think, he, like most people, would naturally be upset about being denied a rental property that they want and applied for. His twitter statements are reflective of that displeasure, and that the fact that he is being denied is reflective of Buffalo's small town mentality and how far he now is from the bright lights. But I agree that it is an inexact science to gauge people's feelings based on little snippets of conversation. The difference is while I concede that I'm not sure what the statement is indicative of, you are quite certain that it is a Nothing statement because your logical skills must be so vastly superior to other people's.
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