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l< j

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Everything posted by l< j

  1. If it weren't for TBD, he would've shut that site down years ago. But he gets a steady stream of traffic from here so why disappoint the fans?
  2. Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit taking amphetamines. kj
  3. I'm going to guess that you are not a provider, not involved in childrearing, and not in a committed relationship with any women (outside of the staff at a sports bar or 2). Compensate much? kj
  4. Spiller or Johnson? Spiller maybe, but that is a little light for Johnson, I'm thinking.
  5. Re-injured during practice, likely out this Sunday, too. I can't even find the appropriate metaphor to describe how fast this guy has gone from fan favorite to dumpster. kj
  6. Ever been in a Turkish prison? kj
  7. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/rapid-reports/post/15680817 Commence wailing in 3, 2, 1... kj
  8. Anyone else reminded of Olof Pilar? kj
  9. And if (hopefully when) they crash and burn, that will also be entertaining and good for the league. Just like pro wrestling, fans and the media will eat up a morality play. kj
  10. Then we can scratch overseas expansion of the league from the list of things to worry about. What, Baghdad Bob was busy? kj
  11. I get nervous during pre-season games. I won't make it to halftime of a Super Bowl. kj
  12. To borrow a phrase from a different context, DW has jumped the shark with this one.
  13. So in the regular season, the NFL is a passing league, but come January it reverts to a run/stop-run league? Semi-facetiously, I would point to the Patri*ts post-Spygate, as evidence for... something. Their system can't get it done in the playoffs without the cheats. kj
  14. Given his ties to the Dolphins and Cowboys (plus the obvious compensatory accessory of his porn 'stache), I never did like him. Until now. Bygones! kj
  15. Turning around a 7-9 team in one year can be done. Expecting Dick Jauron to captain that ship is ridiculous. He earned his pink slip.
  16. I think this is absolutely accurate on all 3 statements.
  17. The OP raises an important point: My own, completely uninformed opinion is that the cheating helped. Ergo, not cheating (too risky for them now were they to get caught cheating in the same way) hurts. The one constant inconsistency among pundits and commentors who sweep the cheating under the rug is that Belicheck* is a genius, as calculating a thinker to ever walk the sidelines. If he is such a genius, why would he waste so much time and energy on something--cheating--that had no impact on their chances for success? Either everything he does puts his team in a better position to succeed, including the cheating, or he wasted a lot of time cheating. Which is it? kj Adding: And, respectfully, to MrWEO's point: I read that piece. King stands out among those who are guilty of what I outlined above (and maybe it is only a big deal to me, but I hold grudges.) But look at their record in the playoffs, where they can't fatten up on crappy teams like ours, where teams are more evenly matched in talent and where coaching chumps like Jauron aren't usually found. In those situations, even a small advantage (cheaters) can turn the tide. And again, absent that advantage, the winning percentage would--did--go down.
  18. Patriots' playoff record since Spygate?
  19. There are other, significant risks involved that are all on the players' side. And I know you are aware of those, don't want to come off as lecturing. But surely that should be part of this discussion, even if they are difficult to quantify. In addition to the question of TV contracts that someone was smart enough to raise, the significance of public subsidy to the rise in value of the franchises is important. (Where would the Browns be without the taxpayer-built stadium in Cleveland? Answer: Either worth a lot less money, or in Baltimore.) And even the Patriots, where Kraft and co. built their own stadium (I believe I have that right) have gained from the public financing of stadiums nearly everywhere else. Jones got $300 million+ in direct subsidies and tax-preferred debt for his cathedral in Dallas; the Bills, Pittsburgh, Ravens, San Diego, Oakland, and more have all had some sort of public support of their stadiums. Some for big amounts. This support or subsidy is off the table for at least the near future. How does that factor into the effort to craft a business model for the NFL and its players moving forward? I don't know. kj
  20. I forget, was that JP or Marshawn who said that?
  21. The Bills' conspiracy against the Bills also seems to have a heartbeat. kj
  22. Someone has a sense of humor. Note the subtext in the subheadings in this online column from Sports Illustrated, re: Jets v. Bears. He also talks about his "football fetish", suggests fans bring their "feety pajamas" to the game due to the cold, and predicts that the Bears' defense will "hold the Jets feet to the fire." He even throws in a mention of Lou "The Toe" Groza for no good reason! Well, I thought it was funny. kj
  23. Am I right in thinking that Byrd has really come on as a run defender? I thought that was a deficiency in his game before, but he has made some plays that stood out (forced fumble vs Browns, had a key stop against phins). Maybe not much of a sample. More a casual impression than a careful observation. I remember how the coverage after the Browns game talked about the fumble being the result of careful film study. Any of you more knowledgeable folks able to corroborate, or contradict?
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