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Everything posted by Squeally

  1. Because it makes for good radio...
  2. With all that TO has done over the years, does anybody really think it would be any different in Buffalo?? He couldn't play with McNabb who is one of the most liked guys in the NFL. How is he going to play with JP who is marginally liked on his own team! His skills are unquestioned, but he's got the quinticential 5-cent head. With a team that has some issues right now, getting TO could be disastrous. I wouldn't want to take the chance...
  3. I don't think Capers is a bad coach, but that doesn't mean I want him here either. I agree on the other 2. I'm not sure I could handle Vermeil crying all the time...it gets old. I think it would have to be a specific case for a college coach. A lot of these guys have difficulty in making the transition. I think instead of some of the real high-profile colleges, you may have to look at some programs like Boise State, Fresno State, Utah, etc. for guys who really have to coach to make their small schools competetive. I'm afraid of a Spurrier situation where he continually got the best athletes and didn't necessarily have to be the best coach during his last seasons at Florida.
  4. Alright, everyone can stop using the phrase "I don't know what will happen and neither do any of you". I think we all understand that is a firm grasp of the obvious. The point of boards like this is to bat around what we think or want to happen, no matter how smart, stupid, or irrelevant some of the ideas are. I think this is a good forum to discuss issues as fans. Anyhow, I'm really interested to see how this shakes out. I'm really skeptical about Haslet and 2 years ago, I would have said Cotrell was a good candidate. At this point, I'm not sure. I'm not necessarily one who believes that a person needs to be hired with ties to the organization. Let's interview some new blood along with the old. The timing of this whole thing is intersting!
  5. Isn't that a little pre-mature on Parrish?? He was playing really well before he broke his hand. Granted it was in preseason, but he seems to be a playmaker...
  6. If you don't like people debating things like this on a messageboard, maybe you should turn in your membership or not participate...
  7. I can respect the last statement, but getting there and losing is the history of Buffalo. I'm not sure we need a coach who's proven he can get there and lose.
  8. If there wasn't football, Smoot would be dead or dealing...
  9. I don't think Wade did such a bad job, it just never seemed like he fit in well. But, he is a great coordinator.
  10. That's hilarious!!!! We can always say...at least we don't have Matt Millen!!!
  11. Greg Williams is a good defensive coordinator but Fred "Caude Hednry" Smoot shouldn't be giving advice to anyone!!!!!
  12. I'm sure none of us wanted him to fail. He's had a shot and it didn't work out. Hopefully, the next one will work out better...
  13. Other than his first year, what were his reasons for sucking the rest of the time??? Also, good coaches get the team to rally from adversity. The hurricane is a big thing to deal with, but they mailed the season in half-way through the second game of the season. Lack of effort goes righ back to the coach...
  14. Don't you think it's reason enough that NO is the worst franchise in the league?? Maybe Dennis Erickson is available?
  15. I won't argue that MS is a decent regular season coach, but you can't actually believe that he's a hall of fame coach!!! Granted he gets his teams to the playoffs consistently, but he's not creative enough to get them a win!!! 9-7 and 10-6 and a first round playoff loss will not get you into the hall of fame...
  16. There are very few here without blame, but this is how I see it... Front Office: 30% (this includes many personnel issues...i.e. Losman not ready) Play Calling: 30% (blows was a fitting description) O-Line: 10% (better than usual) Defense: 20% (ridiculus that they were this bad!!) Effort: 10% (just wasn't there at times)
  17. I'm in Canada and I blame Canada. Especially for hating Americans...that's just un-American!
  18. Why in the world would Vermeil leave KC for Buffalo?? That's a much better situation than the Bills are right now. Going from St L to KC is NOT like going from KC to Buffalo!
  19. I think Mariucci was brought down by Millen, but I can't see him coming here. I used to think Capers was a decent coach, but did any of you see any Texans games this year? I have the football package (the only thing that keeps me going as an American in Canada) and it seemed like everytime the camera was on him he had his mouth open in an utterly confused expression. It was to the point of yelling at the TV for him to close his mouth...I'm a little down on him because of it.
  20. This topic was brought up a couple weeks ago before it was announced that JH was fired and it was fairly evenly split. I personally would like to see someone with a little better track record if the Bills get rid of Mularkey. I don't think Haslett is an upgrade at this point. He's had some decent teams with the Saints and they have underachieved or choked late in the saeason. Teams typically reflect the personality of their coach unless he's hated. Since he's been there awhile, I don't think that's the case. I'll give him points for enthusiasm for wanting to coach the Bills, but I think there are better coaches out there to chose from. There definitely need to be changes made, but unless they can get an established coach, I think Mularkey desrves another year to see if he can pull this team out of this mess. If next year is no better or marginally better, then it's time to make a coaching change. I don't know who's decision it was, but there are going to be growing pains when handing the reigns over to Losman.
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