I have noticed a big change in the quality of football reporting this season, as reporters and bloggers (and even some TSW members!) rely on the NFL's coaching tapes. It really has become educational about the Xs and Os, and has changed analysis for the better.
Put it this way: I never found Pete Prisco to offer much of anything really strong prior to this season. And now he writes stuff like this, every week: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/pete-prisco/20686618/petes-pics-bears-show-diverse-looks-on-defense
SI has a guy who does similar stuff every week, as well. So does Buffalo Rumblings, and WGR I believe. This is a level of detail and analysis that you didn't get before.
I don't mind the profiles of the players or the insider conversations that amounted to nothing, but that didn't really help you understand what was going on on the field. (And I still don't understand much, btw.) Hopefully the John Claytons and Peter Kings will lose even more 'media share' to this trend. Maybe a little too soon to announce a gold age of football analysis, but it is definitely a change for the better.
Also, Pricso talks about Lovie Smith's change from a Tony Dungy-trained boring Tampa 2 guy to a guy who throws a lot of different wrinkles and looks at the other team. So a defensive coach has had to evolve with a changing league. Huh.