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Gotta Dream

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Everything posted by Gotta Dream

  1. Those defending Hardy are kidding right? A little tongue in cheek? Because Desean Jackson is a play maker. He makes things happen. Special teams too, he is so much better than Parrish. The kid just flat out makes plays. Of course, Dick would have benched him and ruined his career, but that is besides the point. Boy do I wish we had him!
  2. Ok, I wish this thread would die, but I can't let it after seeing JP give a lazy, weak effort and allowing McNabb to be blindsided.
  3. I was thinking the same thing at first, until I started to read this, it's amazing how he is always around the ball. The hardest part about safety, is that you are floating in space. You have to make a decision and commit to it on the fly. The fact that he is even around so many plays....he must have some special "Spidey Sense" or something.
  4. I think it's time the NFL has a rookie wage scale like the NBA does. Draft picks have too much power in holding out. All it does is benefit them, and hurt the team. What other recourse does the team have? Although I still think he was a reach at 11 (as Bills usually do) - he would have been better if he at least attended camp.
  5. I was totally thinking the same thing. He's still a beast. Better than anyone on our team. Very sad. He was even making tackles across the field. Did ya see the play where he stuck the RB and just squished him?!?
  6. Well I'm not really sure it's coaching. It's luck and players playing beyond the ineptitude of coaching.
  7. Loved Donnie baseball! George should have treated him better though. He was the captain for crying out loud. Now wearing Dodger blue.
  8. I agree totally. Ralph has made his millions. He's 90+ for crying out loud. Spend it all and buy a ring! Wouldn't you want one before you leave this earth? What's he waiting for? You're not taking it with ya! Love him or hate him, you have to respect George Steinbrenner. He has established his legacy by not making any bones about it....He's a winner and WILL NOT tolerate anything but the best. Oh, by the way, I'm a Knicks fan too...and money doesn't even buy you the playoffs in the NBA. (they're as bad as the Bills with the way their management has screwed them up.
  9. They might not win or even get into the World Series, but they try their hardest. The exact opposite of the Bills organization.
  10. Yes, the Bills love mediocracy! He fits Jauron's personality to a tee. Let's bore the other team to sleep - but hey, no mistakes!
  11. Does anyone out there remember Mark Kelso? "The Great Gazoo"
  12. My point was that another mediocre season = another mediocre draft pick => perpetuates mediocracy.... For the Bills...it never ends.
  13. Well at least someone in the top 4 picks... "I live in Nebraska and watch every Husker game. Ndamukong Suh (said Nah-Da-Muh-Kong). It should be illegal for this guy to be playing this game. He's a monster, a freak, just down right NASTY. But he's the nicest guy in the world and has great character. Very articulate. He's been compared to Reggie White and Warren Sapp. There is no way he doesn't become THAT good. BOOK THAT! He's a definite top 4 pick. If you want him you better pray we suck the whole year. It won't be too hard to do." - from another post.
  14. No chance we would have won with TE. You forget he got knocked out on 3rd down.... He converts 3rd downs at a stunning clip of 25%! 1 in 4. Let's see how Fitz does with a full week of practice.
  15. Just kidding.....sort of! We beat the JETS! Yahoo!!!
  16. No, I agree. Good teams make opportunities and capitalize on them. The Bills secondary is really good. Before all the injuries I wonder if they were in the upper echelon in pass defense. Maybe not statistically, but they played admirably against Drew Brees, and that is saying a ton! But Sanchez did suck today (wish we had him )!
  17. The line was better because Fitz made quick decisions and threw slants. TE caused many sacks by thinking too much, not feeling the pressure, and holding the ball too long.
  18. When the season started, the Pats were so worried about the WRs that Jackson had a ton of space to run. Then once teams knew that TE never through to WRs they just stuffed the box and there were no lanes to run in. Now that Fitz can spread the field a little, they have to start respecting the passing game, and the lanes will start opening up again. That's my theory, and I'm hoping for a little win streak now.
  19. Fitz moved the ball. He through SLANTS with a zip! He's not as accurate as TE but at least he makes quick decisions and trusts his receivers enough to at least throw the ball to them.
  20. 5/5 but still did not convert a 3rd down as he held the ball too long and got sacked! Accuracy is garbage when you throw dumps all day.
  21. Let me start by saying, I've been a Bills fan for 39 years. But come on, the Bills still sucked today. It's just the Jets and Sanchez sucked worse. But I'm definitely loving this win and was able to jump up and down with my 7 year old son - and throw my arm out!
  22. I've felt that same way for the last 10 YEARS! I'm a sucker, plain and simple!
  23. DUDE, we lost to CLEVELAND! He's the QB! 3 points? R U Kidding???!?!?!?!?
  24. FUNNY - sad - but funny, and true! 40 years as a Bills fan. Why? Loyalty I guess. Had to take off my jersey today. Last week, this week...Just embarrassing. Listening to Trent Edwards post game interview. Sad and pathetic. No fire. No balls. Step up to the plate? How many more games before you "step up to the plate?" Jauron is a problem, but the GM has placed the Bills in this position. Give me a break!
  25. Well that explains it. We pick up the cast offs of the worst team in the NFL for 5+ years... Where's the "Fire the GM" thread?
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