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l< j

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Everything posted by l< j

  1. I fully expect you to live up to your reputation and performance on this board and provide a link. kj
  2. I was an idiot when I was that age. All sorts of stupid stuff that I am ashamed of. But I never would have dreamed of dragging my junk across someone's face without permission. That's not youthful indiscretion people. That's assault.
  3. Come on, I hardly know you. kj
  4. I feel like the Black Knight from the Search for the Holy Grail is on our training staff. kj
  5. I was going to say Betty Ford. kj
  6. I was all for this until I realized you weren't talking about reopening that epic thread.
  7. Buffalo Rimblings says the second half surge of the Eagles defense had a lot to do with the Bills OL tipping the Eagles off on the snap count. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/buffalo-bills-analysis-all-22/2015/12/14/10123766/buffalo-bills-penalties-offensive-line-silent-snap-count-john-miller
  8. And they succeeded. Same mediocre second tier team. kj
  9. Probably the most insightful thing I've read in however many years on this site. kj
  10. You know what would've made this weekend better: not dealing with the bitter aftertaste of a loss to the Jaguars. kj
  11. And August is "can you believe they don't have us making the playoffs again? Why don't sports writers respect this franchise?" kj
  12. A fine isn't necessary. But Rex needs to get up in the player's face mask and embarrass them on tv and in front of their peers. Brooks took a penalty because he wanted to show up the other player. It backfired and hurt his team. A player in that spot deserves to get embarrassed very publicly. kj
  13. At least now we know why Whaley let Cassel go twice.
  14. Clearly we have found out antidote to Gronk.
  15. He lacks a moral compass. I stand by that. He was heavily involved in2 cheating scandals and he defends a close friend who peddles snake oil and makes outrageous claims about his products' results. Tom Brady says "there is a lot of gray area." No there isn't. I'm not jealous. I respect his arm and his football skills. but he's a cheat, a liar, an adulterer, and a defender of medical frauds who do real harm. kj
  16. I originally had him pegged as a knowing participant in a sham medicine snake oil con, but you and a few other posters here have me leaning toward thinking he is a dupe. Tough call. He lacks a moral compass and apparently is dumb, too. Both qualities can support either theory. So this one could go either way. kj
  17. I never really thought about his off field intelligence level. Interesting to consider, although that doesn't necessarily explain his willingness to lie, cheat, or commit adultery. Fruit Loops and PBR for me! kj
  18. But we can all agree that Tom Brady's friend is a quack, right?
  19. I saw the title and flashed back to the other Mike Williams. You can never have enough Williams.
  20. Put down the mirror and read the article. The quack in question "claimed, in an infomercial for Supreme Greens, to have conducted a study in which only eight of 200 terminally ill patients died while under his care. (Guerrero later admitted that no clinical study actually existed.)" It's got nothing to with Western medicine vs. whatever you call your regimen. It's being a liar. And Brady knows from lying. kj
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