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Everything posted by Nostradamus

  1. I remember at Gate 9 it took literally 35 mins to get from the back of the line through the gates. Maybe the firearm incident had something to do with that.
  2. I think that is the best way to put it. Teams operate under a very slight different set of rules. And you are absolutely correct in stating that had that been McCardell catching that ball along the sideline on Sunday, it would have been ruled a force out.
  3. Gotta give it to the guy. I have to give him props for finding humor about a situation he could have easily found not funny. I'm curious if he considers the non-pass interference calls the right calls, or if those just aren't his domain. I'd write him to find out, but I might as well quit while I'm ahead
  4. My bad. Hey Ed, I was at the Bills-Chargers game Sunday that you refereed. I thought you had a great game, and was very impressed with your evenhandedness and impartiality. I'm sure it is those qualities that make you such an effective attorney. There is such a misconception that lawyers are on the take and always just trying to make an extra buck. But, it was clear from your game on Sunday that you are all about fairness and propriety. As a Diehard Bills fan, we appreciate that. In fact, we (my friends and I) were so impressed with your performance that, when you come back to Buffalo sometime, we would like to take you out to dinner and Talk with you. Or, maybe we will just come out west and Meet up with you. I've heard its beautiful in the desert, and it will be nice to get out of the snow! Anyway Ed, I have to go to my weekly target practice now, but I'm sure we will Meet up soon. Warmest regards to your family, Matt PS. My brother is a big fan of your, and would love an autograph on his football. Please advise if that is possible.
  5. This is the original letter. It was meant in good fun, which is the way he took it, and the way a lot of tight asses on this board won't take it.
  6. Yep, you figured it out.
  7. So, as some of you know, a letter was sent to Ed Hochuli (Sunday's Game) congratulating him on Sunday's game. (That thread has sonce been deleted). A follow up letter was then sent to clarify that the letter was not in any way intended as a threat, as some of the words were ambiguous and could have been misconstrued. And... HE wrote back to me! Check this out. "EDWARD HOCHULI" <EHochuli@JSHFIRM.com> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert To: "Matt Albert" <mattalbert23@yahoo.com> Based on your retraction email, Matt, it looks like you may not have sent this email to me, but I have to admit, I got a chuckle out of it. I know I didn't please the Buffalo fans this weekend, but it's pretty rare for the fans of the losing teams to think the officiating was any good. Although I'm sure you won't agree, the only call I wish I could "have back" was the one where I called J.P. sacked before he passed the ball in the second quarter. I thought his knee was down before he threw the ball, but on review, I see that it wasn't. There is no way to fix that mistake on replay, either. I hate having made that mistake. Rest assured, though, that the NFL grades all our games very thoroughly – every play of every game – and those grades determine who gets fired, and who works playoff games. As officials, we are very serious of working fair games and making no mistakes, although just as the players and anyone in everyday life, no one is perfect. In any event, tell whoever wrote this email that I enjoyed it, and I’ll be picking up my bullet-proof jacket this afternoon. Ed I swear this is totally legit. How funny is that??? After reading his response, I feel a lot better about Sunday's game, and the NFL in general. While I don't agree with his assessment that there was only one bad call, I am now fully confident that he called that game without an agenda and to the best of his ability. Thoughts??
  8. With Chad Pennington at QB? Not gonna happen. In fact, I have a feeling he's gonna get hurt this Sunday. Their D is solid with some young talent in place. (Vilma and Thomas). Their O-line is good, and if we were going to trade up, it should have been for Mangold, not McCargo. But, until they improve at the skill positions, the Jets will never win more than nine games, and will never be a real threat in the AFC. This was a year where, for whatever reason, all the chips went their way. That doesn't change the fact we have a brigther future than the Jets, and I GUARANTEE A WIN this SUNDAY.
  9. Great POST!!! Thanks a lot for figuring all this out and making another Diehard fan BIllieve for at least one more week!
