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l< j

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Everything posted by l< j

  1. Buffalo Rumblings does periodic polls of its readers on the GM and the HC. The OP should just take responsibility to post a new poll on the first of every month asking TBDers to provide their opinion of the state of the team, on a scale of 1 to 5. Make it clear in the wording that the poll is measuring confidence in the direction of the team moving forward, rather than about the ability of the team to win the Super Bowl at this point in time. During the season, post the poll midweek or later to eliminate some of the highs and lows that come from the all too rare exhilaration of victory, or that other feeling. Post a line graph or box and whisker (like a stock ticker chart) plot of the results over time in each poll question. Above all, keep the question simple. Done! kj
  2. They use the metric system up there.
  3. I like the idea in principle. But then next year the conversation would be different, with the AD reminding the coach about the great recruiting class and wondering why they lost more games including one to a MAC school and didn't get to a BCS bowl in January. Hey coach, can I have some of that money back?
  4. Does Aaron Rodgers dream of electric sheep?
  5. Speaking of analytics
  6. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/21511211/monday-observations-did-offensive-coordinators-job-chances-stall The Whisenhunt bit is somewhat interesting but the 2nd piece I like.
  7. To expand, she was another frequenter here. She complained once about people putting up a post with the entire message in the subject ("SDS on WBEN in 15 minutes") and then only 'nm' or 'eom' in the body of the post (no more or end of message). So the resident wiseacres stopped putting 'nm' in the message and started putting 'belinda' to signify when they had nothing to say beyond what was in the subject. kj
  8. I read all my TSW inside jokes in my Ford Taurus on my way to the airport.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. And after all the 'in your face Browns fans' talk in other threads discussing Kelly back to Oregon here, I had visions of poetic justice calling. kj
  10. Better than me!
  11. A good Bills trivia question would be to name the Bills OCs of the past 10 or 12 years. I know I can't do it. kj
  12. Except G(g)W admitted his role in ... something.
  13. Thread(d) of the week right here.
  14. Do they teach that at Harvard?
  15. Serious question: is the RB okay?
  16. You mean, maybe they are missing Whaley? kj
  17. This is a big step forward. RW's accountants are now as far removed from day to day as can be.
  18. Has anyone seen an economic impact study on the impact of the Bills in Erie County? Why are we guessing at these numbers? I agree with the criticisms above that these deals generally inflate players, coaches, Russ Brandon's salaries at taxpayer expense. There is no market for Mario's salary without taxpayer funded stadiums. Even more, the taxpayer assistance is capitalized in the value of these billion dollar franchises. But I think we should also see a difference between the Bills situation and the Yankees or Cowboys. There was never a reason to put tax dollars into a new Yankee stadium. Or give Jones stadium access to tax exempt bonds. Those franchises have the wherewithal to fund more than they did, and the importance of location--the Yankees can't move without taking a serious hit to their value--gave govts more leverage than the final deals suggested. The Bills are a different animal of course. How different I'm not sure.
  19. This feels like a Geico ad
  20. Given the fines handed out for wearing the wrong shoes (RGIII), I really doubt it.
  21. Cuz that string of early round playoff losses we got going is getting ridiculous. You can't catch lightning in a bottle if you keep tossing the bottles in the recycling bin.
  22. We could. Maybe the NFL will adopt the NHL custom of letting players gave the trophy for a day and Gronk will bring it to his parents' house. kj
  23. These guys are gonna get tackled for a loss while running for the bus. kj
  24. It's a football game yes, but lets remember that there are knee ligaments and brain pans on the other end of that ole block. Even jackasses deserve to be protected.
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