Everyone needs to stop giving the football gods something else to think about. They might just like us right now. But for them, there's no target like an overconfident Bills fan.
Just as the first 2 series of the Chicago game (Bills net 4 yards, 3 and out, Bears answer with an easy touchdown) didn't hint at what was to come, we are 1/16 of the way through a long season. We are not so far removed from a disappointing season, and a scary-bad pre-season. And the teams that are the same team in November that they were in September are usually the bad ones. There are going to be some downs this season, hopefully more ups. Let's approach the season with a little bit more of the humility that this team should be showing and save the resentment for a time when we have more than 1 win in the books.
A large chunk of the posters didn't pick the Bills last week, either.