  10. The 01 draft was his defining moment. Picking at 4, Donahoe had a chance to pick a franchise player; instead he chose the one man who can give Kobiochi a run for his money in the hot dog eating contest. Everyone exonerates Donahoe by saying noone could have foreseen that he would be a bust. Well, if you're drafting someone, the onus is on you to know a little bit more than everyone else. As a result, our O-line has been in shambles ever since.
  11. He can have it both ways. Jauron and co. may have put together a great game plan during the week. They had the players motivated and prepared. But, his game management yesterday was suspect at best. Giving the Chargers 20 seconds more than they needed to run a two minute drill was very preventable, and was, in my mind, an egregious mistake on his part; one that cost the Bills 7 points. Wasting two timeouts in one play is a first, and again shows bad judgment. Now, is he a bad coach?? Probably not. I've been impressed with his overall body of work this season. But, everyone who keeps pointing out that he had us in there until the end against a superior team is overlooking the fact that if he made a few simple decisions, he would have had us winning that game and being the talk of the NFL today. That being said, I think the real story in that game was the highly suspicious and almost bizarre officiating that took place.
  12. Could someone elaborate about Tasker's anti-Buffalo broadcast for those of us were at the game? Another example of a total schill/hack/sellout/loser is Vic Carucci. Did anyone catch his act last night on channel 7? He said the refereeing was a non-issue and you had to hand it to Ed Hochuli for being so up to date on the rules, in regards to the Price CATCH. Anyone can objectively look at that game and say the real story about it was the officiating, or lack thereof. Also, Jerry Sullivan said something in his weekly drivel this morning about the Chargers playing like a true champion and that the game was not as close as the score indicated. He then went on to say that the Bills could only dream about beating a team like that. Really?? What is more accurate is that the Bills could only dream about the same calls as a team like that. The NFL has become nothing more than a sham, and the so called broadcasters are nothing more than hired hacks who sold out their journalistic principles long ago for the comfort and paychecks that a Monopoly like the NFL provides.
  13. Is this how you demonstrate your wrath for the Almighty One? http://www.thebricktestament.com/the_law/h...ty/lv18_22.html
  14. Yep, I made sure Section 119 was rocking last week, and will make sure it does again this week. Bills fans still have the passion, maybe just not as many. Hopefully, a couple years from now, we will be able to look back at this period and realize that we saw the embryonic stages of a pernennial powerhouse being built
  15. Actually, yes. J.P Losman is a young up and coming quarterback who knows what to do when the game is on the line. Manning is a hack responsible for one of the biggest choke jobs in NFL history. Thw two best quarterbacks of that class will square off this Sunday at Ralph Wilson Stadium.
  16. Section 119 was representing. We had the whole section standing up for most of the fourth quarter. Just like the Bills are showing signs of growing together and becomining a force, the 12th man also seems to be coming together. I can't wait until next week... We should all bring beach balls in and get the wave goin again.
  17. I would say franchise Clements again... on the condition he is content with being paid as one of the top 5 corners in the game. That would seem to be a fair deal, as that salary would be commensurate with his ability. I hope the Bills won't have to overpay for him, but, lets face facts. If we go in next year with K. Thomas or Youboty as a starter, we're in trouble.
  18. Exactly what we should have done last year.
  19. Hey Chris, 31-49. End of story.
  20. If Hillary was the senator of Minnesota, you can be damn sure he would be wearing a Vikings hat
  21. I'm sure the Vikings feel the exact same way.
  22. The answer to that is yes, for all the wrong reasons.
  23. Noo... the veteran team made plenty of mental mistakes... that were mysteriously, or not so mysteriously, overlooked by the officials. Moorman got run, there were numerous holdings that were not called, and Seymour was two seconds offsides before JP got sacked. The NFL is a sham, that's really all there is to it.
  24. What a piece of SH^&. Belichick is the antichrist.
  25. And, like they year before, he compiled those yards against teams with porous run defense... in first halfs, and scored a grand total of what, 5 touchdowns? Did you see his runs at the goal line?? Remarkable season?? Revisonist historians would be proud of this post http://images.stadiumwall.com/style_images...icons/icon9.gif
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