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l< j

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Everything posted by l< j

  1. Exactly my thought when I read this. I would bet this was calculated on Marrone's part to redirect the anger toward him. And he is right about the avoidable injuries. That'll never work! What did he know about winning? kj
  2. A positive evaluation of EJ from a self-described EJ skeptic. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/buffalo-bills-opinion/2014/8/19/6043679/ej-manuel-analysis-scouting-bills-vs-steelers-preseason kj
  3. Maybe the wrong place to ask, but how about the same question for the guards? Any difference between left and right? Is a guard a guard?
  4. If you see 'holders' next to 'ST' and assume its about the field goal unit, this is one confusing thread. kj
  5. I can't decide which is more audacious, this or the 2% equity demand. That's $20MM of a billion dollar team. Who does he think he is, Ko Simpson? kj
  6. I thought it was going to be Peter Pan. This is worse.
  7. I thought league rules prevented a WR from embarassing a DB twice on the same play? Or am I thinking of something else? God, is he going to exciting to watch in a Bills uniform. kj
  8. I really don't think there is any discussion of JBJ as it relates to the Bills without including his potential partners. To say "JBJ" in regards to the Bills is to mean "JBJ and his partners." Do you think that JBJ would have (hypothetically) opened an email from the partners and suddenly been informed that the team was moving to Toronto? Either the group was planning on moving to TO all along, or Jaws was telling the truth about JBJ and his partners. Jaws was essentially saying that JBJ would never enter into a partnership that would result in the BIlls moving to TO. IMO, of course. kj
  9. Kafkaesque? kj
  10. JBJ stares down his receivers. kj
  11. I don't know about changing EJ but the genie and I will be talking about his fans. kj
  12. Outbound clicks just went through the roof. kj
  13. And former Bill Tyler Thigpen released to make room for Rex. Heard of him/Get 'r done/He's a Bum/He just needs more time kj
  14. Interesting read, although my interest broke down when I tried to figure out how adjusted net yards per attempt was calculated. (English major, don't you know. ) A couple of things jump out, however. Kelly doesn't look good in that analysis. (Read the comments if you want to see some people express a poor opinion of him as a QB.) Joe Theisman returned punts in 1974! Only Rich Gannon and Drew Brees seem to truly defy Yolo's headline summary Others will ask and argue about EJ's ceiling and attempt to extrapolate his performance to date to a career. My question is, what is an acceptable ceiling for EJ? What do we need him to be in order for the QB moving forward? In order for Whaley's plan to stay on track and not be considered derailed? kj
  15. So back to English class? kj
  16. That's a long time to be a bastard. While it is true that chomp comes after champ (by less than 100 years, in the OED entries I looked at), as it all occurred before the standardization of English spelling, I am not sure it should be considered a bastardization. kj
  17. OED says you're wrong and have been since 1645. That's a long time to be wrong. And I think you meant 'punny' and not 'puny' which is an adjective applied to something small, insignificant, or junior in rank. I can do pedantry with the best of them. Or worst, depending on which way you're looking. kj
  18. I don't see "allow pictures of young ladies rubbing their faces on your zipper to hit the internet" on this list. WTF. kj
  19. That the Bills weren't good enough doesn't mean that the P*ts weren't cheaters. I accept that the Bills have sucked for a long time. I also know that Belichick got caught cheating. Not mutually exclusive. And I also believe firmly that rules matter, and that cheating matters, regardless of the outcome of a game. I don't need to know the final score or project a revised win-loss record to assign an asterisk to the P*ts. I also don't need to compensate for my crappy team's crappy performance over that time. The Bills have been crappy cuz they were crappy, not because the P*ts cheated. But the P*ts cheated. kj
  20. Dude's a poet of sorts. Giving a new definition to "blank verse."
  21. I ran with the 'nice guy' bit, and too far. My apologies.
  22. Unsupported theory: Hogan being showcased to set up a trade for another team's marginal player at a position where we lack depth. Think Sheppard for Hughes but more at the margins of the roster. kj
  23. Nope, a perfectly nice guy who wanders into stalls while pretty young ladies are on the toilet and poses for pictures with women pressing against his crotch. A fine family man. Is the Donald Sterling estrangement (from his wife and from the Clippers) a precedent, if we are going to wildly speculate? kj
  24. And look where their personalities got those 2. Doomed. kj
  25. Can we assume that Morgan Stanley is being paid a percentage of the sale price, as well? Which would definitely impact its behavior.
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